Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

HI to all Members and GGG

I really like the idea of selffound BUT, I also like to play with friends together...almost nobody plays in a party at the moment..

Wouldnt it be nice to enable party play but everyones getting his OWN loot like in(hate to say that) Diablo 3

More difficult... and a need for tank or support builds would be there. This would be like...the dream for
me and my friends to be honest.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day :)
c0debr3ak wrote:
TravisL wrote:
It will be so great if we get permanent SSF for SC and HC

Hopefully someone from GGG can confirm if we are getting permanent SSF softcore and hardcore leagues before the legacy league start.

Would make no sense if they dont add permanent SSF leagues, no need to horde items = less stash tabs required.

yes, exactly. it would make no sense in the big picture if they didn't add ssf standard and hc for the ssf league chars to go to, too.

and that is why they absolutely WON'T add these ssf permanent leagues. because we are talking about ggg here. ggg cares about selling cosmetic mtx to people who play temporary leagues. that is all ggg cares about. logic and the big picture don't buy wilson a new gold-plated ferrari, after all...
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
I'm surprised at the generally positive feedback for SSF and salute it. This thread is already the longest on the first page of dev manifesto subforum.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
morbo wrote:
I'm surprised at the generally positive feedback for SSF and salute it. This thread is already the longest on the first page of dev manifesto subforum.

imagine an auction house thread...

ggg is kinda crafty in a way. they can keep features a lot of people have wanted for a long time in reserve, and only release them when something pisses off the playerbase (e.g. xbox version). if they would grant the players every wish right away, they wouldn't be able to counterbalance the negative impact unwanted (and mostly unneeded) changes have.

it's just like a band that reverts back to the old style that attracted the fans in the first place after a couple of sellout albums; or any kind of "tossing a bone" marketing strategy really. it may have been that in the beginning wilson and co actually had cared about making a good diablo 2-like game, but the reality is that now with 90+ employees it's long become a business, and nothing else.

grinding gear games exists for selling microtransactions to suckers, not for developing the best game possible. that is how business works. and the microsoft deal should have revealed that pretty obvious fact even to the most fanatic fanboys...
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
LMTR14 wrote:
morbo wrote:
I'm surprised at the generally positive feedback for SSF and salute it. This thread is already the longest on the first page of dev manifesto subforum.

imagine an auction house thread...

ggg is kinda crafty in a way. they can keep features a lot of people have wanted for a long time in reserve, and only release them when something pisses off the playerbase (e.g. xbox version). if they would grant the players every wish right away, they wouldn't be able to counterbalance the negative impact unwanted (and mostly unneeded) changes have.

it's just like a band that reverts back to the old style that attracted the fans in the first place after a couple of sellout albums; or any kind of "tossing a bone" marketing strategy really. it may have been that in the beginning wilson and co actually had cared about making a good diablo 2-like game, but the reality is that now with 90+ employees it's long become a business, and nothing else.

grinding gear games exists for selling microtransactions to suckers, not for developing the best game possible. that is how business works. and the microsoft deal should have revealed that pretty obvious fact even to the most fanatic fanboys...

No, that is not how business works. In fact, it works the other way round. GGG has grown to 90+ employees BECAUSE they built a product that people want. Developing the best game possible is directly connected to selling more microtransactions. That's how business works.
You have to understand that your opinion about certain aspects of the game does not in any way represent the PoE player base as a whole. For every person that complains on the forums there are 100 people who don't share the same opinion.
Last edited by Reizoko#4460 on Feb 27, 2017, 11:11:36 AM
More stuff like this and i even would get myself a supporter pack.... i like to get somewhere on my own, my own builds, my own way, yeah it takes a lil bit longer than in group, but that's the way i like it. i'm not playing this game for a long time, even i'm longer a member then i am a player. Thx ggg to support the soloing guys....
Last edited by xtreamdreamz#3442 on Feb 27, 2017, 4:36:58 PM
If in SSF league will be higher drop chance, this may affect temporary leagues. People will transfer good loot from SSF(because it will be more efficient to farm here) to temporary league. SSF needs to be isolated or reworked (as example: vendor reward for valuable items just in SSF, vendor's sellable items).
Anyway. Thank you for adding more content to the game. Great job!
Last edited by RagingSpirit#5158 on Feb 27, 2017, 5:15:55 PM
Although I'm happy that they are introducing a SSF mode, I'm personally a little disappointed with how they are implementing it.

