Path of Exile is Coming to Xbox One!
This is not what my supporter money was meant for! It's a sad day :( I don't like this and don't see how this would improve PoE if any it will only become a dumbed down version where the PC can't have many fun things because it needs to work on that freaking console too.
We shall see how it goes but I'm betting even less optimizing for PC and less fun content in the end which shall mean I have to move on to other ARPG game (Luckily Wolcan looks promising) <--- mirror Thread
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From the perspective of someone who has recently purchased a supporter pack exclusively because of the quality of the PC game, I do not support this decision at all.
When I purchase a supporter pack, I believe it to go to the development of the PC game, not stretch resources into a cross-platform development. I also do not appreciate the fact that GGG never announced they were working on an Xbox version, and just decided to drop the news and expect us to congratulate and accept them for it. I understand that from the company perspective it is an opportunity. However, what guarantee is there that this will improve the quality of the game for existing PC players? The answer is: None. You are launching a product which may or may not go bust. If XBOX does not work out, you have wasted time and resources that could have been put into polishing your currently growing PC base. Among the legions of loyal GGG fans who are saying "congratulations, what a great announcement", here is one perspective that feels annoyed about the lack of communication and expresses doubt about the value consoles bring to a game like PoE. I will be waiting to see what happens, but I hope it works out for you guys. |
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I feel it like a betrayal. You are free on pc(no drm,independence....etc) and you go lock yourself in console support, for what ? money ? Like someone said here, this is difficult niche game (dark soul isn't) and to reach more ppl on long terme i feel you'll need to simplify game and have 2 version of this game.
I regret my last 60$ spend in this game. I am not a hater for those who want to insult me and have no respect for the opinion of other one. ;) |
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GGG you risk takers you!
All I ask is: please don't dumb down your game so it fits for console/casual play. I know Chris said the balance would be separate, I will hold you to that promise! PS: Breach into main game pls, gotta farm up those chayula uniques :P |
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I am not a big supporter, i bought around 50 premium stash tabs. That is still decent support if you ask me. Just to find out that for my money for the last 2 years i was supporting GGG creating a tractor, or a plane or a console. And that that shit is the reason for no balancing whatsoever regarding any elements in the game, be it skills, talent tree, items, ES vs life, no trading system improvements, basically all the resources we who were donating money were actually scammed. How appropriate. Now i know why GGG loves scammers and manipulators in the game, they are of the same cloth.
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I'm having trouble coming up with English words that are harsh enough to describe how I don't like this.
Perhaps someone who speaks German can help me? D: .............................. Here's the Problems: -PC players understood this was an indie game, and could forgive graphics glitches and poor performance. -XBOX players are used to polished games, and will likely laugh at the way it looks. Then throw their controller over the way it feels. -XBOX players are going to be in an empty world, where the experienced computer players don't visit, and don't explain the game. -I fear for their economy. -They'll find out they can't progress to end game without trading with players. Who are mostly on the other side of an invisible wall they can't cross. -They'll be pissed that PC players have access to legacy items that are WAY better than theirs, but they can't ever get them. -Most XBOX players will either quit or migrate to PC anyway after seeing "the grass is greener." And the ones who want to stay? -They will take to youtube for guidance, and be further confused because 1) the game interface and other things are different, 2) 3/4 of the videos are outdated. -Many new XBOX players will expect "Diablo Clone" and a similar, simple game : they are going to be hopelessly confused and frustrated. -(You are after all, demo'ing skills that aren't good enough to use, like magma orb...) -Kripp advice of "you only need 4 or 5 attack nodes in a tree, your weapon does the damage" is laughable today. They're gonna take that advice though, since he's a familiar face; and get stuck. -"Why can't I still kill things with this sweet glacial hammer skill I started with? -"Why are you laughing at my Elemental Hit totem?" -"Spectral throw in a circle looks fun! Oh, what do you mean it's a shit vaal gem that I vendor?" -"What do you mean most skills are crap?? You're actually not trolling?? It's true!!??" -"But I like playing SCION, what do you mean I have to reroll because of some weird thing called the Lab, and her subclass sucks? I can't be what I want? Screw this, I'm not starting over." -XBOX players aren't going to even be able to chat to ask questions without what, buying a keyboard too? Why even play a console then? -This is the world's most complicated game: You wrote a huge tutorial and instruction manual for XBOX players to help them, right GGG? -If you didn't prepare for a raging storm of feedback and negative chatter from them. -Many of the PC players now feel betrayed. Feel like they were subsidizing XBOX players. -You are losing the player base that enjoyed racing after leagues start to die. .............. I sincerely hope you can overcome those problems. I hate to say it, but the best way to overcome it is to scrap this idea. For now. Pick it up later when the game is (much) more polished, and it makes sense. .............. This is my game experience. I love the concept and mechanics of breach. LOVE IT! Love the difficulty. But here's the horrible downside. Game performance is worse than last league. My friends chain-ripped at the start of the league to buggy game-slideshow and crash-festival breaches. Only one still plays with me now. And we don't map together now because i have to ask him not to use Abyssal Cry. Creeee- FREEZE - BANG! It drives me insane. Preloading enhancements are gone. Like, who flipped off the switch? Why do i have strongbox explosion lag again for Voll's sake? 2 out of 5 breaches still lock up my game. I just log when I see Tul fatty's, no point. I have a solid state drive, 6 core cpu, nice card: doesn't matter. I had hope THIS league would be different. THIS LEAGUE: GGG would learn and consider performance FIRST. Instead they ran off and worked on a 2nd game for an audience that doesn't even exist yet. I'm pretty dismayed. Last edited by Czarevna#5621 on Jan 19, 2017, 3:41:06 AM
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We support you all this time to just have you port the game to console and drop/lower support and the hardcore nature? Its Diablo all over again... [I can name many more games too - this is bs.] Tala Moana Warrior!
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" NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN! there you go <--- mirror Thread
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If there are alot of people that seems unpleasant with the xbox launch with a-b-c-d reasons, why don't you guys team up and make a commitment to not playing PoE and stop supporting GGG for a set amount of time. 2 months ? 3 months ? a year ? . I don't think any of these reply posts will be taken seriously by GGG, idk. ;)
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" Wolcen uses CryEngine, tho = dead game. If you think PoE optimization is bad, just try playing any CryEngine game on anything less than a top-of-the-line <1 year-old gaming rig. CryEngine is specifically designed for coming up with the prettiest graphics possible at the cost of the highest system load and minimum requirements possible. Personally I avoid any game that uses that pathetically overhyped gaming 'engine' like the plague. The game itself looks nice, though, if you can actually play it. :) |
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