[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter
" I think I can see your error in our server logs. However, I can't tell from those what exactly is causing it. Would you mind sending the save thats causing this problem? (Either by clicking on More and downloading the saveFile, or (if that still causes the error) saving it online and sending the sharing link.) And (if you know this by any chance) a way to reproduce a buggy save like this one? - ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
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" I'm not sure I can fix this one on our side. It seems to be a verified issue on Microsofts Edge side: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/15181565/ However, they say the new Win10 October update should fix this: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/19029613/ I can keep you updated if I have any news on this if you want. - ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
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" Got it thanks! I am on version from march of this year, so I will update and try it out. Thanks again for debugging the issue |
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" http://www.filterblade.xyz/#ZC78UIj0apTx Here's the save that is causing the issue currently You can recreate the issue by Copying High Tier 2 Currency and Pasting it on High Tier 3 Currency, making them have the same colors and sound. I tried changing colors for other items and they don't cause the issue so I'm curious to what's going on here exactly. |
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" Thanks a lot for this info! Even tho the filter you sent didnt seem to have any problems, the recreation info helped me quickly find and solve this issue and I just updated the live website with a fix. This should also fix any saveStates with this issue. The problem was the new DisableDropSound identifier implementation (which is also used when you use the copy/paste buttons), because of a data type inconsistency that caused a crash when trying to update the UI. This crash caused all sorts of things to not finish (or even start) properly, which also occurred when trying to switch to a different tab, such as Overview. - ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
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Last edited by Gummy1142#7919 on Dec 28, 2018, 11:53:33 AM
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dumb question, do you make your own folder inside your documents/user/poe folder named loot filter, or do you put the text folder along side the mini map folder,shop images folder, credential log in etc
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Hello all FilterBlade fellows, thanks as always. NS, I hope you are healing well.
I was wondering if there is a manner in which I can hide all T1/T2 armours and weapons under a certain ItemLevel, without disturbing my Chaos recipe setup. In other words, the only rare armour and weapons I want to see are T3 and below for the Chaos recipe, with the handpicked T1/T2 section only showing above a certain ItemLevel. Am I making any sense? :) *Pending impressive statement of some variety*
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Can anyone have an interesting sound pack for the filter? I saw in the public filters on the site filterblade, someone tried for himself and made an impressive selection pack. if you are the author of this list of sounds here, then sign off, share with us)
- veryvaluable.mp3 - shaper_elder.mp3 - 3uniques.mp3 - 2currency.mp3 - 6_sockets.mp3 - atlas_exclusive.mp3 - 6veryvaluable.mp3 - currency_3.mp3 - maps_unique.mp3 - frags_normal.mp3 - maps_high.mp3 - maps_mid.mp3 - maps_very_high.mp3 - 4maps.mp3 - maps_low.mp3 - frags_high.mp3 - frags_vaal.mp3 - currency_extra.mp3 - currency_1.mp3 - currency_2.mp3 - delve_1.mp3 - delve_2.mp3 - essence.mp3 - valuable.mp3 - div_high.mp3 |
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May I add a suggestion for veiled mods?
Have them in a separated, so you can easily hide based on an item slot (weapons, body armours, rings etc.) |
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