[3.6 Video Guide] Beginner's Guide SRS Baron Life [HC/SC/Atziri/Uber Izaro/Shaper Viable]
Hey @Ghazzy, just started playing the build and loving it so far! But on the leveling trees provided there is a skill point called Tireless left of the templar starting area but that has been changed. So I went to check the tree in PoB but it says "Couldn't resolve host name". Can you provide an up to date skill tree?
Thank you, love your builds and streams! EDIT : Nevermind I'm blind :D Last edited by sidar753#7074 on Jan 15, 2018, 10:32:01 AM
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Alright bro :) Lemme know if anything else is confusing! Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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First of all, thanks for creating the build!
I've been running this build since the start of the league and I think the char is pretty much maxed out gear wise. Of course all rares could be upgraded, but the cost of each upgrade would be several ex for a very small upgrade. This is my first char that I've reached endgame with, so I don't have much of a comparison with other build, but regardless, my 2 cents on the build: PROS: + Pretty much all map mods are runnable, temporal chains and cannot regenerate mana are the only ones that are pain to run, but could be done with curse removal flasks and/or mana flasks. + Cheap to start out and it's easy to find upgrades (just look for more life/str). + With the right gear you can easily farm most of the content, for me it is/was mostly T14-T15 maps and uberlab. CONS: - Around A8 and further the char becomes very squishy and deaths are rather common. Perhaps not a problem mid-league where gear is cheap, but at the league start it was an issue. - Somewhere around T7-T8 the gear needs major upgrades in order to progress further and deaths are still common. - Guardians are pain to kill, I've managed to kill all (2 on corrupted/rare maps and 2 on white maps), but would not try to kill them again. - Finding dex for gem requirements is hard (would even say impossible without astramentis) SO-SO: * Still have to keep 3 life flasks and use them constantly in order to survive some situations * The play style - on one hand it is super comfortable spamming SRS and minions killing everthing on screens and off-screen, on the other, running to a pack, spamming srs, running to pack, spamming srs, repeat*1000 gets very tedious very fast. Other notes: * With the current abyss jewels going for additional jewel nodes in tree is more profitable than small 5% life nodes. Just fill the slots with +life/+minion phys dmg/+%minion dmg if used minions recently. * It is currently cheaper to craft +3 fire mace than staff Link * For boss fights multistrike is better than melee splash. Additionally in some situations spell echo does seem to work better than minion speed (lose ~20% dps per minion, but can spam more minions so in the end the dps is higher) Current gear: |
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" Dont wanna Quote everything :P Instead of unsing the 3rd Life Flask and a Second Quicksilver use a Granite and Basalt Flask. They are super good for helping to survive. Also for Guardians and Shaper you dont need Minion Speed and Spell Echo (spell Echo usually locks you in the cast animation and gets you killed as a Summoner.. happened alot to me in Harbinger). I am Using Ghazzys build for the second time (first in Harbinger and now again) and i learned that Ele Focus instead of Spell Echo or Minion Speed helps ALOT vs Guardians and Shaper. Also the Helm Enchant for Duration or the chance to summon an Extra SRS are superb for these Fights (that 16% Minion DMG on the Baron helmet is pretty meh compared to these 2 things) since you will spend alot of time running around dodging attacks (i would prefer the Duration but i used both enchants in Harbinger and both did feel good). Also your Jewels make me jelly... i want them! :P By the way.. try to get a Ghastly Eye Jewel with "Minions have x& chance to blind on hit"! They are incredible as a defensive tool. Last edited by Yogoff#3836 on Jan 18, 2018, 10:10:43 AM
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Acutally ran with basalt flask most of the time, but yeah, the "slow filling" flask and one of the QS mostly go unused. Will try the other granite/basalt.
