Path of Exile is Coming to Xbox One!
" Not if the Console uses PC client =). Xbox 1 uses window's 10. It's more like a PC now then the consoles have been in the past. We don't need to segregate player bases. This is a chance for them to do Cross plat Right! Have Xbox1 use PC client with support for mouse and keyboard. If a controller should be used, sell a modified game pad for extra $$$. The console has 2 USB ports, lets finally bring mouse and keyboard support to the platform. This game can pioneer that concept. |
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If i were to start playing on the XBOX One will i be able to log in and have all the stash tabs that i currently have now or will i have to start over from the beginning and buy all my tabs/effects again?
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Anyway GL for all console players in Uber lab, where precision positioning is crucial xD
WoT and WoT Blitz ( x-box ) are separated games because PC users will mercilessly slaughter console casuals. Last edited by Elua#0230 on Jan 19, 2017, 3:55:52 AM
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Any Plans for the PS4?
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Ohhhh booy *_* That´s amazing.
But some people, like me, only have a PS 4, willl there be a Version also for Sony PS 4? |
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Amazing Trailer.
spend my EUROS for xbox users WTF I have a maladie to shoulder and i can only play with paddle (i use ARPGGAMEPAD since 2-3 years) and i'am limitless in build..I need a real support gamepad and you spend time and money for xbox users GG,GGG But, I trust you , wait and see +++ |
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I must say that somehow... I feel sad about it and am extremely worried about consequences that it will have on PC game overall...
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I think that's cool and all but if we lose all of our micro transactions that we have bought(Main Issue I See). And we don't get anything special for linking our accounts for both Xbox and PC, we basically lose everything and have to start over again.
For those that have characters filled and can't afford spaces I can see them using it, if they don't want to delete anyone. I can see a few new players joining the game whether they stay or not, is a different story as the game is a Hardcore Arpg and most people ain't into that sort of thing. The ones that are own pc's although for those that can't afford a PC it will be awesome. Another point is if it was cross platform I think it would be a huge hit.Because say Joe Smoe only has one computer but wants to play with his son who has a Xbox im sure lots of people would use it then.But as stated it will not be. Most of this does not effect the mother game (I.E. PC POE) but the following. I can't say for certain but most company's who have made the switch did as follows, Not hire a new team for the New version and so dlc for the mother version and fixes for it where slowed dramatically and sometimes indefinitely.Then to fix the issue, A long time after they work on the mother version completely ignoring the new version for a long time. The only way both version's don't lose is if they 2 separate teams doing the work. People who have played D3 and other titles knows this to be true. So Lets hope they have their own team for console. Even Frikkin Minecraft suffered for forever until they implemented two separate teams. I think they may have to anyways because of Microsoft's Stringent policy on games and dlc although they have been getting better about it as of late semi-better. That said i think its cool that its coming to Xbox. For the most part it doesn't really effect the pc version (Mother Version) that much unless the team is the same team doing everything in which case there is a chance the updates that we have needed and been waiting for will take alot longer than they have already. Which means if they planned on releasing last year and they had to hold it back for this year it may take another year to year and a half for them to release it assuming nothing goes wrong. But we know that GGG are not incompetent so i'm sure they will figure it out and everything will run smoothly. so lets some all this up for the lazy people like myself that don't like to read into a pro's and con's section below. So everyone can get the gist of it in 1 minute or less. Pro's:
-Will contain all the content from the PC version, including the upcoming 3.0.0 expansion that includes Act Five. -A small amount of new players that stay playing and eventually join the PC version. -If you can't afford a PC but have a Xbox you can finally play. -Taking a trip? It's far easier to take a Xbox with you than a PC. Unless of course you have a laptop. -We can claim some of the console Diablo 3 community. -Also more people overall will get to try the game and hear about it. -Easier to stream with for average players. -No space for Characters? If you have a Xbox you can now play it without deleting your good characters or paying for spaces. -May end up with more a grasp of the story of Poe if you were a casual player, Because console versions tend to be heavily based around Dialogue and story telling. So the story may add a couple things to the campaign that were not said in PC version or even that you may have had to find. -Getting bored of POE? This may spice things up for the game will definitely be a little different and feel different as well. -Wish you could use a skill but its just to weak? There's a good chance that skills that suck in PC version that would be cool for a build may be stronger and better in the console because of the difference of some mechanics. -Because of the last mentioned it may also have some different Unique Items and or Micro transactions because of the difference in mechanics however small. -No longer fun trolling? As the PC version the PVP is semi bunk and bland. Due to the competitive nature of console gaming PVP may be more enjoyable for all you pkers. -Lastly Grinding Gear Games will make more money. Possibly allowing them to stay open even the majority abandons our community. -It's also possible that the console version will be more casual than hardcore as a way to sway the New Consumer's into not being afraid to play the game and also not being bored of it. So if you really can't get the hang of POE. Try your luck at the console version. Con's:
(The first few are really part of the same thing but are different negative points to them. As such they are expressed as separate Con's.)
