JNF wrote:
Shovelcut wrote:
JNF wrote:
Says the guy who has to use the 'fact' that he's a military veteran to intimidate a civilian.
Yeah, nice way to portray veterans.
Yeah, the average 'civilian' doesn't hide behind a keyboard and call other people cowards. Nice try.
If the shoe fits, and it clearly does in this case.
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Posted byShovelcut#3450on Oct 25, 2017, 12:14:05 AM
Right on time, CNN.

Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue: https://wolcengame.com/home/
Posted byJNF#6963on Oct 25, 2017, 12:18:24 AM
Good! Now they can finally impeach Hilleries and Obaumaz!
Posted byDeletedon Oct 25, 2017, 12:22:35 AM
鬼殺し wrote:
So I was thinking about how quickly Trump punches back and the way in which he does it, especially with former allies (of whom he has so many, too many to list really). It's not just that he lashes out back at them, it's that he then disavows ever having supported them in the first place. It's almost as though if you're not Trump's friend/supporter *now*, you never actually were. It's a very interesting psychological effect that to me seems very much tied to his inability to admit he was wrong. Rather than acknowledging they were once friends or that he once supported them, he just flat out starts rewriting his memories of them as traitors and as the enemy. Always have been, always will be. Because to do otherwise would be admitting a mistake, to let someone who would become an enemy ever be his friend.
It's quite amazing just how fragile this makes Trump's psyche look. That sort of effortless overwriting of easily proven fact is much more befitting a dictator than a President of the United States, really.
If you took that mentality and made it into a book, you'd have What Happened.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Posted byScrotieMcB#2697on Oct 25, 2017, 12:44:10 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
So I was thinking about how quickly Trump punches back and the way in which he does it, especially with former allies (of whom he has so many, too many to list really). It's not just that he lashes out back at them, it's that he then disavows ever having supported them in the first place. It's almost as though if you're not Trump's friend/supporter *now*, you never actually were. It's a very interesting psychological effect that to me seems very much tied to his inability to admit he was wrong. Rather than acknowledging they were once friends or that he once supported them, he just flat out starts rewriting his memories of them as traitors and as the enemy. Always have been, always will be. Because to do otherwise would be admitting a mistake, to let someone who would become an enemy ever be his friend.
It's quite amazing just how fragile this makes Trump's psyche look. That sort of effortless overwriting of easily proven fact is much more befitting a dictator than a President of the United States, really.
If you took that mentality and made it into a book, you'd have What Happened.
When the vast majority of the outside world (anyone not in the US) go with "wtf, how could they ever elect Trump?"...
Seriously, it's like you elected the US equivalent of Kim jong un...
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun
Posted byfaerwin#5850on Oct 25, 2017, 12:47:06 AMAlpha Member
faerwin wrote:
When the vast majority of the outside world (anyone not in the US) go with "wtf, how could they ever elect Trump?"...
Seriously, it's like you elected the US equivalent of Kim jong un...
Don't be denigrating mr kim like that....
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Posted byChanBalam#4639on Oct 25, 2017, 12:50:05 AM
faerwin wrote:
Seriously, it's like you elected the US equivalent of Kim jong un...
I would say its more like President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.
Posted bySnowCrash#1157on Oct 25, 2017, 12:50:13 AM
It's been obvious the US was electing trash for POTUS since June 7, 2016.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Posted byScrotieMcB#2697on Oct 25, 2017, 12:54:30 AM
The system is broken to not have produced better candidates. Or society is broken to not have produced better candidates.
Posted byDeletedon Oct 25, 2017, 1:00:16 AM
鬼殺し wrote:
I'm fairly convinced KJU is more of a puppet than Trump is. Which is certainly no vindication, simply a clarification of stances. Both are very dangerous men part of very dangerous cabals. I just get the feeling KJU knows his place in his and is well aware of what will happen if he forgets it.
I agree.
Because of his deep mental illness, Trump is far more dangerous than KJU.
Posted byDeletedon Oct 25, 2017, 1:07:25 AM