[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter
" That's the case yeah. This is a situation, where you'll have to disable one of the two rules on filterblade. In this case I don't know what the user priority is. " Should be back. " Checked, should be alright. Then again, we did some adjustments in last patch. " We can add that for the next update. " Should be fixed " Currently no way. " Should be alright, yeah the guide is outdated, I don't have time to make new video series right now. " There's multiple ways of achieving the result you want. Probably the easiest thing you can do, if you want it to work for any level is to go to the very bottom of the customizer and add a new BaseType highlight rule, add the bases you want, set rarity to <= magic, quality to >= 5, and maximize it's strictness to affect the whole filter. To address your other concerns, I intend to restructure the customizer a bit in the future to make it easier to perform these edits. --- As for your chaos recipe question, "exclude T1/T2" means that T1/T2 will be highlighted the same way it was highlighted before and the chaos recipe highlight will affect all other items. Overwrite all means it affects T1+T2. Once again, I agree the naming can be better. The order of operations is the following. First the server retrieves a file with the Base (Stable/SC/HC) + Strictness + Style combination. That means there's around ~250 different filters and the right combination is chosen. The server only provides the latest version. Then presets are applied. Presets are basically "normal" changes, same things you do in the customizer. That means anything a preset does can also be done by hand. So yeah it modifies the filter. Strict+Presets is different from normal strict or normal regular. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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1st let me say that I love this tool and can not thank you enough for it...
Having played around 1500 hours since the delve league I have seen a lot of loot drop and this filter is by far the best thing going. But with respect to Betrayal "veiled" drops - I have nearly every crafting open to level 3 now but have never once seen a veiled flask. When I look at my crafting bench not a single veiled flask is shown... when I look at the filter under Betrayal -> Veiled Mods, I notice that Flask is not in any of the "Class" check boxes...? I'm not sure if my other flask settings are just not showing the flasks as well since I basically have them all turned off except Quality > 10% for the orbs... I'm not sure how to share my exact filter settings as I've always just saved them locally... but if need be can follow instructions on how to make it available... Thanks Again! |
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Hi, i have a small suggestion: add into the preset choices, : *hide items worth less then X chaos would be good mostly for divination card and currency and old leagues drops presets. keep up the great work, thank you I hate the lab
SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1609216 |
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" Veiled flasks all come from the Cinderswallow unique that is the drop from the Catarina boss event. " We'll consider that, thanks! Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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I have one suggestion - It would be great to have item progression for other item classes like armor chests, armor/es boots, etc.
For example, while leveling with marauder, I generally like picking up bases with the highest armor (sometimes even if it doesn't have the best links - quite helpful for ssfhc) and throwing some random essence on it. Currently on filterblade, I couldn't find a way to easily do this. It would be great if it can be added to the leveling section. Thanks for the awesome tool though! Last edited by drunksaint0#1765 on Dec 20, 2020, 4:51:38 AM
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Hey there, I have a technical question. For some reason I cannot sync the filters with my account anymore. Any time I try to sign in with PoE it fails with the message "Could not connect: User filterblxxxx already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections" (I removed the last few characters of the fliterbl identifier, just in case).
What's the problem here? Is it the amount of connections to my PoE account? It used to work.. currently I have an email connection, a steam connection and a Twitch connection. And I used to not have any problems signing in and syncing despite having had all of those connections for more than a year or two. Edit: A couple of hours I decided to google the problem again and this time I found this being discussed on a reddit thread. Sounds like a known server-side issue. Last edited by Luftwache#3222 on Jan 16, 2021, 9:51:52 AM
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"Could not connect: User filterblxxxx already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections"
I was having this issue today as well. That problem seems to be gone, but now I cannot load any of my saved filters from the site in order to make changes. Last edited by Durf#2997 on Jan 15, 2021, 8:28:58 PM
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Can not load a filter I created with the website and saved on the website (locally and via profiles, signed in via POE acc).
Do I have to leave the website open? " Update: It is working now. Can load a saved filter. Last edited by RPGNoobANKA#0714 on Jan 16, 2021, 11:01:28 AM
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It doesnt work properly in this league. Yesterday could not download, today can download, but the ones I do doesnt come with the changes I made, sounds, etc.
Oh it looks like a sync problem with the poe site, looks great now! IGN: Gonorreitor Last edited by Valmar#3550 on Jan 16, 2021, 1:52:33 PM
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Can't add citadel bow in chance section..don't know if that is meant to be like that
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