Firstly, the fact that this seems to be a temporary league thing is a shame. I would have liked it to be a permanent thing. And if the drop rates are not going to be increased, see below, then this will feel like a short-term slog with very little payoff. Personally, I feel they have missed the point here. Surely those of us that play SSF voluntarily are in it for the long haul and don't want to be on a clock that will run out?

Secondly, and mainly, I'm disappointed that the drop rate is not being increased. I know that the argument is that people would profit from dropping nice items in SSF and then porting over to Standard and selling them, but I feel this misses the point of the SSF mentality.
Truth is, the drop rates in the game are formulated with multiplayer/trading in mind, so not addressing that in a SSF mode feels really odd and contrary to the whole idea of the mode. In fact, to me it would feel like being punished for not playing the 'proper' version of the game.

Look at it this way, just because I choose not to trade, I don't want to feel that I will (probably) never drop the BiS unless I am phenomenally lucky. Especially if I have chosen to deliberately spend my time in the SSF mode! I WANT to hunt for my own loot and I'm happy to spend the time being self reliant, but I don't want to be hamstrung by an RNG formula that was created to be used by someone that is expected to trade in a wide player economy that will probably be able to provide what I want. That seems self-contradictory.

My solution? I personally would have much preferred a permanent mode for SSF that has a shared stash for the new toons you choose to run in that mode, but locked to all other characters, stashes and modes. IE once the toon is SSF they cannot port over to Standard. Ever. That way, the SSF folks get an increased drop rate and a fair shot at the BiS items they want without wrecking the main games economy. In fact, I would have no problem putting my money where my mouth was and buying such a mode to support it, if they locked it behind a paywall in the shop.

Yes, I know that someone will say that this is an MMOARPG in essence but, as was already stated by Chris from GGG, those of us that choose to play in this way are not exactly counted in the MMO part of the calculation anyway!

I first started playing in 2012 and I have never, ever, grouped up with anyone on POE. The fact that in all the years I have been playing I have only ever bought one item from another player kinda defines my preferred play style.
Solo, completely.
The item I bought was only a Skill Tree gem anyway and I would not miss it if I hadn't got it. It was as much out of curiosity as to how poetrade worked!

All that being the case, why GGG thought that I, or any like-minded player, would give a monkeys about being anywhere on any leaderboard is beyond me! Or I would want to brag to anyone. Or even that I knew anyone I wanted to brag to! I play this game because I'm not forced into playing with anyone else.

This implementation therefore feels a little nonsensical to me.
Last edited by elderwood#0525 on Feb 27, 2017, 8:00:48 PM
I am pretty sure we are getting standard (permanent) SSF leagues too. Like, why not?

...but if not, I am the most disappointed player in the history of PoE. Definitely will quit, because I see no point playing other leagues with my limited playing time.
elderwood wrote:

In fact, to me it would feel like being punished for not playing the 'proper' version of the game.

You are in fact being punished for not playing the 'proper' version of the game. But how is that any different than the way it is now? It is not punitive in the slightest bit so I see no reason to be upset that there are no increased drop rates. However I can understand why you want them.

As far as the permanent leagues go, I'm pretty sure SSF can be played in standard and hardcore. It wouldn't make sense if they dropped you out of SSF just because the league ended. Dropping you out of the parent league to standard though makes perfect sense. If this doesn't exist, I'd be very disappointed.
Last edited by ghoulavenger#0583 on Feb 28, 2017, 1:46:43 AM

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