[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter

First of all, thanks for this amazing website to customize the filter.
I hope this is not already possible or was suggested before:
But right now the separation between leveling and endgame seems to be a fixed level of 65. Would it be possible to make this level customizable on the website?
Reason for that is, that I usually start farming blood aqueduct on leaguestart and I already want the stricter endgame/mapping setting to already start at that point.
Thank you in advance.
hedge37 wrote:
First of all, thanks for this amazing website to customize the filter.
I hope this is not already possible or was suggested before:
But right now the separation between leveling and endgame seems to be a fixed level of 65. Would it be possible to make this level customizable on the website?
Reason for that is, that I usually start farming blood aqueduct on leaguestart and I already want the stricter endgame/mapping setting to already start at that point.
Thank you in advance.

This is technically possible, but it'd require me to map over 80 different rules throughout the filter. That'd take ages and would be an absolute nightmare to maintain. As a contrast the most complicated features we've implemented so far required ~20-25.

If somehow the opportunity arises to implement this, without all this hassle, it might happen, but I wouldn't count on it.

EDIT: check out tobnacs reply below. there's actually a way. Sorta.

Yes I have tried different operators. Both the height and width sliders do not work on all the items,1-h,2h,armors etc

Have run the default chaos recipe and it runs well. But I would like to fine tune my recipes for different runs etc.

I watched the video and noticed the editor is different. The video does not have links where mine does.


Sounds like a browser or addon conflict. I can't reproduce any of it. Feel free to provide additional info/screenshots if you can.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Jul 24, 2018, 6:57:15 PM

Amazing work on FilterBlade, used it right from the start. Incredibly useful tool, even for me being a coder myself, it is just much more convenient compared to actually messing with the code of the filter.

I have a problem with some of the item drop settings, though: I am currently running a magic find build in very low tier maps. Therefore, I want my filter to be very strict, especially considering the low itemlvl for all the rares that drop. So I basically hide all rares, even jewellery.

However, when I run higher level maps, I'd like some of those rares to show up again. I didn't find an easy way to do this in a single filter. I can enable or disable all rares for specific bases in the rares section, but here I cannot set the itemlvl. Or I can enable or disable specific bases based on itemlvl in the crafting section, but there I cannot specify the rarity.

Maybe I am missing something, but taking jewellery as an example, I cannot seem to achieve my goal of showing no jewellery in low maps (say <75) and only rare jewellery in higher maps, without modifying the code. My only options are no jewellery at all, all rare jewellery for all levels, or no low lvl, but high lvl of all rarities.

Thanks for your work.
Snarky85 wrote:

Amazing work on FilterBlade, used it right from the start. Incredibly useful tool, even for me being a coder myself, it is just much more convenient compared to actually messing with the code of the filter.

I have a problem with some of the item drop settings, though: I am currently running a magic find build in very low tier maps. Therefore, I want my filter to be very strict, especially considering the low itemlvl for all the rares that drop. So I basically hide all rares, even jewellery.

However, when I run higher level maps, I'd like some of those rares to show up again. I didn't find an easy way to do this in a single filter. I can enable or disable all rares for specific bases in the rares section, but here I cannot set the itemlvl. Or I can enable or disable specific bases based on itemlvl in the crafting section, but there I cannot specify the rarity.

Maybe I am missing something, but taking jewellery as an example, I cannot seem to achieve my goal of showing no jewellery in low maps (say <75) and only rare jewellery in higher maps, without modifying the code. My only options are no jewellery at all, all rare jewellery for all levels, or no low lvl, but high lvl of all rarities.

Thanks for your work.

If I understand your situation, I would suggest you try this:
Set all the settings to how you want them in high level maps.
Then, add a custom rule to hide all classes and set that rule's itemLevel to <= 75 (or whatever value you want). This means in low level zones, all rares will be hidden, but on level 76+ zones, this rule wont have any effect and the filter will use the other rares rules instead.
- ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
hedge37 wrote:
First of all, thanks for this amazing website to customize the filter.
I hope this is not already possible or was suggested before:
But right now the separation between leveling and endgame seems to be a fixed level of 65. Would it be possible to make this level customizable on the website?
Reason for that is, that I usually start farming blood aqueduct on leaguestart and I already want the stricter endgame/mapping setting to already start at that point.
Thank you in advance.

Actually, we have been thinking and found a (currently not polished) way of doing this:

Go to the Advanced tab -> Command Builder.
Then, set the "Selectors" to ItemLevel and <= 65 and the "Actors" to ItemLevel <= x (whatever new threshold you would want) and click on Execute. Then, do the same for all other operators: Selectors to ItemLevel < 65 and Actor to ItemLevel < x and so on for < <= >= and >.

We plan to further test and improve this feature soon. Probably with a simple button and number input in the Quick Functions section above. Thanks for the input!
- ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
Tobnac wrote:
hedge37 wrote:
First of all, thanks for this amazing website to customize the filter.
I hope this is not already possible or was suggested before:
But right now the separation between leveling and endgame seems to be a fixed level of 65. Would it be possible to make this level customizable on the website?
Reason for that is, that I usually start farming blood aqueduct on leaguestart and I already want the stricter endgame/mapping setting to already start at that point.
Thank you in advance.