-No Cross Platform!!! Sorry If you only have one Xbox and one PC you will not be able to play with your family or friends. Although you can both be playing POE in the same room. -What wheres my Duelist? Again you will have to start all over your gear and characters will not carry over due to difference in mechanics. -Oh No Blue Portal!! "Meaning that since this will most likely be the case the hundreds of dollars worth of micro transaction's you purchased may not carry over. In fact its completely possible that the game may not even have micro's as we know them. They could be rewarded through a achievement based system.Or not at all. Although more than likely the challenge ones will be similar. Leaving you to purchase or repurchase micro's most likely in the form of DLC packs. So get spending unless you enjoy that ugly blue portal. Cmon you know you do! (Let's hope that at least they carry over when you link your account. Especially since some of my favorite micro's can no longer even be gotten.) -If you don't have a Xbox, sorry your left out. There's already supporters complaining about this. Although you could always shell out another few hundred dollars to remedy this. Although if your a true gamer you more than likely already have one. (So let's hope console players don't get any "that PC can't get or I can see some of those players entering Enraged Rhoa mode and leaving completely.) -Sucks to be you I own a Xbox too sucker!!! As do I, but if lately its been collecting dust, Accompany by your old "Back Door boys cassette tapes. Then more than likely you neglected to pay for your live privileges. Which will cost you $9.99/month, $24.99/ 3 months, or $59.99/ 12 months. That doesn't include tax which they heavily charge even on DLC now. Fair warning though if you paid for a subscription with a credit card and you let it lapse without canceling it. Even if you put a card on it for after your cc was done, most likely you'll have to call then because your suspended. That's just what they do. You will need Xbox Live gold to play the game, and even some free games require it just to download them. (I Personally think the 12 months for 60$ or so is worth it for what you get.) -Quick Call The Borgia!!! If you have children and don't want them to see this beautiful game in all of its Gorey details. Make sure their account is set to under 18 so that they can't download and play the game. As it will be easier for younger players to download and start playing.But don't go crying to the past for Pope Alexander yet.. Most likely the console version will be a tid bit more censored or have options to censor. (Although If the game gets censored all that much, it would alienate the real players because it just wouldn't feel like the game we all know and love.Also it was intended to be the way it is. So if you don't like it, you'll probably have to watch the wee ones a bit closer.) -Death to the quicksilver. It may be interesting to see what they do to remedy this, but you'll have make sacrifices on the console. As you'll have one less potion available if your new to the game it won't effect you. In fact if you play the pc version you'll probably think your blessed. But if you have played since the beta's like me you gunna realize you will most likely have to give up, Either that long always useful quicksilver (or your extra one for some.) or one of you mana health or damage potions. -No for you. In fact like most of the other console arpgs that i won't play it most likely will be mostly self found. Which also includes Instance based gear. Hopefully they won't force you not to be able to trade unique's like diablo did.But trade in console without a AH is less done. And if the game has no trade whatsoever it really doesn't work as a multiplayer game.But i'm assuming they will allow you to drop trade and other such things maybe through message chat and such as well who knows. at this point. -Possibility of delayed content for both versions if they do not have a dedicated team for both. -Also the possibility that the game over time starts getting more pay to win, and offering little things and pieces of gear to buy for console version. This is a con because it would bleed over to the PC, and one of the reason Hardcore Arpg fans love POE is because it is the truest free to play game at this time. So if item malls popped up, players would head for the hills. -That's all for now. The Conclusion:
I know it looks like more pro's than cons. But that's because I didn't want to completely shoot down the console version. I'm not against it, by any means I would like to see a console version especially if it really is F2P the same as now.When i get a minute i will delve more deeply into the subject.For The current community i feel this is for you. I don't think the majority of the community will stop playing the PC version in fact. I think most of us will only play the PC version with any seriousness. I feel that the console version without addressing some things, is primarily to break new players and or casual ones into the genre or game and get some extra support money rolling. God knows enough has been made as is. More or less we may see a marginally small increase in the community on the PC version. Mainly due to new players learning the ropes on console also through advertising as I'm sure a large number of people have no clue about the game.As for a serious player base its free so there will always be tons of people playing especially on console with the kids.But most of the current players who will play i don't think it will be all the time. Mostly just play here and there, when they need a break from "When traveling. And Also to educate their friends who don't have a PC or They feel they don't know enough about the game to download it on their computer yet. I'm sure a number of us will try it. Because lets face it despite GGG Face tanking us all the time, We love them and are Frikking Exited to see what they come with. but other than that i don't feel it will effect us much. GGG when you get into the phase of beta testing, if you need some help. If you want some help from someone who has been around since the original beta's and has experiences in both console and PC gaming and still is around as well game design,graphics communications, and Beta tested pretty much every game there is since the 90's. I'd love to do a video review on it. Once it starts rolling I'm stoked to see what you guys come up with. Feel free to drop me a line. |
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Interesting step. We´ll see.
When there will be no crossplatform ability due to diff servers, will it be possible to play with two on one box? This would be great |
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Not to happy about this. If xbox becomes the dominant one and Path on Pc dies out.
Im gonna be real sad. Microsoft has a tendency to ruin my childhood nomatter if the buy a whole franchise or just dip their little fingers in it. Hope the gods of gaming are strong with GGG. Because i love What they have forged with this game over the years. it would be sad if it all crumbled. |
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