Developer Questions and Answers
Does GGG keep any stats about the number of times that valuable item drops (Divines, Exalts, Mirrors) don't get picked up by players (left on ground until instance expires)? If so, will you please share these stats with the community? It would be particularly good if the answer here could be expressed both as a percentage, eg: The current percentage of mirror drops that have been picked up by players is 95%. and as an absolute number, eg: The current number of exalt drops that have been left on the ground is 6,342
Would GGG ever consider a realm wide sound that gets played on every active client any time an instance closes with a Mirror still on the ground? (Oh shit! Someone just missed 200 ex worth!) And perhaps a special sound that you only hear if the mirror was on the ground in YOUR instance? (Oh shit! I just missed 200 ex worth!). Does GGG keep a record of how many hardcore characters have been killed by the damage from exploding barrels? If so, will you please share this information with the community? Also, as a general question about the way item rolls work, when are the mods and values of an item rolled? Do they roll on drop, or on identify? In other words, do the identify scrolls simply un-hide the mods, or do identify scrolls cause mods to be rolled? I suspect that they simply un-hide the already rolled mods, since corrupting a rare map into an unidentified rare map doesn't cause its mods to be re-rolled, just hidden. But it's also possible that corrupting a rare map into an unidentified rare map is actually an exception to the rule, especially since corrupting an item into an unidentified item also means that it is not possible to subsequently re-identify the item. So I'd like a definitive answer for this question. As a follow up question, if ID scrolls do just unmask the already-rolled mods, then it would be possible for GGG to keep track of the number of perfectly-rolled-but-unidentified items that have been vendored (given that perfectly rolled here refers to any 6xT1 items, not only items with the 6 most desirable T1 affixes). If GGG does keep any similar such information, will you please share it with us? Also, as my final question, would it be possible to have the number of supporter badges that are displayed on forum posts be determined by the length of the post? It's annoying to have really long posts that are long only because of supporter badges, and don't actually contain any text. This issue is much less important since the way supporter badges displayed changed so that only chronologically recent ones are included on posts by default. However, if a person who has supported since Closed Beta and has lots of supporter badges, for instance, posts a really long post, it doesn't do any harm in that case to display as many of their supporter badges as will fit into the length of space required by the length of their post. I think it'd be a cool way of doing it. Thanks! Last edited by HoneyBadGerMan#6197 on Mar 13, 2017, 8:55:11 PM
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Will we ever get a discount for "old" pets? I´m talking mainly about the awesome Ferrets, which are never available for a discount :(
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Will breach & leaguestone make it to the maingame?
Like seriously breach / leaguestones will destroy the game and there will always be 1 pushing grp win the first 100 since chayula is abuseable with some players that nonstop buy chayula splinters to much exp / profit. think about it |
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Does steam or the standalone have more players?
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Do you guys plan on updating the character models at some point?
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Couple of questions to my fav devs-
Do you guys plan to add some more depth to the guild system? Slight rewards, extra buffs, etc? That would be great and pull the community together if done with some of your guys' prime intellect. Is there a chance you guys will work on AI movements and pathing to make summoner builds better, perhaps adding skillgems that make your zombies run infront of you instead of behind? What other content is there going to be in 3.0 that is going to encourage you to not grind the same area to continue? How many expected hours are we looking at for a solid playthrough? The maps are an amazing end game. Do you expect furthering the end game with new content in 3.0? Perhaps God Battles that requires a full party of 70+ characters, one running auras, the other tanking, the other couple doing DPS? Making some Boss fights procedural with skills (like magic or rare monster attributes) so that one boss fight isnt the same as others? For pvp, are you guys going to add any rewards for say 150 random match up wins in a season gets you a small cosmetic item for that PvP season? will there be any expansions to the game that will make pvp more attractive? I would love to hear some answers either way on these, as I'm sure some of them you've already brainstormed and discussed. Thank you! Landen Brown |
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The Ascendancy expansion introduced a new type of passive node (in the Ascendant tree) in which the player is offered a selection of passives to choose from for a single node instead of having a predefined benefit. These nodes allow for greater build depth/diversity in a way that would otherwise clutter the tree. Do you have any plans to add more of this type of node to other ascendancy classes and/or the regular passive tree? (For example, the keystone passive that currently houses Avatar of Fire could instead be a multi-node that offers either Avatar of Fire, Avatar of Ice, or Avatar of Lightning.)
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When Will You Create an Ornament Arm Band that can be socketed by a Jewel like ( Viridian, Cobalt or Crimson)?
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What tile set was used with random level generator for the first time ? (player character, mobs and gate way. the birth of poe!)
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3
Stop Bombing Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】 MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】 |
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Hello GGG!
Could you please tell me why you haven't RE-USED the same code that you use for managing our stash tabs for the Micro-transition stash tabs? Is there a reason the code can't be leveraged for both? Thank you, A very loyal fan! ign: Edwurd_of_Steel
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