[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter
I've created my filter, downloaded it, played a while, noticed I still had to make changes and so I came back to modify it.
On the home page it says " I click on Load auto save, but when I customise it there are no changes done, just as if I didn't change anything in the filter. What am I doing wrong? http://imgur.com/a/BjBzn By the way, the loot simulator doesn't generate breach rings. further update: earlier I re-customised a filter from scratch, and now that I've just reopened the browser it works. If it can help, you can find it here: https://pastebin.com/gDt8tJ89 expires in one year. /oos Last edited by Xcava86X#4514 on Sep 4, 2017, 8:44:52 AM
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When I hide some unique's in my filter and the unique drops in-game. I cannot see it but I can still hear it dropping. Is there a way to disable the sound too? |
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Hey guys, loving filterblade. Wanted to share my feedback about jewelry in the filter:
I'd like to hide items of basetype "Gold Ring", "Paua Amulet", "Amethyst Ring", "Paua Amulet", "Gold Amulet", "Cloth Belt", "Studded Belt", and "Chain Belt" in my filter, but the Filterblade interface does not seem to have a convenient way to handle this. In the "Rings and Amulets" section there are only global options for notifying/hiding by ilvl, and in the "Hide Other Rares" section there are only blanket options for hiding rares by a "tier" designation that seems to be undefined for jewelry in the "Rare Items" section. So in order to hide those I have to text edit the Filterblade output manually in the Code section, when it seems to me that manually notifying/hiding individual item BaseTypes by any general criteria should be a basic function of Filterblade. In addition, I have to manually re-add my jewelry hiding criteria whenever there's a base update to Neversink's filter. I think Filterblade would be much improved if there were a separate section for configuring the notifying/hiding of any arbitrary item that matches any arbitrary criteria (which is obviously possible by text, but I think your intention is to provide a nice GUI for interfacing with the text output). Thanks for all your effort! Twitch: AphelionPOE
reddit: aphelion_perihelion |
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I'm trying to create a filter that only shows items I want to pickup. It would be great if filterblade allowed me to specify certain unique bases to hide. For example I never pickup unid Deerskin Boots, since even near-perfect rolled Deerstalker are worthless, and it is the only unique on that base type.
Or should my strategy be to hide the catch-all level (which is expressively discouraged) and only add valuable uniques to the higher levels? |
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Yellow maps are not filtering correctly. I have them set to disable the hiding of maps. In game and in the loot simulator if i select just maps any yellows that drop are hidden. When i click on them to "show" the button does nothing and will not enable them to be shown.
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hello bro, i dont' want show any low tier unindefiny rare item, but i want show all indefiny rare item, have any choice like this ? can i make option like this ? thanks you for read bro!
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" I'm experiencing this same bug. Any word on a fix? Also do you plan on open sourcing the application? I am interested in merging bug fixes or at least identifying them. Last edited by capsaicinkid#6505 on Sep 17, 2017, 4:00:06 AM
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Having problems uploading filters that i downloaded to modify them. Browser cache is clear often so i rely on uploading the filter later if i want to change something but "upload save-file" option in the download tab gives me an error it says "There was an error on your save file. It could be outdated. If you are sure it's a bug, please contact us at Support@FilterBlade.xyz"
I've tried uploding the file from different directories and with .txt extension instead of .filter it gives the same error. Please fix, is really annoying to change all again whenever i want to do a small tweak here and there. "In this game you're just a cow being milked, not a human being entertained" - Kiss_Me_Quick
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" This is just a visual bug (Loot simulator). We found the problem and it's gonna be fixed in the next update. " We're on it. Thanks for including the save file, I can reproduce the bug and will try fixing it for the next patch. " No, that's the default sound by GGG. Nothing I can do about it. " Included in the next patch :) Thank you for your feedback. " Also included in the next update/patch! " Yellow maps as in rare? Or T6-10. Use the hide map by tier slider to hide them. I don't quite get what you want to change and what exactly you clicked. " ... I don't understand :( " Yes, we're on it. If you experience the bug, please attach your "save" file (can be downloaded by hovering over "more" i the download screen). We plan on mirroring our Bitbucket repository to github in the coming updates. I'm not sure about the license. I likely want to forbid rehosting the website with my filter, but will allow reusing the core for other projects or other filters. Not sure yet. It will obviously allow and welcome pull requests though. " Can you upload your save file? Also are you sure, you're using the Save file and not the filter? Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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Hello NeverSink,
First of all I would like to thank you for the amazing job you did with your loot filter and FilterBlade site itself. It is simple yet powerful tool for filtering trough all that junk that would otherwise cover my screen. Two things that I find a bit troublesome tho are: 1. When filtering jewelry there seems to be no option of actually choosing to only show rings and amulets and ignore belts. As far as I know in Rare Items>Rings and Amulets options it is not possible to separate them, just choose to show or hide them altogether (rings+amulets+belts). 2. Second one is concerning maps. I usually hide all maps later in the league as long as they are not tier 11+ (red maps) or unique ones, but the thing is that I would actually like to see those maps (t1-10) in case they are corrupted (mostly because of 8 mod roles). It is possible to highlight maps that are corrupted, but the thing is if they were set to be hidden, they still won't be shown. It would be great if there was an option to actually hide all lower tier maps, but with the exception of corrupted ones that would overwrite that setting and show them in case they are corrupted. Of course I could be missing something and that it is possible to adjust those 2 things, in which case I do apologize. Once again thanks for the great tool and all the work you put in it. |
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