Actually, we have been thinking and found a (currently not polished) way of doing this:

Go to the Advanced tab -> Command Builder.
Then, set the "Selectors" to ItemLevel and <= 65 and the "Actors" to ItemLevel <= x (whatever new threshold you would want) and click on Execute. Then, do the same for all other operators: Selectors to ItemLevel < 65 and Actor to ItemLevel < x and so on for < <= >= and >.

We plan to further test and improve this feature soon. Probably with a simple button and number input in the Quick Functions section above. Thanks for the input!

That sounds great. Thanks a lot to you both for the help.
Tobnac wrote:

If I understand your situation, I would suggest you try this:
Set all the settings to how you want them in high level maps.
Then, add a custom rule to hide all classes and set that rule's itemLevel to <= 75 (or whatever value you want). This means in low level zones, all rares will be hidden, but on level 76+ zones, this rule wont have any effect and the filter will use the other rares rules instead.

I see, thanks. Probably have to be careful here, as this would hide stuff like six sockets or six links, if they happen to be affected by this rule, right?

€ I have trouble making the "hide items by slot" rule work. My configuration looks like this:


That should hide only jewellery in low lvl maps (68-75). However, it doesn't appear to be working:

Tried some other variations as well, (droplevel instead, just "<" instead of range, no rarity specified etc ect) but the amulet doesn't want to vanish.


Another question: The first thing, that came to mind for the identified mod filtering was valuable corruptions. Is there a way to show items with specific corrupted implicits? Like a rare/unique corrupted amulet with +1 curses? The current UI only seems to support explicit affixes, is this a limitation for the filter API or just for the FilterBlade UI?
Last edited by Snarky85#4985 on Jul 28, 2018, 6:13:41 AM
Snarky85 wrote:
Tobnac wrote:

If I understand your situation, I would suggest you try this:
Set all the settings to how you want them in high level maps.
Then, add a custom rule to hide all classes and set that rule's itemLevel to <= 75 (or whatever value you want). This means in low level zones, all rares will be hidden, but on level 76+ zones, this rule wont have any effect and the filter will use the other rares rules instead.

I see, thanks. Probably have to be careful here, as this would hide stuff like six sockets or six links, if they happen to be affected by this rule, right?

€ I have trouble making the "hide items by slot" rule work. My configuration looks like this:


That should hide only jewellery in low lvl maps (68-75). However, it doesn't appear to be working:

Tried some other variations as well, (droplevel instead, just "<" instead of range, no rarity specified etc ect) but the amulet doesn't want to vanish.


Another question: The first thing, that came to mind for the identified mod filtering was valuable corruptions. Is there a way to show items with specific corrupted implicits? Like a rare/unique corrupted amulet with +1 curses? The current UI only seems to support explicit affixes, is this a limitation for the filter API or just for the FilterBlade UI?

- Six Sockets/Links are not affected by this. They have too high of a priority.

- The Citrine Amulet is still shown because your rule is set to priority 4, not 5, meaning that it will not overwrite Tier 1 rares because they still have a higher priority. Just set the "strictness"
above the rule to 5) and it'll be alright.

- The new command for mod filtering is called HasEXPLICITMod, and as such it can only filter by explicit mods, not implicit ones or the ones coming from corruptions. We'll add a note about this there in the next update :)
- ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
Tobnac wrote:

- Six Sockets/Links are not affected by this. They have too high of a priority.

- The Citrine Amulet is still shown because your rule is set to priority 4, not 5, meaning that it will not overwrite Tier 1 rares because they still have a higher priority. Just set the "strictness"
above the rule to 5) and it'll be alright.

That was among the first things I tried, and it had no effect as well. I did set it to 4, because I assumed, 5 would override 6 sockets. Not that it matters, considering the rule only affects jewellery.

However, I did find the problem. I added the rule in the wrong section, under "leveling". I was under the impression, that there was only one area for custom rules like these, didn't realize each section has separate ones.

The tooltip for priority 5 states, it affects ALL rares, might want to consider specifying to something like "all rares in this section". The wording specifically made me not use prio 5, thinking I could affect other sections unintentionally.

Thanks for your help anyway :)
Tobnac wrote:

- The new command for mod filtering is called HasEXPLICITMod, and as such it can only filter by explicit mods, not implicit ones or the ones coming from corruptions. We'll add a note about this there in the next update :)

Thanks. I assumed as much, based on that wording :)
Last edited by Snarky85#4985 on Jul 28, 2018, 9:47:27 AM
Want to ask about "Hide rares by Tier" ["Endgame - Rare Items (Lvl 65+)"->"Add custom Show/Hide rules"->"Hide rares by Tier"]. I decided to make my filter a bit more strict and hide T1-T2 rares that were previously highlighted, and used setting, quote: "Hides T1 and worse tiers, excluding jewelry and 83-86 crafting items", which assumed exactly what i need. First thing i saw in my next map is T1 rare Crusader Buckler - apparently, "Hides T1 and worse tiers" mean "Hides tiers worse than T1" :D So i'm asking to either reword it, or make this option do what it supposed to, when you have time for that:)
P.S. "Hide all rares except jewelry" works fine for my goal, although im not sure about following things:
1) How "Hide all rares except jewelry" handle 83-86 crafting items;
2) How all settings in this section in general handle map-only drops such as Opal/Steel rings, Marble amulet etc:)

Thanks for such a great tool, and for making it even greater over time!:)

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