[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter
" Because the filter can't know how good your equip is! Or if this is a 2nd char or not! Plus the strictness levels only have little impact while leveling. You can just add a custom Hide rule on FilterBlade to hide all classes and be done with it. - ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
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" We might add a "currently loaded indicators" or something, but at this point: - It's your decision to overwrite your other save, the website can't read your thoughts - It's your mistake for not using online saves/save backups/name filters/use the 32 save slots What's your idea of "adding something that stops this?" " That's not the general user experience. A lot of players don't shop, play selffound, need upgrades or fail to find the 4-links they need. I'll consider adding a easy way to disable leveling rules, but: 1) You still want to see armorer scraps and chroms. How am I supposed to know you find these useful? Everyone has a different definition of it. 2) The amount of 4-links is not that high. You also have the option to simply skip them. " Yes Customize->Endgame rare items->Add Custom Show/Hide Rules->Highlight by itemslot. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Sep 10, 2018, 10:52:01 AM
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A bold outline on the entire tab that is loaded atm and when overwriting the filter a popup to ask for confirmation with the name of the filter.
Redid my entire filter from leveling filter... OR maybe the save function could do TWO saves, one backup file that will always stay in the cache folder.. how bout that huh? And would leave old ones behind (not deleting them from the folder) so even if you overwrite the file you would have a backup!! Mathils actual cat
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First of all, thanks for the wonderful work put into these filters and the site itself. It's so easy to use and extremely valuable to adapt to my needs, pretty quickly.
I have a couple questions and a possible feature request/bug report. When something is titled Endgame, is that meant for level 65+ throughout the entire filter structure? I like to get glassblower's baubles for instance, so currently have set the filter to show them not only for perfect 20% quality, but also for 10%+. For ilvl under 65, does this mean that all will show up? I'm fine with that, just wondering how this works. The bug/feature query is about the search function to the right (very neat btw!). When I search for "glassblower" I get 3 hits, but not the one in General->Vendor recipe. Is this an oversight or are those not meant to show? I've previously tried to save filters locally (the 32 slots), but they don't 'stick' for very long. That is quite possibly due to some settings on my end, as I'm using NoScript and such, and I'm blocking Google everywhere. So if this feature is based on gstatic or whatever, that might be why. However, I've saved the filter online, so that should work right, and I can go back to that URL and edit it later, also when you update the filter in the future? Last edited by Pangaearocks#3938 on Sep 10, 2018, 3:18:24 PM
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" Yes, the endgame/leveling parts of the filter are completely separated. Nothing that you edit in the endgame section has any impact on the leveling section and vise versa. If you want to edit quality flasks while leveling, you gotta edit the rules in Leveling -> Flasks -> Quality flasks. Yep, thats a mistake from our side, those in the vendor recipes are misspelled with only one "s". We'll fix that with the next update. Thanks for letting us know. The local saving works by using your browsers "local storage". Maybe you cleaned that up some time? Maybe you are mixing up different FilterBlade URLs. (Sadly, with and without www at the front and http and https all have different local storages.) Yep, the online saving works just like saving locally, you dont miss out on any features. And whenever you download a filter on FilterBlade, its ALWAYS the up-to-date NeverSink one. When you load a saveState, it will merge your changes into the new version. You can read more about that on the Save/Load tab on FilterBlade :) - ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
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" Thanks. I'll look around in there if I need to adapt the filter further, but for now I'm happy about more quality flasks and hammers showing up. Not everybody will bother with that, but I like to have a decent supply of glassblower baubles since it's not that easy to find them naturally, and I need a bunch on unique flasks. Got a bit of a wow moment about non-filter POE. Earlier I deleted the old .filter files (apart from the new one I was going to use), but the game was of course set to one of them. Played a couple of delves and noticed there was a lot of white and blue items filling the screen. Eureka! xD I'm not sure how people were able to cope before filters was a thing. |
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I'm having an issue with the filter causing the game to crash.
I'm using the strict filter + some mods. I've narrowed it down to the chaos recipe filter settings (followed the tutorial video.) Without these changes, it does not ever crash. Here is the link to my first filter that works fine (no chaos recipe): http://www.filterblade.xyz/#XrT6SwWbNeuP And here is the second with the chaos recipe that causes the crashes: http://www.filterblade.xyz/#jkLt14ytYwBD The filter is awesome. Just hope I can figure out how to get these crashes to go away. I should also mention that I can repeat this bug over and over. I can play for 10+ hours with the first filter without a flaw. Switch to the other, and guaranteed within 45 minutes I'll get about 200+ exceptions, then the game will stop responding/crash. I can't even re-launch the game without it freezing until I restart my PC. Last edited by Banedaemon#1064 on Sep 11, 2018, 10:59:17 AM
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" That sounds very, very unlikely. The technical aspects of it make no sense and I've heard some reports of it before over the years, but it usually comes down to server stability, internet problems, file corruption or simply luck. Nothing reproducable There are currently some instability (reported by GGG) in some zones, such as Kitava, Minotaur etc. and the realms are rather unstable anyway. The other option is that your datafiles are corrupted somehow. Are you using any custom sounds or custom configured beams/icons? Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Sep 11, 2018, 1:41:00 PM
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" I've ran the pack check program and all files are fine. At first I never suspected it was the filter, because it does seem like a HIGHLY unlikely source of the problem. Before I found out others had this same problem with the filter I tried re-installing POE, down-grading my graphics drivers, and dozens of other fixes which usually would solve such issues: I'm not new when it comes to diagnosing and fixing such problems. I've done professional tech support for a living and have done extensive reverse engineering and bug-fixing as a hobby. After I found out that others reported issues with the filter causing crashes, I played around with the filters. I played POE for weeks without the chaos recipe additions without a crash. Add the chaos rules in, and guaranteed within 45 minutes it will crash. This is real. And it is most definitely the filter. It's not luck. It is reproducible (at least on my end.) I've been testing this for weeks and weeks, long before delve was even released and only now decided to let you know about the problem. Being very technically savvy myself, I'll most likely find the issue with the filter and be able to give you solutions here soon. But it IS most certainly the filter interacting with the games code and causing the exceptions. I've been playing POE for over a year now and didn't have a single crash until using the *custom* Neversink filter. Server instability does not cause hundreds of exceptions and then require a complete restart of the PC. Clearly my luck has been just fine as well. Yes the servers will *very* rarely crash, but not every 15 minutes. More like once every few months, if that. That has at least been my experience. And when the servers crash or the game has other issues, they are nothing like this crash. This crash is unique, and specific to the filter settings. That is 100% confirmed. I'm also not playing delve, only standard so stability should not be affected by the delve updates. I'm not using any custom sounds or custom beams/icons besides those already specific in the standard Strict filter. |
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" I've seen some other complains. It's like 1-2 people/month, however not a single person was ever able to provide evidence or reproducible case. I think it comes down to people changing something they understand, testing for 30 minutes and then claiming to find gold. Considering that the filter has millions of downloads per year some of these complains are to be expected - I mean there's literary thousands of people, who believe the earth is flat... (no offense, but please understand my distrust. I'm a master engineer myself, with quite some development and filter development experience, the simple technology behind it makes it... absurdly unlikely.) Anyway: 1) When do the crashes happen? 2) Can you send me the two filter files you're using? 3) Can you provide a single 1 hour long evidence/stream of you (no cuts) using the non-crashy filter for 40 minutes FIRST and then switching to the crashy one and producing 1-2 consequent crashes? Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Sep 12, 2018, 4:43:01 AM
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