[2.6] IMMORTAL MF GOLEMS - Shaper / Uber / ALL Guardians *WHILE DEAD*
See that's exactly what I'm talking about. There are no absolutes. Everything comes with its own set of pros and cons that we must consider specifically for the content we choose to run. I don't use Zana beyond, you do. And that's what makes this game so unique. Any of the lightning spells are viable and the one an individual chooses is dependent on their needs/preferences.
With the help of some guild mates that are walking POE encyclopedias, we've tweaked the golemancer build countless times and none of us settled on the same setup because once again, we use them for different purposes. One built his solely for logging into boss rooms and dying. I built mine for farming as it's the only character I enjoy playing that has a high enough clear speed. Does it have T1 clear speed? No, but I find T1 vaal spark type clear speeds are too stressful on my eyes. And I find it actually is more efficient using the golemancer because while the golems are clearing, you can focus on picking up loot. That in it of itself adds a level of efficiency that gets it closer to top clear speed metas. Did the OP who created this build suggest this build should be used for chaining shaped strand / shaped shores? No, but I didn't get the impression that he said this build was strictly to be used for killing end game bosses while dead either, just simply that it could. And my build can do it too. I just choose not to because "while dead" kinda makes it hard to level. :P |
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Well, you're playing this build in Legacy, all you need to do is pop one of them fancy Leaguestones... me on the other hand must pay Zana's due in Standard. Life is just so not fair!!! ;)
Seriously, I would love to milk the cr@p out of Double Beyond Breaches with that build in Legacy but I'm kinda busy with my Zerker in Legacy, also a real breach destroyer albeit with much less IIQ. But who knows... now that they have extended Legacy ad infinitum. :D |
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So I started lvling this build, but the thing im torn between is going elementalist or necromancer?
An extra golem and golems immune to ele dmg seems nice but the minion benefits from necro seem good too. I wanna use this build for some lazy farming to pick up loot while the golems kill, not only for endgame like shaper. |
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" Elementalist also allows you to lazy farm and let the golems do their thing. |
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Oh, the Golementalist can do "lazy farming" just fine.
Golemancer ultimately has more damage per golem but damage never really is an issue and we get one extra golem which alone is worth it. On top of that our golems are entirely immune to elemental damage so they will die a lot less (i.e. never ;) than necro golems although they do have more life and some physical damage reduction (with zombies) ... it doesn't get much lazier. :D Mine is a respecced Golemancer and I have never looked back. I remember using offerings quite a lot but a I have done away with that altogether. Don't get me wrong, both Ascendancies are fine, OP really but Elementalist is the way to go if you want "lazee". ;) You can play this build life-based, hybrid or CI Last edited by tomay#5509 on May 17, 2017, 6:08:05 PM
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" MrsDeath assumed I was in Legacy, I'm in standard like you. And yes, I'd love to see what this thing could do with double beyond and breach but I couldn't see enough value in building a second golemancer. I'd rather they did away with temp leagues and just added the content to standard. But while it's not for me, I understand the appeal to others. |
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" Any class is fine for normal mapping. If you go necromancer you can add specters or zombies to your builds, the ascendancy helps a lot with hybrid summoned build. If you go that route I suggest you look into the other build thread titled "5 flavors of golem" something. |
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first of all, this build is In Sane! probably best build in PoE.
boss fights are spectacular! but I haven't reached end game content yet... XD the main problem, I think, is low ES. even not running MF, ES is 7-8k only, with a 770ES chest piece. running MF I'm at 6k ES. but it's OKish cuz it's safe to let your golems do the work. the down-side.. they stay behind a lot, and u can end up solo, mid-pack, without much lifepool and no way to deal damage. other than convocation. which can't be triggered often enough so.. I end up not using it. convocation also acts a bit like a respawn, which means there will no immediate damage, there's a small delay. or maybe it's just that if u don't use convocation they don't have to stop firing, and they're more efficient. but since sometimes your golems can be somewhere else doing their things.. it leads to the dilemma: how to use convocation effectively? the clear speed can be both amazing or really slow, depending on map or on play-style.. since the golems are mostly behind me, I'm usually slow. have to go back and search for loot. with a normal build I'd have damage dealing in front of me, which helps with clearing speed and makes more sense for looting. with these bad boys.. damage is mostly following me. which is kinda suicidal a bit, and a pain to loot. I will try using convocation more I guess.. MF with this character is incredible though. I've never had so much loot! I can totally MF on red maps, which is am az in ggg! I had to update my loot filter.. smaller print. more variety of sounds.. cuz my boyz are always behind. up-side being... now I have the close-to-perfect loot filter! : ] anyway, big big QUESTION: if scaling spell damage doesn't help golems in any way, why are we using spell echo and controlled destruction?..... oh, also.. what do you do with desecrate?? O O and... if I may dare a third question, why is that lightning golem important? why not.. 6 strong, damage dealing golems? Last edited by monkeyonyourtonsils#1999 on May 20, 2017, 7:30:40 AM
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" Where did you get the idea that scaling spell damage does not help the golems? The Flame Golem has a set of three offence skills and all of them being fire spells. Only spell/elemental damage from the character does not apply to minions but applicable damage modifiers linked directly to Summon Flame Golem certainly do. And the same is true for cast speed, when Spell Echo is linked to Summon Flame Golem the tooltip shows three additional lines: "Spell repeats an additional time" (this is the spell to summon the golem, i.e. it will summon two golems per cast), "This Spell and Minions have 70% more cast speed" and "Minion's spells repeat an additional time". And if you link GMP with 20% quality you will see "This Spell and Minions have 10% increased cast speed"... however, any cast speed modifiers from the character only apply to the spell to summon the golem but not to any spells used by the minions we summon. " You can use Desecrate to create corpes to be consumed by Flesh Offering in order to temporarily increase the golem's movement and cast speed... me? I'm way too lazy. ;) (or Bone Offering in order to temporarily increase the golem's chance to block attacks and spells) " The Lightning Golem is here to increase the golem damage via our Primordial Harmony stack ((16-20)% increased Golem Damage for each Type of Golem you have Summoned). When you throw an Ice Golem into the mix the golem damage will increase by the same amount again but 5+1 has proven to be more efficient than 4+1+1. Last edited by tomay#5509 on May 20, 2017, 8:50:51 AM
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" Lightning has a skill called wrath(added lightning) which affects allies, and of course the golem buff. You bring a good point. Everyone in this thread uses 1 lightning, the rest flame. I like to use 3-4 different golem types. Because of this I don't have the gem slot for curses or EE. It fits my playstyle because all I do is shield charge and loot. That's it, just 2 buttons. I like using chaos and stone (as support, not main dps)because they are mêlée/close range. Which means they tend to teleport next to me faster than the ranged ones. They kill monsters that are protected by those dome shields, plus the stone golem taunts which helps draw agro away from me. The loss of a flame golem out is offset by the harmony jewels, if you have 10 it's an increase of 200% per different golem out. I found this reddit discussion The downside is only the elemental golems are immune to elemental damage but most of the maps I run are t14 and below and you rarely encounter the need for the immunity. The jewel gives life regen is usually enough to mitigate damage taken by non elemental golems. And when I did run the t15+ I just summoned flames and got rid of the non elemental golems. So it all depends what you do most. Last edited by beritraz#1599 on May 20, 2017, 9:00:03 AM
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