Damage Over Time Changes - More Information Part 2
" Yeahhhh... They need to do one more post about it, but with graphics. Show us some of those flow charts like were posted above. Show a real example of a "before" and "after" scenario that real builds use. Show a screengrab of a passive tree node that has mods to both the hit and DoT. Show some hit-only nodes for comparison. Show some DoT-only nodes. Hell, if you have any finished examples, show some changes on the itemization. Basically I think I, and others, want to see that double-dipping meta is truly dead, but that viable alternatives, such as builds that only scale hits, builds that focus mostly on DoTs, and builds that split between the two seem to be in some sort of even state. I mean, the whole point of this endeavor is balance, right? Let's see pictures/video of evidence! I guess players will provide this for us anyway with beta, but seeing this stuff in action rather than a bunch of textwalls that confuse by adding in new dribbles of information (like hybrid hit/DoT nodes existing on the tree) aren't super helpful. |
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My voidheart left me
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" this actually answers all the questions i had, thank you IRON MAN Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on May 11, 2017, 1:52:16 AM
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Will the damage calculator for Blink/Mirror Arrow get fixed? The base skill does not show accurate values, neither do Traps or Totems that use those skills.
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U didnt answer the last question tho XD.
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sounds like meh.. will do the new content and quit again getting bored on the game for some reason.
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I never understood what people meant by dot damage "Double dipping" - it's not double dipping. Bleed/Burn/Poison for an amount based off the initial hit.
If you hit for more, they bleed for more. " Yeah, I don't like to farm for 2999 hours for 2 exalted orbs to buy a minor piece of gear to increase the rate at which I acquire 2 more exalted orbs. I'm all about a grind and gear treadmill, it just gets to a point where things are so vastly out of reach it's pointless. ~ Seph Last edited by sephrinx#7591 on May 11, 2017, 1:05:04 AM
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Yeah, but then other things scale it more. If you hit someone with fire damage and they ignite, the amount of the ignite scales off the initial hit, increased by, say, increased fire damage. But then the ignite is fire damage as well, so is increased by the same increased fire damage modifier a second time.
It gets even zanier when DoT effects inherit tags of the skills that caused them. So if I poison a bunch of enemies with an AoE skill like Earthquake, the poison scales off the Earthquake hit. Since Earthquake is an area skill, the damage can be increased with increased area damage. Makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that the poison that's now on the enemies inherited that "area" tag from the Earthquake gem, so now the poison *also* scales with your increased area damage. So often it's more than double-dipping, as people scale their DoTs with multiple things that double-dip, like increased chaos damage, area damage, etc. It also counts for damage conversion builds, which is why things that convert damage are often getting nerfed (like Pyre). If you used the old 100% cold-to-fire Pyre ring and had something that gave you increased elemental damage, it would work twice: scaling the original cold damage of the skill, then scaling the fire damage after the conversion took place. |
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" to touch on why it's called "double dipping" in the current patch. For example, if you had 100% increased generic (double-dip capable) damage, and a base damage of 1000. Your initial hit will deal 2000 damage, which makes sense. Let's say this damage applies some DoT that is based on the initial hit; let's say it's 5% of the initial hit per second for 4 seconds. You would think this would deal 2000*0.20 = 400 damage over 4 seconds (100 damage per second). However, this is not the case - it is dealing (2000*0.2)*2 = 800 damage over 4 seconds, because for some odd reason that 100% increased generic damage is applying AGAIN to the DoT, after it has calculated its base damage (400) from the initial hit (2000). In the new system, the DoT will have some base damage not based on the initial hit, so that the 100% increased damage can apply once to the hit damage (1000*2 = 2000), and once to the DoT (1000*0.2*2 = 400). Before 3.0, that hit would deal 2800 damage. After 3.0 hits, it will deal 2400. It doesn't sound like much with only 100% increased damage, but throw a higher increased modifier (around 500%?) and a couple of "more" modifiers and the difference becomes quite apparent quite quickly. noot
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" Yeah, that all makes perfect sense. Hit something harder, it will take more damage. Very simple. It's an AoE hit? --> Inc AoE Damage. It's a fire skill? ..> Inc Fire Damage It doesn't matter what it is, it will still equate to a larger initial hit, therefore the secondary damage over time will be larger. Take a big rock and hit something. Now take that same rock, but make it bigger and hit something. It does more damage! ~ Seph
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