p0t wrote:
People were complaining that 4 acts and 3 difficulties was too tedious. Most would agree that when the story/campaign ends is where the game really starts. Even if cruel is removed we're now forced to grind through 20 acts in order to reach end game? This is bad news for me, because no matter how new or nice looking the new acts are there is currently no reason in the game to repeat these zones, let alone not rush through and skip non essential quests.
4 acts with 3 difficulties is way more tedious than one 10-act play through. it's boring as hell to play 12 acts where literally everything is repeated 3 times. to be fair, most people don't finish a4m because it's moot, but I would much much rather play through 10 acts that are at least somewhat unique.
we're not forced to grind through 20 acts, it's just one 10-act playthrough. try reading.
The new paragon system seems like uninspired overkill. You can't just keep on piling multiple ways to roll maps, items, and characters then expect it to not become too much at a point. This is would seem especially true in challenge leagues and the paragon stuff appears to cross that line for me. I have a main skill tree, then a specialized skill tree (ascendancy), now a secondary specialized skill tree (paragon).
dat power creep tho
It's a lot of fluff that would appear to really not change the game much from how I played this league, which is a let down personally considering the scope of work put in.
calling 6 new acts "fluff" is just plain fucking rude and undermines all the work that the devs have done to get this ready
Posted byDeletedon Feb 14, 2017, 3:38:18 PM
Thank you GGG.
Posted byGahvriel#4572on Feb 14, 2017, 3:39:05 PM
Linck wrote:
I can't help but feel disappointed because 6 acts all at once makes me doubt the quality of these acts...
they are likely short and sweet. when was act 4 released? it's very possible that they began working on acts 5-10 after that, or at the very least, whenever they started thinking about xbox1 port
Posted byDeletedon Feb 14, 2017, 3:39:14 PM
I seen Wheel Skeles
Dark Souls hypu!
Posted bykikonilo#0585on Feb 14, 2017, 3:40:09 PM
Posted byRetardoDancer#3926on Feb 14, 2017, 3:40:13 PM
markus7 wrote:
I wonder how Resistances will be handled.
Acts 1-4 = 0 resistances mod.
Acts 5-7 = -20 res mod (like Cruel).
Acts 8-10 = -60 res mod (like Merciless).
I would hope not, else it still feels like 3 difficulties which is pointless now that they have enough content, if you have 10 acts and want -60res, then -6 per act sounds perfect, same end result for end content, and much nicer on players while progressing.
Posted byRanakor#6475on Feb 14, 2017, 3:40:23 PM
HOLY SHIT IN MY BALLS! GGG you outdid my expectations by a mile!
Posted byCendrill#3851on Feb 14, 2017, 3:40:36 PM
LOUIE!!!!! can't wait!!! :D
The LORD will march forth like a mighty Warrior, He will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his battle cry and crush all his enemies.
Posted bymezion7#1788on Feb 14, 2017, 3:41:06 PM
Oriath looks cool. Reused assets yet again for other acts?
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
Posted byTheWretch#7848on Feb 14, 2017, 3:41:11 PM