Patch Notes 3.1.0
Classes changes
- Only Witch can now use 'Wands'. - Only Templars can now use 'Sceptres'. - Only Duelists can now use 'Swords'. - Only Marauders can now use 'Two-handed weapons'. - Only Shadow can now use 'Daggers'. - Only Ranger can now use 'Bows'. - Only Scion can now wear 'Tabula Rasa'. Skill changes - Completely removed Poison and Bleeding from game. Item changes - Some item types are now class restricted. Charge changes - Max charges to have is 3. Map changes - Removed all linear maps in game. Passive tree changes - Removed about 100 nodes to make it easier for newer players - Life nodes have now been reduced to give lesser life so game is more balanced. UI changes - Now additionally improved the Help section to make it more easier for new players. Ailment changes - Shock and chill now removed from the game. You cannot shock or chill anymore. Gameplay mechanic changes - Totally removed ES from the game as it now felt unnecessary to have. - Removed instant leech ability for life. Ascendancy class changes - Each ascendancy class now only have 1 node to make it easier to spec into. The node have been adjusted accordingly to make it feel balanced in the game of the previous ascend class. (Upcoming changes in 3.2.0 - Passive tree will have a complete re-work overhaul, you will now only gain a passive point every 10 levels and there's only 30 nodes to pick from for a easier and more pleasant experience. This will also apply to Xbox version.) Sorry if this is an ironic post.. but this is just how it feels this game is headed toward. If a build or skill is good , yeah , so what? You are playing it in a league and having a blast, maybe you'll play it again next league, but 3rd time a charm? No... you would want to try something new. Well then for the new players, who start play this game, yeah they would want and most likely gonna try it, but they arent gonna play it every league for the rest of their PoE life. I thought this game was about diversity, making it possible to create unique builds and have fun doing so, but with all these nerfs incoming they are just simply pushing us into a corner forcing us to play a certain way. And when they realize we killed Shaper and Uber with it too, they nerf it too, make the forced corner even smaller. I don't understand why GGG can't just let it be, yeah we managed to clear the game with it, but we're not likely gonna play it every league from then on for the rest of our lives. People get tired and they want new things. Even if HoWa wasn't nerfed, I still think the peak rate of how many played it would go down since people wanna try different. And people get bored. Sure there might be a small percentage still playing it, but not in a peak scale. I just took HowA for an example. Best way to discover colors for your loot filter | IGN: Spear CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K @ 4.0Ghz | GPU: Radeon Series | OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit Mouse: Steelseries Rival | KB: Corsair K70 RGB | Monitor: Acer Predator Last edited by Akymo86#1956 on Aug 3, 2017, 7:17:54 PM Last bumped on Dec 10, 2017, 8:25:05 AM
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Dude poison and bleed right now MY AS WELL be removed.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn Sahl djahs afah Mah morn narr |
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Don't give them ideas.
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You forgot something:
-Only Witches and Templars can now use spells and power charges. -Only Rangers and Shadows can now use ranged attacks and frenzy charges. -Only Duelists and Marauders can now use Melee attacks and endurance chrages. -Only Scion can now use Dots and auras. LUL Last edited by golan4840#5583 on Aug 3, 2017, 7:02:11 PM
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I hope they dont neuter charges and make them more specialized.
They already removed one of them from the game with out explanation, mention or reason. IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
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well the way I see it the cycle will go back the other way
and we should get buffs the come 4.0 everything gets nerfed back into the ground I dont see any any key!
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QQ now I take 5% longer to clear a map, game dead. lol
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" The ES bow boys will take a bit longer than 5% to clear a map now :) IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
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" Pretty much. The meta slaves are getting their panties wet over this. It's so god damn annoying, but somewhat satisfying too see. Last edited by lupasvasile#5385 on Aug 3, 2017, 7:36:50 PM
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I kind of miss when the bitching was about obviously dumb shit. It was a lot easier to explain why snapshotting or the days of half a dozen basically-free-lol-BM auras were busted as hell. Now half this game's playerbase thinks clearing a strand in 60 seconds with zero risk is the barometer for build success.
Ancient and unwise, SSF only since 2012 Last edited by Caiada#0297 on Aug 3, 2017, 7:38:18 PM
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