Developer Questions and Answers

A short question, why do people have to play for about 2-3 hours to get about 10% of level 96 ?
You need such an insane time to level up characters in the lategame. Why? I the beginning of the game you can get like 5 lvl in 7 minutes, why is the exp scaling so much?

Sorry for my bad english, hope you understand my question!
Will we ever be able to sort the mtx tabs.
Do you have any plans on slowing down the gameplay, making monsters feel more threatening and more challenging, along with less one-shot mechanics? (So, more gameplay where you need to focus but less insta-gibbs?)
What about mounts?.. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Will you guys consider adding in mandarin/chinese sub wording (since there's for thailand or something like that)

As we are going into 3.0 later on this year and standard league will always become more and more saturated with items/currency/gems.

Will we see any new types of currency any time soon?

P.S I really like the currency system as it differs from other games due to real inflation rates of currencies which you just don't get with boring gold in other games!


What was the reason for Eternal Orbs to be taken out. Did those give too much advance in crafting high tier items?

And is there still merchant recipes what community haven't found out?
Last edited by Gorgetto#6665 on Mar 14, 2017, 8:47:53 AM
When are you going to give us the possibility to disable particle effects?

When will you implement a separate sound slider for the loot filter sounds?

When will windows xp be removed from the minimal system requirements?
Do you have any plans of updating exisiting exiles / grandmasters with ascendancy abilities?
When I first saw the skill-tree, the first thing that came to my mind was Final Fantasy X.
I always wondered if that was some kind of inspiration; and if so - how much of these jap. RPG's did you guys play and how much influence did they have?

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