[2.6] LHC Rank #17 - Righteous Fire - Juggernaut

i have a question, why dont we use the uber lab ascendency points to get the fortify bonuses, since it gives you more damage with fortify on, and more life regen ? is there a reason to go for mobility over life regen and damage, since we already have a good moving method (shield charge).

btw, i am playing your build on sc and i have been loving it, thx!
XxEyeOfAngerxX wrote:
i have a question, why dont we use the uber lab ascendency points to get the fortify bonuses

You already take it for merc lab.

Nerdicide wrote:

Ascendancy Order:


Unstoppable is mostly a QoL thing, so it's definitely saved for uber lab. It is not necessary for the build to preform, so if you are not comfortable running uber lab yet, do NOT rush into it just for the last points. I would wait until you at least have a kaom's heart.

Hello i really liked your build, as it solves problems with endurance charges on boss fights, to take jugger instead.

Im not a HC player anymore, so i changed your tree a bit. For 2 more jewel slots that can have 14% life and more damage mods, but losing 22% life. And got the 70% burning damage nods too.

Didnt tested it yet, waiting for 3.0 to play again. But i really loved the theorycraft.

Please take a look and let me know your opinion of my passive tree.

You can gain 20 str by linking on outside Barbarism, Stamina and Jugg, and by puting the inteligence point near Faith and Steel to link Devotion area on outside downway . Look at my tree to see how and why.
You don't need endurance charge duration as Jugg.
Is a waste to put points in increasing area.
You need only 5 points to link Tireless vs 6 points Purity of flesh. Doh...do people bother read only few posts up?
Here is a better tree if you insist on this build:
click me
Got 2 more jewels and same life. You loose some chaos resist and 70% burning damage. 2 well rolled jewels will give 14% life and more than 70% increased damage.

As rule of thumb don't invest points in things that can be obtained from gear.
The three I gave you is still poor because it keeps the +1 curse. You can get an amulet with +1 curse and free lots of passive points to invest in life/life regen.
Last edited by Piftiuta#3122 on May 23, 2017, 2:18:26 AM
How about a Leo crafted life/resists shield instead of rise of Phoenix, have anyone tested it? Maybe on 3.0 It Will be same or even better than Phoenix.
Math is your friend.

89 % fire resistance with Rise of the Phoenix. RF burns for 90% of your life.
So you will need (100-89)*0.9 = 9.9% HP regeneration to sustain RF.

81% fire resistance without RotP. RF burns for 90% of your life, but you take 20% reduced DoT.
(100-81)*0.9*0.8 = 13.68% HP regeneration to sustain RF.

Ye sustaining RF is ok, u loose some regen for that. But with a life shield with New Life mods, u have more total life than with Phoenix, and more damage with RF.
Maybe with a Little more life buff that may come with new patches, this diference could be a reasonable choice between, more ehp and damage with a life shield with leo or more life regen with Phoenix.

Edit: 20% regen of 10000 life = 10% regen of 20000 life.
This actually happens with energy shield RF today, they have less % regen but they can have easy 5000 es regen, and life RF have more total % regen but have like 3000 life regen.
Last edited by HoockBr#6817 on May 23, 2017, 2:36:42 PM
i am currently trying your build but some how i only have 9 endu charges.

3 as base charges
3 from tree
2 from the rings
and 1 from ascendaries

where is the last one hidden :)

edit: nvm i didnt do oak :S
Last edited by Schweinskatze#3471 on May 23, 2017, 3:09:47 PM
what should i use instead of Doryani's Catalyst? cant afford it atm(just started hc) any unic tips? or just some rare ele sceptre?

nvm found answer at page 4 xD
Last edited by Little_MessPM#2166 on May 25, 2017, 10:16:42 AM
Isn't it better to pick up Tireless node (5 passive points, 20% increased maximum Life) instead of Art of the Gladiator and Master of the Arena nodes (7 passive points, 18% increased maximum Life, +40 to Strength, 1% of Life Regenerated per second)?

What do you think of Blood Magic keystone for max HP or even Mind Over Matter for extra life pool? I mean, for HC. With 84% maximum Fire Resistance (+Unrelenting +regen from Golem) we can drop Purity of Fire and Vitality and still have some regeneration (like ~5% after degen). For curses, well, we can still use Witchfire Brew and Fortify (-28%) is already way better than Enfeeble vs bosses. Then we can travel towards Cruel Preparation, Blast Radius and Alchemist nodes (+Jewel Socket) and pop a Ruby Flask (with increased duration) when serious regeneration needed.

Last but not least, a marble amulet crafted with an Essence of Horror for 15% increased effect of Fortify is our BiS, right?
Last edited by Beleyahal#1616 on May 26, 2017, 7:52:35 PM

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