Developer Questions and Answers
I would like to know about hidden traits of skill gems, such as the duration trait on burning arrow. Will these be removed or made more available to players looking to create new and unusual builds?
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Path of Exile is supported by a plethora of community built tools such as custom loot filters, build calculators for anything you can name, MTX finders, trading indexers, trading macros etc. Most of these tools come with extensive instructions on how they should be implemented and how they can be customised. While most of these tools make it to the wider community, some do not and allow their creators a distinct advantage over the rest of the player base (here mostly trading indexers).
What is concerning to me is that if a player does not come from a technical background and is not able to easily understand and use any of these tools, the game becomes several degrees harder/more frustrating. Specifically for me is in the case of trading, where traders using private indexers based off of the games's API (not relying on that are faster/not as susceptible to downtime, and are able to gain a distinct advantage buying and selling high demand items, thereby cornering the market. Question: Do GGG developers feel that use of third party tools is of any concern when appealing to a mass target audience and what steps does GGG take to ensure that advantage gained via use of these tools does not go overboard? Last edited by ssm016#6689 on Mar 13, 2017, 8:06:33 PM
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Are you planning to slow down development after chapter 10? Without showing your hand, does GGG value it's independence as a developer or would you consider the path of selling to a larger developer or publisher (or even a corporation not in gaming at all as was the case with the sale of Jagex)?
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Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Kuduku?
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will we ever see a button to dislike/like posts and comments?
Memba old vaal pact
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When can we expect improvements to the stash tab and microtransaction(MTX) management?
Managing large amounts of tabs(standard) is near impossible currently and MTX's have their own set of problems. From MTX's being stored at random without management or filter options to items being split across leagues and characters causing needless busywork and lost items. |
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Alright, here goes:
Category: Trading and Premium Stash Tabs When premium stash tabs got the trading function there was a backlash because it now actively separated players that didn't buy any and those that did in terms of essential in-game functionality. Basically there were now "premium"-users that were able to list their items by official means. Why not give out one free unlockable premium tab for everyone? The reason Chris cited for this was that people would just create mule accounts to unlock the free premium stash tab and eventually someone would develop a third party tool that could link accounts together in a way that made them all appear online on (for example) with only one of these accounts actually being online. This way they could get the trade messages on the account that they are currently online on and just relog whenever someone wants to buy an item that is on a mule. Here is why this argument doesn't work: This is already possible! 1. Make a new email address. 2. Create a new PoE account (which is allowed for a reason mentioned below). 3. Level a character on the new mule-account to level 25 (which is needed for currency trading). 4. Create a forum post in the shop-section on this new mule-account. 5. Run PoE two times (which is, once again, allowed. The reason being that this alone makes it possible for GGG to say that selling stash tabs is no distinct advantage. Since everyone can get infinite stash as long as they are willing to make new mule-accounts and trade items between them). 6. Dump all the items you want to trade on the mule-account. 7. Use Acquisition to list ALL FOUR stash tabs on the mule-account on the forums. 8. Get a whisper notifier (yet another third-party program) and appear online in the API through Acquisition. 9. Leave PoE running two times. The mule in the background and minimized, your main account normally and just play. You now get notified every time somebody whispers your mule to buy one of your items. You can switch through alt-tab, trade and then get back to your main account to keep playing. This is basically makeshift cross-instance trading! With four makeshift-premium tabs! All made possibly with currently publicly available third party tools and websites, that were necessary because an official trading-solution is not in place. Everything is based on third party developers. Which it shouldn't. In an ideal world GGG would hold all the responsibility for trading (which is part of their game) and making it accessible for everyone, not random people from the community. Which would also make is possible for GGG to enforce their own vision of trading, leveling the playingfield and, for example, restricting the possibility of people gaining an economical advantage simply because they have more powerful third party tools at their disposal. But I am sidetracking. So: Will GGG give out one premium stash tab for all accounts once it actually gets some sort of trading system going? The downside cited as the big counter-argument against it is already a reality. If anything you would get players more invested into the game by giving them a more direct access to trading. Last edited by Cocofang#3395 on Mar 13, 2017, 8:01:46 PM
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Could GGG please create a new table in character's property to show PVP damage for each skill? We are too lazy to calculate PVP damage for all skills. Some skills like Spark and Flicker Strike were reduced 30% damage in PVP, which may make new people confused. PVP damage table would be great for all of us. Thank you.
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are you aware of cyclone bug?
will you ever fix it? ███۞████ಠ益ಠ██ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ I███████████████████]. ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤... Get ze Panzer and ze flammenwerfer - kentpachi |
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what kind of advice could you give for someone that has a ton of hobby gamedev experience (~10+ years) in multiple skills (coding & texuring (photo composite & handpainted) & pixelart & 3d modelling, etc) , but no relevant college training or relevant job experience ... but possibly even more skilled than some people that have college training?
LOL also, i noticed the cats dont meow, but various other pets make sounds, iam sure theres meows on LOL and I'd hope for more skills that work like Blade Vortex (in that you can move while doing damage) I've made like 4 characters with that build, because I like that mechanic, but its getting old/samey ...hmmm i think Righteous Fire is like that.. never tried it.... Last edited by CaoMengde#7666 on Mar 13, 2017, 8:26:38 PM
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