[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter
Hi PoE Friends,
I encountered a problem when modifying a filter, perhaps you can help me understand whats going wrong: Filter is based on blue filter, strict version. Follow my link to see which changes I made: http://www.filterblade.xyz/#Q9ECHvs9EAeh I like to see more of the endgame blue flasks since my stock isn´t build up and I just like flasks ;) Some other things I also like to pick up, so I set some items from "hidden" to "shown". The problem: it always hides high level flasks with the name "sanctified" and "hallowed" even so it shows the "Eternal" and "Divine" flasks (talking about everything in blue), which, as I understand it, are all defined together in the rule in the section: Part: Endgame - General (lvl 65+) => Flasks You can see it here in this screenshot, I´d like to also see those blue Life and Mana flasks named "Hallowed" and "Sanctified". screenshot of generated loot uploaded here https://imgur.com/a/OlBdE I dont know which rule to change on the "customize" page of the filterblade webpage to fix this. The tooltip on the hidden items says hiding the item is based on a rule mentioning "BaseType Flask" and an itemlevel threshold of ">=60". But even if I open the Filterchanges (!) txt file (filterchanges) and search for 69, this number doesnt even occur in the textfile. The corresponding rule does occur in the *.filter file though, line 2140 to 2145. It would be nice to know which part in on the websites "customize" page corresponds to this entry in the *.filter file. Thanks for the great tool and the help you provide, greetings, Altaya Last edited by Altaya#4712 on Dec 23, 2017, 2:13:45 PM
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" So I think your main problem is one simple thing: You wrote "Sanctified" with a lower case 's'. So basically you've been doing everything right. And tbh I didn't exactly know the PoE filter API cares about this stuff either. Some other stuff: The "Filter changes" file is an exclusive FilterBlade file that contains everything you CHANGED in a filter. This way we can transfer your customization onto other filter strictnesses and also newer versions if there's an update. That's why you didn't find that number in there, because you never changed anything to that number. And that entry you're talking about is not in the FilterBlade Customizer at all. Many aren't, simply because there are SO many of them and entries like this one are just...unnecessary. Because the only thing it does it hide all the remaining flasks that are not caught by any of the other rules, which means that those flasks are useless and uninteresting. (Meaning setting this entry to "Show" would probably also show e.g. "Small Life Flasks" and stuff like that. So you don't need to change anything about them in the first place. Just adding those flasks you want to see to the list of flasks you want to highlight was the right though. So, TL;DR: Change the 'sanctified' to 'Sanctified' with an upper case 'S' and everything should be fine. Same for the "Hallowed" ones too ofc. - ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
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" To add up on Tobnacs wall of text. In the customizer, if you hover over any item preview youll get a small text such as as "Based on this Entry: 75+ accesoires". This is something we call the "Search Name" Now in the Advanced scren, you can use the "Structure Screen" to look through the actual filter. Each section, (if its mapped), will have its correspondning "Search Named" listed in the accordion as the first words. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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Thanks for those helpful remarks, I´ll change everything accordingly :)
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Not sure if someone mentioned it already,
but is there a reason you have the chromatic orb recipe on "< rare" instead of "<= rare"? Had to change it too many times now manually because there's no hard save for this one. InGame : Eulenkautz
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" Many people asked. In a nutshell: - Rares get evaluated by their itemlevel/tier/size - Chromatics only get evaluated by size. In case of a chromatic rare, I have to pick, which of the 2 rules has priority. I currently favor rare item evaluation in the endgame. It's not easily possible to combine the 2 approaches, without adding ~3000 lines of code (which would create a mess and might slow it down). Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
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" Thanks for the clarification, don't know if I'm missing something here, but from what i can see from my testing this, changing the chroma recipe from "< rare" to "<= rare" just catches RGB rares that would go unnoticed otherwise and nothing else. Either it is just that easy or i really am missing something, will play with the setting more and see if something unwanted happens~ InGame : Eulenkautz Last edited by Eulenkautz#1132 on Dec 29, 2017, 8:24:23 AM
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" Yes. If the goal is to "just show rare RGB's" - it's that simple. However, there's a cost. The cost is that all rare rules, such as rare tiering (T1, T2, Ilvl84, Ilvl86 rares) all will never trigger if it's a RGB item. I find those way more important than a few chromatics. (Note, while leveling I employ the reverse strategy - RGB over rares) Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Dec 30, 2017, 7:37:49 AM
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Dont trust this lootfilter.
It hides rings and amulets. I mean rare ones. Just killed t15 boss and heard amy drops. saw none. Hidden 2rare ones. :( dissapointed I have a video of it not showing. But that doesnt chance much since I dont know how to just record full lootfilter etc etc. :| Probably missed a lot of amys this way.. I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG. Last edited by webas#6820 on Dec 30, 2017, 4:23:53 PM
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" Here are the options. Pick one or multiple ones: 1) You used uber-strict/uber-plus strict and got T2 or T1 rare rings and amulets hidden. This is absolutely intended on that level of strictness. Check www.FilterBlade.xyz for more information/an option to customize and preview your changes. 2) You customized/edited it and failed at it. 3) You have "Always Highlight" disabled. 4) You're talking shit/trolling. Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ. Last edited by NeverSink#3349 on Dec 30, 2017, 10:56:49 PM
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