The Prime Monsters system, AKA: How to Fix Dominating Blow once in for all

- 2.0: Dominating Blow: Minions deal 20% less damage at level 1, with the penalty reduced at each gem level. Each level grant 2% more minion damage, for 20% more damage at level 20.

- 2.1: Minions created by it now deal 35% less damage at all levels.

From 20%more( level 20) to -35%(all levels) thats somewhere like 50%less damage nerf! and not only that, it removed a part of the incentive to level them gem not having the damage scale per lvl.

And having its mechanic denied to endgame bosses and recent contents is pretty much like a 100% nerf:

- Atziri

- Shaper

- Izaro

- Kitava (Both act 5, act6 Banon rescue and act6 final)

All fights with non-Dominatable adds monsters or they die once add-phase is over.

Also, league monsters cannot be Dom Blow:
  • Breach
  • Beyond
  • Harbinger
  • Abyss monsters

On top of that

3.0 Brought a lot of new bosses with adds and add phases such as Innocence and Kitava fight... None can be dominated

I have a bad feeling for 3.1's Abyss monsters aswell

Support gems are even denied


What if, instead of converting Monsters into minions, Dominating blow was Converting monsters of each kind into 1 Model, 1 representative and that monster feeds from the monsters you dominate. Lets call that monster/minion, a Prime.

IE: Kill a Goatman, all the next Goatman you Dominate will be absorbed by this Prime Goatman . So instead of having 10 distinct Goatman, you now have 1 Goatman with the power of 10.

So lets say we have the Prime that does 1-10 damage and has 200 hp:

  • then he absorbs a monster with 1-8dmg/100hp
  • a rare with 10-20dmg/300hp/extra life(dunno real % but lets say 30%)/Resistance aura.

Then this Prime now has stats that goes like:

Damage: 12-38 base

life: 800hp (600*1.3)

mods: Extra life (previously added) and Resistance aura

And you can have 1 Prime of each type of monsters!

1 Roah, 1 prime titty bitch,1 devourer, etc

The first monster you convert creates the Prime, the monsters you convert afterward are added to it. The Prime timer is frozen as long as there is another monster buffing him. Each added monster have their own individual timer that when expires make the Prime shrinks (obviously).

Scenario 1 :

- Kill a monster(monster1) that becomes Prime( lasts 15sec)

- Kill another similar monster(Monter2) that adds its stats to the Prime but have its own timer ( 15sec)

- Prime timer freezes

- 15 second later, monster2's timer runs out

- Prime timer starts (15sec)

- 15sec later and you have not killed another similar monster, Prime dies

Scenario 2 :

- Kill a monster(monster1) that becomes Prime( lasts 15sec)

- Kill another similar monster(Monter2) that adds its stats to the Prime but have its own timer ( 15sec)

- Prime timer freezes

- 10second later you Kill another monster (monsters3) which adds to Prime

- 5 second later, monster2's timer runs out, Prime shrinks and loses Monster2's buff

- Prime timer is still frozen because Monster3 timer is still running

The more absorbed monster(buffs) it has, the bigger it gets. This would just take the Souleater+Headhunter feeling we have with Dom blow and take it to its final and perfect form, a complete and polished skill.


Microtransation opportunity:
Using Invasion boss models as hosts for the Prime would be pretty cool and good recycling


To fix the issue with bosses i propose a threshold jewel


  • this could fix Bloodline issues
  • Increased monster diversity could be way more interesting with such skill mechanic
  • the lag Dominating blow generates


3.0: Fall of Oriath

Aint it the perfect timing?

Lets Keep faith!

Bex_GGG wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
I'd really like to see dominating blow redone.

I talked with our development team about this. They're keen to work on Dominating Blow but they want to do it right which requires a bit of time. This means that the rework won't happen in time for 3.0 unfortunately.

and 3.1 Supporter pack is called

ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Last edited by Sexcalibure#7575 on Feb 15, 2018, 4:04:09 PM
Last bumped on Nov 20, 2017, 7:13:31 AM
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lol I admire your dedication to this matter
teketoria wrote:
lol I admire your dedication to this matter
3.0 Is coming, time for a new Start for everything, especially the poorest of content
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
updated with more info and better presentation
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
A very good presentation Sexcalibure, I must admit this is one of the few skills in this game that I have never touched.
~ There are spectacular moments. actually a really good idea for once. My question is, you say it's still based on duration; won't it be FeelsBadMan to have your 50 soul goatman expire right before the boss room?

I would also add a suggestion to this suggestion that will never happen. Cap the souls at 20. If you dominate another monster of the same type, you just get a second one who will also cap at 20. Remove the 'duration' as a limitation and cap them like spectres or zombies. Say at about 3 or 4 with a threshold jewel that can get you another, and a lab enchant that can get you 1/2 more merc/uber.

This would solve the 'dies before boss room' problem, while still ensuring that Dom Blow isn't a free win because you have an immortal 600 soul Goatman that runs in and one shots the boss.
innervation wrote: actually a really good idea for once. My question is, you say it's still based on duration; won't it be FeelsBadMan to have your 50 soul goatman expire right before the boss room?

Might have not be accurate enough in my description, will fix it

what i meant was that the Monster acts like a Vessel, each added monsters have their own Duration timer

so instead of seeing the big monster die after a certain duration, it shrinks everytime a monster "within" him expires

Added explanations in quoteblocks
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Last edited by Sexcalibure#7575 on Mar 15, 2017, 3:04:06 PM
I would totally try this, glad to see you proposing a solution rather than bitching lol

I wish more folks would do the same

I do think it would be hard to balance but so are lots of skills, I think dom blow has languished for so long that is should be OP for a league
I dont see any any key!
Great idea!
Also solves the problem of too many minions/ loss of performance.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
k1rage wrote:
I would totally try this, glad to see you proposing a solution rather than bitching lol

I wish more folks would do the same

I do think it would be hard to balance but so are lots of skills, I think dom blow has languished for so long that is should be OP for a league
Im always posting solutions

the prob is that GGG Mods hide them
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it

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