Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

DeF46 wrote:
Thank you both for the tips!

Actually if I understand correctly, I could even create a HC SSF Abyss character. When that character dies, it would fall back to SSF Abyss right? So why not try it.

Then I realized the stash would not transfer over, but I am guessing if my character falls from HC SSF Abyss to SSF Abyss, an I had some valuables in stash I could create a mule in HC SSF Abyss again, move items to it from the stash, and then get it to die as well so it leaves the HC mode with the items?

This sounds good. I mean when I played back in 2013 there was no such incentive with HC as "downgrading" to standard league made the character more or less obsolete. But with SSF I think I'll still be motivated to play the character, at least until I feel like trying HC again.

Can you transfer anything in this way from HC SSF to SSF, or are there limitations?
I believe if you die in HC SSF Abyss, then you go to SSF standard. It seems odd to me, but apparently that's what happens.

Hopefully somebody will correct me if I'm wrong.
Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes?
Last edited by EnjoyTheJourney#0109 on Dec 22, 2017, 12:38:25 AM
Map drop and atlas progression feels so bad... wheres harbingers currency for maps?
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Hey guys, ive just created a character in SSF on xbox, and i wanna know if at any moment i change, does ALL my stashtab, master experiance, atlas complection will transfert or ill start with nothing ??
So far I have no issues with it. Playing a lvl 87 Wildstrike Ranger since coming back.

I do lament the addition of Oni Goroshi. As a returning player I knew I wouldn't have a fun time leveling really slow and "farming" for weeks to get a decent playable character. So naturally as soon as I heard about this item, which is pretty much the week I started playing again.. I figured I'd try to get one. As advertised, it took just over two hours, while watching PoE stream, so it was relatively painless.

This sword is overpowered. There is supposed to be a downside, but once you get to the higher levels you never noticed the downside. Instead, if you use Wild Strike and Elemental Proliferation, the damage is nuts.

I became bored eventually and was able to put together a sword and axe with decent damage. On that subject why are the top tier Physical Damage mods SO RARE ??? I think this is one of the aspects I dislike most in PoE you have to farm for SO DAMN LONG to get a decent rare weapon. You need good attack speed, and like 200+ Physical Damage to get anywhere near something usable for a melee build. These drops are super rare.

I think I have been playing for a good month now, almost every day, and only found 2 passable one handers to replace Oni Goroshi. I end up with less DPS but still decent for T1-T11 maps so far.

I think Oni Goroshi needs to be toned down. It makes SSF less of a challenging experience. I understand the idea is to replace it eventually with something better... but it takes a LOOOONG time to get something better. I think this sword should start losing potential around ACT 10. I am guessing it was designed like Tabula Rasa, as a "leveling" item? In that case it shouldn't be something I can use until T11+ maps.

edit: the point I am making here is that I have NEVER played SSF before, so with a completely empty stash, and my first SSF character, I feel that this Oni Goroshi unique item has trivialized the content, as well as the experience for me.
Last edited by DeF46#3887 on Feb 23, 2018, 1:01:01 PM
i hop for something more interesting for us that dont want to trade just play the game maybe one day. until i dont see some real work on it wont i will be out i know thay will do it one day thay are a great team
Hi guys. Want to thank GGG too. Returned to POE after 2 years out when I learned you added SSF mode - this is what I missed a lot (for a casual gamer with unpredictable playing schedule, family and offline life, thus season leagues incompatible). Nice experience so far, no hurry, can miss daily missions and good parties without pain now. Really self-sufficient adventure. And I really appreciate how many things you added to gameplay besides $$$ cosmetics - good work!
Is it possible at all to set SSF stash tabs as public, so they can be seen by price checkers?

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