Spell echo helped alot in the minotaur add phase, where the spirits died pretty much without doing any damage and could get only one summon before the minions would catch up from the running and pretty much oneshot me. But I will look into the ele focus. I did consider the enchants at some point, but they are rather expensive and farming lab in hopes of getting them did not seem such a good idea at the time. The jewels are actually relatively cheap to craft ;) The blind chance was something I was interested as well, but I found contradicting information regarding their usefulness. Will give it a try tho :) Oh, and found out today that there are boots/body with abyssal sockets, will have to check poecraft to see how much of an upgrade would they be and whether they are worth the money. Last edited by ZeFreak#1760 on Jan 18, 2018, 10:50:45 AM
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I would also use the recommended Grip of the Council as Gloves for Guardians and Shaper. its another huge Damage Boost and makes these Fights smoother and faster (the rampage gloves are mostly useless for fights) if you dont switch to them allready :P
Yeah Minotaur is a big bitch for this Build... the Golems hit like a truck and just dont die :( |
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Well, thanks for the tips, after 4. attempt was able to down the shaper :)
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Hi, its me again!-)
As last League and several Leagues before i play an Staff-Life based- Baron SrS cause the Synergie of these Build is such awsome!-) Last League i asked for ur spare Time to overlook my Char and these League i will do it as well =) I really enjoy that fast Clearspeed of these Build and its more as "ok only" Tankiness and tried to push it a little further with new Elder/ShaperItems. My Guildmate told me that Abyssjewels with "increased Miniondam if used Minionskill recently" outclasses the old Jewels cause it can roll up to 20 and that on 6-7 Jewels is like an free MinDamMod. After that DpSwise would be that Hybrid "Minions have (4–6)% increased Cast Speed Minions have (4–6)% increased Attack Speed" best, and after that that flat Phys comes in Line and that only as Flaring (ilvl 83) Tier. I rearanged my Jewels after his Tip and must say its True from my Feelings and PoB says same DpSNumberwise. I tried to get increased Str% or increased Attributes on each Slot i can and ended up with giving up MinionmovespeedMod on Amu for the One i use und would say it was totally worth it. Finding an Rare ElderChest i like is painfull and ended up trying to get it via Chaosspam cause i want; FlatLife 80+-more =better as usual increased Life% 7 or higher increased Str% 7+ or Flat as T1 Roll 1,5%+ of Life regenrated per Second + any high Resis and that truly only on an AstralBase cause of well known Reasons!-) Oh, my Gear atm;
I think an simply DarknessEnthroned Belt outclasses my One but i like mine!-) Staying at 8,7k Life and around 700+Liferegen per Sec without any Buffs. I am fine with that amount and reached 1034 Str as well to get that Lifeleech from ZombiesBonus via BaronHelmet =) Last League i had TC on Hit corrupt on my Gloves (that works with Arc-SpellTotem) and these i got Ele weak instead. I do not really feel a Difference with or without Ele weak and would not use it again. I changed my Boots a lot and sold some of my olds but like to show a bit from my SrS-Stuff Tab there most of my used Gear has a new Home =) For Jewels i can only say my Profile is open, cannot link em here but would like to hear Opinions if possible.
I tested a lot on new Jewelslots before i talked with my Guildmate =) Does AnyOne sees Room for more improvements on my Gear? Oh, and sorry for my bad English, its not my native Language!-) Trading DpS with Monsters for Loot will ever best Ratio!-)
Sitting in Town, flipping Items until all Gear is biS, and get fastly bored from running Maps instead of grinding Upgrades is no Resolution! |
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Thanks for the build.
It's fun to play and i like it but i have one question: So I use "Cast when damage taken" with "Immortal Call" but I don't unterstand how it works with this build. If i have endurance charges and i get damage than i get "invulnerable to physical" damage. The problem is i don't gain endurance charges.? o_O best regards me :P |
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" Grip of the Council is part of the guide ;) But yeah, points done of the previous posts here are valid. However, feeling squishy early league during acts shouldn't be the case if you alch / essence some gear to sort the gearing imo. Also, the dexterity is easily achievable even early league without Astramentis, you focus as much dexterity as possible from your amulet then you are able to get dexterity on both rings if required as well as gloves and/or benching. There are plenty of room for dexterity on the gear on top of allowing you to spec +30 node till you can get the Astramentis. " GeGe! :D " Hey again, As I read this post I smiled move and more as I continued reading! This is what I call minmaxing, obviously the standarized "get higher numeric values on all items" always apply till all gear is 100% perfect but damn bro, this looks so stupidly good :D Nice work! To answer your actual question: I cannot see any clear area where you could improve the state of your character. " My pleasure bro! This is a very common question :) Endurance Charges increases the base duration of IC. Since we have non, we only utilize the base duration (which gets affected by increased duration modifiers such as support gem / ascendancy / skilltree etc etc) which is enough for us not to instantly die to a large pack of Porcupines and/or Bone Husks! Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv |
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