Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

Why not do it offline?

In my opinion solo self found is the same as playing offline. Why not introduce offline mode to the game?
rararaputin wrote:
Ageless_Emperion wrote:
You know, props to you GGG for supporting a distinctive play style that is genuinely hard and radically changes the pace of the game. This should go a long way to quell all those people whining that the game is too easy for them, now all you have to say to them is "If its easy, go play SSF!". I want to emphacise that I am impressed with this move, but I genuinely can't feel good about it. The simple reason being that I can't imagine that the actual effort in establishing the groundwork to support this is trivial and the end result is what amounts to a verified means to display your e-peen. I can't feel good about this when there are skills, items and other portions of the game that need work and have needed work for years from the forum threads I find that probably overall require individually far less work than this system, but remain buried because they do not draw in the kind of publicity that streams playing SSF do.

There is very little work to be done. Did you do any races? SSF league is just ssf race ruleset. You are solo and got no one to trade with. It is already in the game code. If you played races, you'd know. Someone is forgetting UI elements necessary to make this work, the code needed to port characters actively from one league to another, the man hours to actually set all of this up even if it is just a modified race environment. There is a very fundamental thing I have learned about making something and it is that no matter how simple something seems to you when you get down to making it will take a lot of time and it applies here perfectly.

Where are the UI fixes for the skill bloat in the game, where are there fixes to skills like specters that make players jump through excruciating hoops to use them, where are the fixes for items with trigger conditions no that they have been "fixed" by GGG, where are the trade improvements, where are the inventory improvements with the currency bloat?

I am sure the list can go on if I put more effort into it but the fact of the matter remains the same, these things are active parts of the game that players rely on and they get the shaft when there is just as much groundwork in place to have them fixed as this system. The difference is all the effort put into making this work is to let people say "Look ma I did it!", if the rest of the game wasn't in such a dire need of attention for quality of life improvements I wouldn't be making this argument.

This move, along with how GGG has treated content recently just makes me feel like they are prioritizing in a way that will get them free advertising and praise from their mouthpieces rather than focusing on improving the overall experience of their player base. Does this get their numbers up in the short term? Yeah sure, does this help their player retention and overall game health, no, it doesn't. I am just concerned with this trend.
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
Last edited by Ageless_Emperion#2844 on Jan 23, 2017, 5:23:13 PM
Oblivion30 wrote:

Why not do it offline?

In my opinion solo self found is the same as playing offline. Why not introduce offline mode to the game?

showing your efforts to the world.
and, offline is easy hackerable
There are 3 kinds of people in the world: those who can count & those who can't
[first read on Jarulf guide to d1 :D]
Last edited by di0nix#7956 on Jan 23, 2017, 5:17:16 PM
alhazred70 wrote:
ghoulavenger wrote:
(takes about 2 weeks to bench craft a 6L with vorici). All self found. This is not an unrealistic expectation. It all depends on how long you play more than anything else.

Ofc there will always be people who have no job or responsibilities and can eric cartman it... Hell I used to be one of them back in Diablo days in 1996. But even still I can't fathom farming 1500 fuses in 2 weeks no lifing it or not. Can't really account for people like that in my statements and IMO it's not reasonable to take exception to my statements based on that. There's always going to be edge cases. The exceptions test the rule.

Eh, it's not as hard as it sounds. Almost all of the currency you find in game can be turned into orbs of fusing via the vendor. You vendor rares for alt shards, vendor 6 sockets for jewelers etc. In an 8 hour play session (which is a lot I admit) you're talking about basically 100 orbs of fusing, which in turn is 400 jewelers orbs, or 800 alteration orbs. That boils to 50 jewelers orbs per hour. I'll find that in 6 sockets alone (averaging at least 1 6 socket in most maps), not counting actual currency drops or vendoring of yellows for alteration shards. In a high clear speed environment I can probably make double that, i.e. dried lake/beach runs for currency.

The question is whether or not you actually *want* a 6 link. You can use most of that same currency to upgrade other items, or attempt to. It's pretty easy to make 3-4 stat jewels, and rings with alts and regals.
About more path of trading hopefully. Tins will get me back to playing again
I've wanted this for a while, but now my issue with it is...last league I had more friends play the game than ever =/

I will still use it to play HC though, since no one else ever wants to play that, I play it mostly SSF already in the leagues that I roll HC. While it would be very nice to get some kind of recognition for SSF (more lasting than the ladder), I understand the counterpoint listed in the OP. I'll look back through the thread for the answer, but will we be able to display our final ladder position on our forum profile? That would be a form of lasting recognition I guess.
Will SSF character still be able to participate in pvp and group up for 3v3 queues?
I'll guess its gonna be fun not watching for any princing. And im already playing 90% of regular play solo selffound :) - gonna try for sure
This is sweet. I usually play SSF up to a point, not out of some ideal, but because I usually can't be bothered trading or partying at least until I hit mapping. It'll be cool to have something keeping score like this.
Meh. Sounds a bit self-defeating to me.

SSF players often are the ones that couldn't care less about other players. If the sole purpose of a SSF league is to allow players to have "bragging rights", for players who don't care about anyone else, well... It's completely pointless.

IMO, this kind of thing would work if it had:

* Increased drops rate on the SSF leagues. That's the only thing that would actually matter in those leagues, otherwise there wouldn't be any significative difference to playing as SSF in the common leagues.

* In order to not mess with the economy, the SSF league characters would have to be transferable only to the Standard common league (because LOL Standard economy anyway). Then the increased drop rate on the SSF leagues would not mess with the economy of the temporary leagues. This system is already in place for the hardcore leagues - when a Breach hardcore character dies, he goes straight to Standard softcore league, not to the Breach softcore league.


Chris wrote:

  • To be an optional mode. For now there are no incentives for playing other than additional challenge and bragging rights. a good sign. The "For now" there gives me hope.
Last edited by Erasculio#3416 on Jan 23, 2017, 6:55:07 PM

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