[3.6] Carcass.filter - discontinued.
hi how can i add the rgb items to the filter? thx.
IGN: NoMerCyy / __DryZzy__
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" As soon as all the new item Classes and BaseTypes are known. I'm also not sure if the relics count as uniques or if they have a new rarity called Relic. I've already prepared two blocks in the filter for Leaguestones and the Reliquary Key, but I can't really test it until the league is out. I will definitely finalize that stuff on the first day of the league though. EDIT: Thursday (NZT): Skill Tree and Item Filter Information Will probably have enough information to finalize Legacy League changes before the league starts even. " I suggest looking at the wiki if you're unsure how to make your own edits. I'd also strongly recommend against picking up RGB items, since chromatic orbs are a pretty low value currency in the first place, and the items will quickly clog your inventory. It doesn't really fit the theme of my filter at all, and you're probably better off using an entirely different filter if you want these items. Last edited by carkasjak#7673 on Feb 27, 2017, 8:27:39 AM
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Updated the filter for Legacy League thanks to information found in this thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1840246/page/1
New stuff: *Will try out showing good ES base rares from itemlevel 75+ instead of 84+ to see how I like it. Might change this back in the future. *Breachstones are now in the new "Misc Map Items" class, along with the Ancient Reliquary Key. *Leaguestones are in the "Leaguestone" class. *Added Talismans since they'll be part of legacy league challenges. This version probably won't work until 2.6 is released, so stick with the old one until then. If for some reason something doesn't work correctly on 2.6 release I'll probably fix it within the first hour of the league. You really shouldn't be using it for early leveling anyway. Last edited by carkasjak#7673 on Mar 1, 2017, 6:28:57 PM
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Fixed a serious issue that caused Ancient Reliquary Key to get the highlight from the "Quest Items" class due to missing quotes. (It was never hidden, but it lacked the proper highlight and alert)
Everyone using the filter should update immediately. I've added quotes to all the Classes for safety and consistency. Last edited by carkasjak#7673 on Mar 5, 2017, 12:53:59 PM
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Fairly big update. I feel like this is probably going to be the final release for Legacy League. I might still do minor tweaks, but there shouldn't be any major changes in a while. I reserve the right to change my mind about this though.
2.2 - debloat and tweaks I decided to get rid of tiers for uniques and divination cards because I'm too lazy to maintain them. Deal with it. You can copy them from NeverSink yourself if you want them in your version. Added some instructions near the start of the file. READ THEM. Made it easier to toggle which of the low currencies are shown since these need to be adjusted manually depending on how far along the league is. Default setting for map is now to hide T1-T9 and show all above again. Added white border to ilvl 84+ ES rares to separate them from ilvl 75+ ES rares. |
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Now's a good time in the league to start hiding Transmutes.
I've also added the Item Quantity gem. Sure would've been nice if GiGiGi had mentioned that it could drop again in their Item Filter post just before 2.6. I might have missed one of these, but it's fairly rare (Reliquary only), so maybe it hasn't dropped for me anyway. In any case, I'd encourage people to either manually add "Item Quantity" to the drop-only gem BaseTypes, or get the latest commit from the direct download link. I'll probably do a proper release soonish, but I might want to make some other changes as well before I do so. Last edited by carkasjak#7673 on Mar 22, 2017, 10:06:52 AM
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Released 2.3 and simplified the official name of the filter. It was a bit of an oxymoron for such a simple filter to have such a long and bloated name.
Crappy Leaguestones of Normal Rarity that add almost no value to your maps are now hidden. These include Torment, Prophecy, Tempest and Anarchy for now. Those are the ones I ended up getting way too many of, and never used. I don't think it's worth the time to pick these up to vendor for the 3 for 1 recipe even. You'll never run out of leaguestones in the endgame even if you hide the bad ones. Note that they are still shown if they are Magic Rarity. Other candidates to possibly hide in the future include Warbands, Invasion, Essence and Talisman, but these are currently somewhat useful for certain challenges in Legacy League. Last edited by carkasjak#7673 on Mar 25, 2017, 10:53:18 AM
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Thank you for your work and this lootfilter carkas :D
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Hello man, thanks for your great work
Are you going to do a filter for 3.0? |
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" I am. I don't know if it'll be ready at release, though. There are quite a few new items that I can't test properly on beta, as well as a big meta shift that is difficult to predict without playing for a while. I'll do what I can do today to get it almost ready. :) |
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