Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

Thanks GGG,
I'm in, just practiced w/witch & scion both dual totems. Vorici & Haku workbenches will be a godsend :-)
Signed: Geldric, scribe of Oriath
elderwood wrote:
ghoulavenger wrote:

We all use information to advance our own arguments, that is part of the process. We do not however all misrepresent the core nature of the argument, that would be a logical fallacy. Most people call it cherry picking. And if I'm guilty of it, I expect to be called out on it, just like I called you out on it.

I'm not quite sure what you think you called me out on, or what you think I have done to "misrepresent the core nature of the argument", as I never claimed to represent anyone's opinion but my own and done so in what I felt was a fair and balanced way.

That statement was followed by statements that argued that the new SSF mode isn't punitive. The game can be played SSF without the league and have the same results. By isolating that statement you made it seem that I agreed with your position, when in reality I did not.
Are you thinking about implementing PSF (Party Self-Found) sometime in the future?
I really like the idea of self-found mode but I also like to play in a party.
Im'm not that much into ladders so if you remove or fix the ladders for PSF it should work.

Same rules apply as in SSF with some changes:
- If you drop an item on the ground it should be destroyed (like in town).
- Remove or fix the ladders for party self-found.
- You can only play with other PSFers.
- All the rules that exists in SSF mode also apply here.

I may be missing something essential here but this options shouldnt be so hard to implement for those who like to play in a party, and do self-found.

I know its easy just to play self-found in a normal game but if you dont have the option to trade etc (like in PSF mode) its more likeley you wont "cheet" in this mode.
Sakh wrote:
I know its easy just to play self-found in a normal game but if you dont have the option to trade etc (like in PSF mode) its more likeley you wont "cheet" in this mode.

Another advantage would be that you cant play with "cheaters".
Or rephrased: You dont have to guess/trust others to be selffound too if you care about that.
Or rephrased: Other cant disrupt a selffound experience with OP traded gear.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Add immortal call in siosa shop please
LMTR14 wrote:

no! there is no correlation between a good game and selling mtx. what you mean is a good PRODUCT. they want to create a PRODUCT that is as good as possible (just as e.g. blizzard wanted to do with diablo 3). big difference there. just think of hollywood movies and apply that principle to video games. do you think the latest avengers movie is made for creative reasons? LOL those aren't good movies. they are good products that can sell toys and cross-promotion

ggg has been disregarding players' interests for years now. and I don't mean the tiresome balancing issue, which for doesn't matter whatsoever. there are dozens of ease of use things alone, the horrible atlas screen where you barely can see the map that is highlighted, the for the longest time not searchable skill tree, the fact you still can't place items somewhere else on the sales screen after what is it not FIVE YEARS, the fact that the FILLER concept of temporary leagues has overstayed its welcome again FOR YEARS, the fact people need to use third-party tools to still get fucked in the ass by the clunkiest trading system I've seen in my life!!! or how about the "tiers" thing or the xp nerfs or the horribly unfinished act 4 or every other stupid choice ggg ever made. six acts instead of one GOOD act. LOL nobody wanted those changes, that was pretty obvious from the mood on the forums. or the very likely issue of us not getting ssf permanent leagues... the balancing is the LEAST of the problems (and it's yet what 99% of people complain about, horrendously missing the point)

or what about the player dropoff rate late in the leagues...

alas, the xbox version alone proves my point. they would have not made the choice to artifically hold the pc version back, conceptually if not technically, if they were so keen on "creating the best game ever"

sure, not all people want to see the same things implemented in the game. but nobody is actually hurt by e.g. a permanent ssf mode or an auction house. it doesn't replace the stone-age trading, does it?! a broad wealth of statistics that gives meaning to every character you ever created doesn't hurt the 1%? a permanent endgame with strategy elements (I call it "kingdoms") that everybody can partake in doesn't prevent you from grinding maps 24/7 if that is your thing?!?!?!? putting an * asterisk behind a reward mtx earned in SSF so you can brag that you earned it the hard way doesn't devalue the (in my eyes, dirty) mtx that people who bought the shaper "earned"?! I could go on here...

the dream is over. deal with it. or don't. ggg will still take your money if that is what you are about... and why wouldn't they? wilson is responsible for putting food on the table of 90+ people now. I can't fault him for trying to do that.

The way I understand your post: You are bitter that GGG is not developing the exact game you like. Have you ever considered that you are not the target audience of GGG? Of course you won't like the game if you're not the kind of person they are targeting. Does this make the game bad? No. It just means it's not for you.

GGG has grown to 90+ employees. This means that there are a lot of people who have bought MTX over the years. I think it is fair to assume that buying MTX in PoE is a sign for liking the game. Call it a game or a product, the company's growth is proof that they have many happy players and customers. Businesses nowadays, especially online businesses, are very customer focused. They rely heavily on qualitative data (feedback) and quantitative data (analytics). You can't argue with analytics, but feedback has 2 problems:
1) Most people who give feedback don't see the big picture.
2) Feedback from people who are not the target audience is mostly useless (you don't want to optimize the game for people you're not targeting after all).

Your problem is that you think your opinion matters in the grand scheme. You are part of the 1%. The majority of players have very different concerns with the game than you. You mention that 99% complain about the same things - that is simply wrong. The majority of players don't even reach maps, ever. The forums and reddit are not representative of what the majority thinks.

And do you really think that an auction house would make the game any better? Chris recently said it in an interview: An auction house would solve one problem and create many others.

Lastly, like I said in my last post: Wilson is responsible for putting food on the table of 90+ people BECAUSE he (or rather they) made a game that people (read: their target audience) like. Companies don't grow out of nowhere. They only grow when they produce a product that their target market wants.

That being said, only 2 more days to go. Looking forward to Legacy league and SSF!
Last edited by Reizoko#4460 on Mar 1, 2017, 10:33:17 AM
c0debr3ak wrote:
Rip SSF permanent leagues.

What do you mean? I dont see a mention in the patch notes. Only that SSF will be available in existing leagues.
From the patch notes:

"Siosa now sells all quest gems once you've completed his quest and the quests required to unlock the appropriate tiers of gem rewards"

I think this is the answer to the question about being able to get all gems without having to create gem-hunter characters. I don't know if this would cover everything though.
Saevan wrote:
From the patch notes:

"Siosa now sells all quest gems once you've completed his quest and the quests required to unlock the appropriate tiers of gem rewards"

I think this is the answer to the question about being able to get all gems without having to create gem-hunter characters. I don't know if this would cover everything though.

Not everything. There are some drop only gems: portal, detonate mines, empower, enhance, enlighten, and added chaos damage. And naturally the pvp gem block chance reduction. There might be a couple I'm not thinking of as well, but these are the only ones I can come up with atm.
Why can't you do that people ask for?
People asked for self-found league.
NOT SOLO self-found league!
Last edited by wasama2#1179 on Mar 2, 2017, 8:01:52 AM

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