Developer Questions and Answers

Hello again, lovelies!

Sharxx wrote:
Are there any plans on improving the interface, for example the lifebar above a character could use some more work in regards to how HP is shown perhaps, have 1k Life blocks or better visuals for status effects, the lifebar could have an animation directly on the lifebar and maybe change the color to show that you are bleeding, rather than having it on the character itself, bleed is one of the most visualized, however poison really isnt, just turning a bit green, which gets lost inbetween all of those green mtx's that I like to wear, especialy since chaos dmg is the most lethal dmg in the game I feel like it needs better visuals! But it doesn't have to stop there, you could also have those visuals on the life/mana orbs in the interface since they are big enough and simply by turning the red life orb to green to symbolize that you are poison would help BIG TIME!

I would love to see some kind of colour indication, to make it easier to see what kind of curable character problems are going on! I like the idea of colouring the life sphere, with maybe the colour of the effect that will drop off last, when there are more than one status issues.

Also, have you considered having a "transfer all" button for the stash? This would come in particularly helpful when a league has ended, and you get the "remove only" tabs in your stash, and if you want to keep everything on a particular page. Or when you want to move everything in a tab to one of the quadruple sized tabs.

Finally, I've read all the questions, and want to show that I agree with the concept of having a death log. A combat log isn't needed IMO, as that can contribute to making communities more toxic (along with damage meters), but knowing what killed you in the end can be very helpful.

<3 <3 <3

Are you planning on improving the stash quality of life? With all this new leagues gropping more and more items to keep it's becoming almost impossible to manage evertying without buying more tabs from the shop.

Are you in any way plannin on releasing a Mac version of the game?

As somehow who loved the recent engine updates and reading about their technical aspects (I seriously love the more technical posts about this) I have a few questions:

With the Breach League already over: When do you plan to release DX 11 as the "stable" version instead of "Beta"? Are there any major engine improvements planned already for this year? When will the cloth physics be applied to other areas of the game where clothes are still completely static?
Do any of the staff in the Development team you play console games and if so which ones are you currently playing?
Last edited by Chalk_Circles#1033 on Mar 13, 2017, 4:04:29 PM
Can you make those little guys next to that boss in the old fields (cant remember his name atm) but anyway those little guys he spawns next to him, can you make those little guys pets? mtx pets?
Will there be anymore channeling skills added to the game? A bow/wand channeling skill could be pretty cool.

Any plans for lightning/cold degen abilities? I was really hoping the new "beam/lazer" was going to be cold/lightning instead of fire.
Hey! Thank you so much GGG for making my favorite game of all time AND being a great company! Your hard work, dedication and passion have driven me towards a future in the gaming industry.

My question is: In the office, how is work divided? Do you have a monster development team, balance team, physics team, etc? Are there dedicated liaisons between teams or whatever your structure may be? How is your system most efficient for what you guys do at the company?

Thank you again for being the greatest game company out there! I hope in the future I may work for you or intern, just be there with all of you! Keep rocking the industry and I wish you all the best!

Any plans to change Cyclone skill to movement + channeling?
Why did you decide to change Ylfeban's trickery? it was not used by many and if was a special unique fitting as a most rare unique in tempest league.. now you made it even more useless than Chober Chaber xD tell me a build where you rely on randome curse(s) with only a 20% chance of sucess on hit and after that its ability just is ignored completly untill duration of curse is gone and you can make a new 20% chance on hit and hope to get something that fits your build! i thougt you where gona make items more interesting to play! and now hear me out on this!! its a league specific unique and a rare one of the kind!! why the .... you RIP an rare item like that to useless non build garbage!! im very opset in this bad choice of judgement!! + bad explanation on how stuff gona change (example>)
League-Specific Unique Item Changes:
The following changes can be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a Divine Orb:

Ylfeban's Trickery: No longer creates Shocked Ground when hit at a 10% chance. Now has a triggered spell called Shock Ground that casts when you are hit. No longer casts random curse on hit. Now has 20% chance to curse uncursed enemies on hit.

Reach of the Council: Number of Additional Arrows reduced to 2.
The following changes cannot be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a Divine Orb:

Drillneck: Projectile damage is now increased by 50% of Arrow Pierce chance. This affects existing versions of the item.

Southbound: Now has 50% Increased Herald of Ice Damage.
now! the reach of the counsil keep't it's stats while the ylfeban's trickery got changes

and you write outside of drillneck that this will apply to all copy's in game.. why not do that to the other items that will be affected?? this is most disturping patch node setup i have encountered xD (i hope to get our Ylfeban's trickery back in legacy form! will only be fair after this missguiding patch!) i hope to get a good explanation!!! keep on the ^good^ work and hope to see much much more clear patch nodes in future! ^^
HIDEOUT LOADOUTS: is that anything we might get in the future?? ^^
Will we ever get "Lightning Storm" as an ability? Seeing Piety use it and strongboxes use it without it being available to use kind of feels bad since it looks so cool!

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