Add ability to skip lab and buy points

Please add ability to skip labyrinth in some way.

My suggestions are next:

if player is 10 levels above of lab level (normal is 33, cruel is 55, etc.) and has access to it (passed all six trials) then it is possible to buy two ascendancy points for like 10 chaos. OR not points strait, but access to last room with Izaro, where he drops nothing; so player gets only ascendancy points.

P.S.: i'm not talking about treasure keys/chests, if player want some -- go in lab and get it. I'm only suggest ability to skip pretty mandatory and very time consuming content (especially if you have bad internet and get dc).
Last bumped on Mar 25, 2017, 5:47:01 AM
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Izaro wouldn't like that. I mean, look what happened when Chitus bribed his way through and how well that worked out for everyone.

Izaro wouldn't like that. I mean, look what happened when Chitus bribed his way through and how well that worked out for everyone.


OT: Hope they never rework lab, because it's going to be a challenge every time, every league for every character. And it actually allows some life builds to excel in at least something in this game; faster start of uber farming.
before the emperor you're NOT WORTHY, before the goddess you're NOT WORTHY!
What are you comparing lab to when you say it takes too long? It's a full expansion, comparable to an act. It is definitely short compared to any of them and it's 100% optional. You should not get that for free just for leveling. That's ridiculous.
DurianMcgregor wrote:
What are you comparing lab to when you say it takes too long? It's a full expansion, comparable to an act. It is definitely short compared to any of them and it's 100% optional. You should not get that for free just for leveling. That's ridiculous.

Right. Optional. Maps optional. Passive skill points optional. All content is optional if you ask me. Just like whole leveling and aim to get more solid char. None forces you do so, when its possible to repeat level 3 zone over and over.
The lab is not very time consuming, unless you simply refuse to use the resources available to you and back track constantly.

What about 100ex, seems like a reasonable price to pay for something that gives you an absurd amount of power that you seem to be unwilling to do the challenge in front of you to get.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
goetzjam wrote:
The lab is not very time consuming, unless you simply refuse to use the resources available to you and back track constantly.

Compared to what? If you add the time it takes to complete all the trials and the lab in each difficulty, it's very time consuming, even if you skip silver keys and looking for Argus. Compared to the amount of maps you could clear in the same amount of time.

Lab is a nice challenge, but if you build alts, it just becomes a pain in the ass necessity to flesh out your builds.

I usually need to set aside time to do lab. I have a wife/kids/job and limited amounts of time. Lab requires a start to finish time commitment.

Not everyone that plays this game has that kind of time, and yes, that is using the maps in the lab.

I support the idea that once you have completed the labs a first time, maybe you can have portals past all the bullshit that slows you down, like have a portal to the first aspirant trial, then past Izaro, have another portal to the next aspirant trial, until you get to the end.

That way you still have to pass the fights but get to bypass the time sink.
Lab is a nice challenge, but if you build alts, it just becomes a pain in the ass necessity to flesh out your builds.

I usually need to set aside time to do lab. I have a wife/kids/job and limited amounts of time. Lab requires a start to finish time commitment.

Not everyone that plays this game has that kind of time, and yes, that is using the maps in the lab.

I'm not really sure if you understand what you're saying. You're blaming lab design due to the lack of time you have available in your life. Why don't you play WoW or something similar in time-consuming domain? Too much time consuming? Drop down to PoE? Still too much? Time to find another game, maybe Hearthstone fits more appropriately.

You are justifying your claims about bad lab design behind some abstract, subjective view your life requiring more time than you would like. The lab is fine, and you need to find time to finish the Trials and Ascend accordingly; either do it yourself, or pay someone to do it for you. If you're in such a clutch for time, I think you should not even be able to complain about lab in the first place, because you apparently cannot farm it (time constraint), which actually does require time; and thus that means you just need your points to make the game easier.

I support the idea that once you have completed the labs a first time, maybe you can have portals past all the bullshit that slows you down, like have a portal to the first aspirant trial, then past Izaro, have another portal to the next aspirant trial, until you get to the end.

That way you still have to pass the fights but get to bypass the time sink.

I don't see it as a time sink but a general test of your character. If you're not able to bypass the traps, which are actually harder than uber Izaro himself, why would you have the right to Ascend? I see no problem, literally none, all I see is people complaining how game is hard in some aspects and/or time consuming, and all they want is another power-creep.
ewolow wrote:
goetzjam wrote:
The lab is not very time consuming, unless you simply refuse to use the resources available to you and back track constantly.

Compared to what? If you add the time it takes to complete all the trials and the lab in each difficulty, it's very time consuming, even if you skip silver keys and looking for Argus. Compared to the amount of maps you could clear in the same amount of time.

Lab is a nice challenge, but if you build alts, it just becomes a pain in the ass necessity to flesh out your builds.

I usually need to set aside time to do lab. I have a wife/kids/job and limited amounts of time. Lab requires a start to finish time commitment.

Not everyone that plays this game has that kind of time, and yes, that is using the maps in the lab.

I support the idea that once you have completed the labs a first time, maybe you can have portals past all the bullshit that slows you down, like have a portal to the first aspirant trial, then past Izaro, have another portal to the next aspirant trial, until you get to the end.

That way you still have to pass the fights but get to bypass the time sink.

Do maps give your character a massive boast in power that sticks with them forever once done? I think not, the time it takes to do all of the trials (by all I mean normal, cruel and merciless) as well as the perspective labs should be no longer then 1-1.5 hours. Map trials and uber lab are a bit different, but those last 2 points are obviously less important then the first 6.

Furthermore, if you want to spent as little time doing lab related stuff as possible, because whatever reasons, work with people and split up the trials, even though for most people you can throw a couple of quicksilvers on and just run thru the trials.

In terms of alts, once you get the trials done once per league, thats all you ever need to do with them. So that means subsequent character should take less and less time (to a point). On second and beyond characters in a league all 3 regular labs could be done in an hour or less, there isn't another thing in this game you can do in an hour or less that gives your character as large of a boost as completing the lab.

Commitment, damn it sucks that real life is out there, however, again the time it takes to do the labs should not be significant. In addition there are 3 safe spaces where if you must you can take a break to sort something out, although not really recommended.

Past all the bullshit that slows you down from getting the largest character bonuses you can in such a small amount of time already, might as well put it behind malachai, o wait someones shit idea already suggested that.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.

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