[3.6] Carcass.filter - discontinued.
" I think its fine to just add all the new items even if their rarity tiers arent perfect. I think most people using this filter are experienced enough to be able to do last minute modifications themselves. Thanks for the great work anyways :) |
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" I can upload what I have right now, but it's very rough, missing a lot of alert sounds, and I'm also only about 90% done with a rework of the way I show currency. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spookyglowingbadger/carcass-filter/master/carcass.filter As usual, I don't recommend leveling with this, and I won't be using it or tweaking it myself until my first char is capable of decent endgame map clears. If you don't like the changes I've made in this, you could always copy the new stuff into the previous version of the filter. There are new blocks for Pantheon Soul, Divine Vessel, Harbinger Shards, Harbinger Currency, and (Unique) Pieces. EDIT: I won't update the first post in this thread or make an "official" release until I have something more refined. Last edited by carkasjak#7673 on Aug 4, 2017, 11:29:00 AM
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Updated for Harbinger League and the Fall of Oriath expansion.
Added new stuff, switched to positional alerts, and reorganized currency section. There are fewer audio alerts in general to make the important ones more impactful. Most currencies now have colors that either match their appearance or their function/theme(Vaal orbs are the same color as corrupted text for instance). I encourage you to go through the currency section and hide the lower tier ones if you've already got fast clear speeds in maps. This first release has a lot of currencies shown by default. |
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I've pushed what will hopefully be the last update for Harbinger league. I'm very happy with how the filter feels right now.
As usual, I highly recommend you edit it manually to select which map tiers and currencies you want shown, as the optimal configuration depends highly on your character's clear speed and atlas shaping. You can also manually add more rares if you're into that kind of thing. I personally prefer only looting rings, amulets and jewels. |
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hey mate, i played with ur filter before patch and i really liked the strictness and itemsize.
however in 3.0 i get tones of shit currency like whestones, armourscraps, jewlers and also maps under t10. u stated and i know from the last version, that this is probably not intended? so is it me or is the filter just not as strict? thx for reply, keep up the good work! |
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" The intention is for people to manually adjust which currencies they want shown. As it was still very early in the league when I released this version, I was still showing some lower currencies while my char was getting geared up. Just replace "Show" with "Hide" for the currencies you want to hide, and do the same for map tiers. It's virtually impossible to release a filter that will work well out of the box for everyone, which is why I put my emphasis on making it easy to read and edit. I provide a baseline for people to make their own adjustments to. However, I've now released a small update to make it suitable for the most common shaped setup and high clear speed by default. Regardless, I really want people to check for themselves and adjust accordingly. Last edited by carkasjak#7673 on Aug 17, 2017, 8:25:06 AM
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I really like this filter but I hate the new colors. Everyone was already used to neversink colors and there wasn't really anything wrong with them. I think most people associate filter color with value and not the type of itself which is why every currency being a different color isn't really helpful at all compared to just having several colors - one for each tier of currency.
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" I was expecting this to be an issue for some people, but I really like the change myself. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time. I no longer have to check to make sure that my filter still looks like NeverSink after every update, and I can treat each currency as an individual unit instead of managing tiers now. The new currency colors are also a lot more helpful for me when I'm playing SSF, since their value is largely irrelevant, but their function is important. If you don't want to try to get used to it, I don't blame you. Unwanted changes can be annoying. I hear NeverSink has added an even stricter version of his filter, as well as easy customization at http://www.filterblade.xyz/ |
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Just wanted to throw out there I started using this yesterday and I absolutely love the colors.
I've disliked using Neversink basically since it was released I used to use One Filter To Rule Them All which I enjoyed for a bit and then Greengrove because I loved the colors, but your filter along with your post about making currency have helped me quite a bit this league, even though I've been dreadfully unlucky, it's been more pleasant. |
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Hi I like it thus far, I only adjusted the sounds
But I would like to add the Imbued wand base. The problem is I do not know to make him show me only the rare imbued wand base and hide all other bases. any tips? |
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