[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter
Its hiding chroma recepie items forcing me to hold my show all loot button all the time to make sure im getting them, halp what do i need to do, doing it at all levels of strictness
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Shit post -
I have made hundreds of changes to my filter over the past few leagues. ONE TIME, i forget to load my saved filter, made ONE CHANGE, saved it, and now i can never change it through the filter again without making the same billion changes. Awful system, if anyone reads this, don't be fooled. The first thing that a smart programmer would do is guard from simple errors. What a joke. | |
" Oh no no no. You didn't just say that. SIMPLE ERROR? The following system are in place: - We have an auto-load prompt on start-up. - It LITERARY asks you if you want to override a save, that you haven't loaded. It doesn't do it otherwise. - You can try reading the warnings. - You can use more than one save slot on the save/load screen. - You can use online saves (both public and private) - You can download the save file and upload it again You successfully ignored ALL and EACH precaution, didn't make a single backup (even if there's 3 different versions!) and it was literary one click 50 pixels away over the course of several leagues. Congratulations. You're the 0.01%. There's a certain section of users where no amount of hand-holding will save you. But here's the best part: You decided to blame others and teach them how to do "smart development" - for your incompetence, because they didn't provide even more babysitting on a free project, you're using since months. In case I sound triggered: it's because I am. " Click Z or Ctrl+Click it in the simulator to find out what rule is hiding it on lower strictnesses. " At the very bottom of FilterBlade you can add "Additional-Mod FIltering Rules". Filter by the mod "Veiled". You can use all other settings there to adjust it further. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Apr 3, 2019, 5:39:04 PM
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99.99% of the time i am the good guy.
.01% of the time im an a**hole & a baby when im frustrated. That's the problem with forums, there should be a waiting period like with buying a gun. I tried re-uploading my local files and failed, but, i likely didn't try very hard. I never, ever delete one of my downloaded versions so as not to have this happen. I will figure that out. I do appreciate you, your hard work & your site. It makes my do-it-yourself filter much better. I used to change every little detail myself and now I can just press a button or two and back to killing stuff. Sorry for being a baby. -juo | |
So why are changes made in the "advanced - filter structure" settings not saved?
Last edited by Archey#3683 on Apr 6, 2019, 4:59:23 AM
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" It's alright. " Technical reasons. FilterBlade doesn't save the FILTER, it saves a list of changes, based on an "option-file". This technology allows merging your changes into the latest filter version, because the option file explains how to map them. By using the structure screen, you perform direct edits on the filter. There's no option file for that and thus it can't generate a save file or update into the latest versions. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Apr 6, 2019, 12:23:42 PM
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" So how can I change the look of hidden low level/leveling items, without using the filter structure? I've managed to get >65 items the way i want, but cant see where to change the lower level ones e: nvm i found it thanks Last edited by Archey#3683 on Apr 7, 2019, 1:28:43 PM
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trying to make my first ever customized filter with filterblade and wanted to add some white base type drops to highlight.
is there a reason why i cant find or add "Saint´s Hauberk" as a BaseType? SOLVED Edit: nvmd, could add it afterwards with textEditor Last edited by Ruuhhly#0305 on Apr 18, 2019, 12:16:00 PM
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Hi guys
started playing MF and realized I can't under any circumstance or any combination fully disable worthless unique items. I did manage to make them not have a marker on map and not be highlighted on the ground but they still play the annoying sound no matter what, and they have the brown unique beam flashing every single time. I tried everything, could it be it just cant be done? IGN: GoldenPepe
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Great filter Ive used the Purple very strict for years.. thanks a lot Neversink.
One question I drop so many corsair swords.. am i looking for something in particular? Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Apr 20, 2019, 12:30:15 PM
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