Post a cool unique idea
Voidhead (helmet type : mind cage)/ other name : The untainted
+2 level of socketed gem has only 1 white socket no items drop for you(- 100/-1000% IQ ?) you gain 20-30 % more xp. corrupted. would be fun don't you think ? ;) ... nothing Last edited by __Z__#6480 on Feb 21, 2017, 10:58:54 AM
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" The design flaw for evasion being fixed with an item here is well made. With that said, since I don't see GGG ever giving the right side of the passive tree as much life and endurance charges as the left side, we need an item to get evasion closer to the tanky potential of the left side of the passive tree. None better than a shield. I'd imagined it being a very rare item T1 drop. With your suggestions it'd need not be very rare. To build around it you have to give up quite a bit of dual wield offense and some block for the defense. Don't sleep on the loss block even with Acrobatics, as that's a loss close to 30% block with a 28-30% chance shield due to stuff like Precise Interception, Weapon Artistry, and Defiance. I initially had a smaller +Life on it, but thought evasion lent itself to using stuff like Darkray Vectors and Rat's Nest so it already has a hard enough time with life. Perhaps a good compromise would be in addition to having it be a T1 drop, having it drop corrupted with healthy fluctuation on the Life roll like +60 to +160. Also, it's my understanding that reduced damage taken would be even more powerful because it'd stack additively with other reduced damage taken modifiers like Fortify and Conquerer. When it comes to damage taken, less is actually weaker than reduced. Last edited by Unburied_One#7213 on Feb 21, 2017, 11:08:45 AM
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Why not? Let's try for fun
Berserker Vanguard belt Adds (8-10) to (12-15) physical dmg to attacks +(20-40) to max life (10-20) more damage taken if you've been hit by monsters recently 33% less flask charges used if you've been hit by monsters recently +(10-15) more damage against monsters if you've been hit by monsters recently gain 1 frenzy charge when hit 60% less frenzy charge duration "Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee" PoE 2013-2018 Last edited by Wazz72#5866 on Feb 21, 2017, 11:14:45 AM
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Pretty sure my ideas are either total crap or hilariously overpowered, but here goes:
The Blood Bath, supreme spiked shield Chance to block: 24% Evasion: 525-630 Energy shield: 135-186 Requires lvl 70, 85 dex, 85 int Reflects 221-260 physical damage to melee attackers +(150%-200)% increased evasion and energy shield +(70-90) to maximum life Your melee attacks cause bleeding on hit 20% chance to gain a frenzy charge when you cause bleeding Adds 2 to 4 physical damage to attcks per frenzy charge 5% increased damage dealt to bleeding enemies per frenzy charge Grants level 25 blood rage Can't use weapons Vampiric Embrace, heavy belt Requires lvl 40 +(50-70) to maximum life +(30-40)% to cold resistance -(40-50)% to fire resistance Leech (1-2)% of physical damage as life while unarmed Leech effects aren't removed on full life Gain unholy might while leeching Can use flicker strike while unarmed Grants level 20 shroud walk Shroud walk: Cooldown: 4 seconds Teleports you to a target location, leaving a smoke cloud on both your initial location and the point of arrival. Cooldown can be bypassed by expending a frenzy charge. They're meant to be used together, but should work rather well on their own. Pretty sure though the belt is too strong in its currend form... I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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![]() This is something I have wanted for a while. Would be a cool idea, I think. Mines as they are right now are such a pain that traps end up being favored. |
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" Liked. Though i would make the proq% higher and give it some base dps. @FCK42 I like the shield, though it would require some adjustments. (it looks stupidly overpowered until you read "cannot use weapons" and its purpose becomes a bit clearer :p) The belt, unnarmed flicker strike = broken beyond believe. I'd love it, but it would really be stupid. Ignoring all of the other overpowered effects it gives (slayer leech, 30% more physical chaos dps on a belt etccccc) Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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Not a really cool or unique concept, but still.
A ring which convert x% (say 50%) of your armor into energy shield or life. There is a sure way to die.
Билды - это листья на дереве Path of Exile. C каждым патчем одни опадают, и каждую лигу вырастают другие. |
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" This is the kind of uniques life based builds need. The only thing that matters at the moment is hard mitigation and life pool. The drawback feels almost too harsh though. IGN: Arlianth Check out my LA build: 1782214 Last edited by Nephalim#2731 on Feb 21, 2017, 11:36:35 AM
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" The belt is way too crazy, the shield is salvagable. I don't mind the idea of a go to Facebreaker shield concept, but it would need to have more of a penalty. Staying with the "Blood Bath" theme, and in an attempt to make The Red Trail from Uul-Netol worth using I'd go with something more like, The Blood Bath, Shield +70-90 Life 15% to elemental resistances Your unarmed melee attacks cause bleeding on hit Enemies you attack reflect 20 physical damage to you 100% increased damage taken from physical damage over time. Moving while bleeding no longer causes you to take extra damage. Adds 2-4 physical damage to attacks per frenzy charge. Not sure if the reflected damage can inflict bleed with the current mechanics but the design here is so that you can inflict a small bleed on yourself via the The Red Trail by attacking, then the Red Trail provides you with Frenzy Charges. The increased physical DoT taken is to discourage Blood Rage use (rely on Red Trail for frenzies) and encourage you to Staunch off big bleeds that get put on you. Last edited by Unburied_One#7213 on Feb 21, 2017, 4:03:25 PM
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![]() "Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D |
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