[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam

bravo373 wrote:
Hi can anyone help me what to upgrade now? I have 134k Dps in HO with golem and HoA + Anger..and 5228 hp and armor 3032...i go PF build tree but maybe i should go for more life tree what u think?

You need to get quality on all your gems. You losing a lot of damage over there.

Your belt needs an upgrade. The life roll on it is very low.

Get flat life on your Abyssal jewels. You missing a lot of life over there too.

Refund the 4 skill points at Herbalism. Put 2 points into Thick Skin and 2 points into 5% life node near Constitution. You will gain more life this way.


Ybuica228 wrote:
I have 3R 2B 1G, is it okay or should I change? I didn't notice 'outdated' for this setup in <Gems setup> line.

The damage gain from the new axe setup is very minor. You can certainly stay with what you currently have on your Ngamahu.

The main benefit of the new setup is that you can perform gem swap between Chance to Ignite and Elemental Focus.


Djangooo wrote:
Kira, since BBBRRG is still more DPS for me (added ignite) compared to added fire damage, it's obvious it's a good choice for many people. Since they blindly follow your guide they "reroll" their BBBGGR chests, whereas they should be happy with that lucky hit and just use it. Is it possible to include a BBBGGR in your guide as a secondary option? It's 100% better than RRBBGG.

Kind regards,


The case is this:

1) 3R2B1G gives the most damage. Hardest to roll on Bronn.

2) 2R2B2G gives good damage. Easiest to roll on Bronn.

3) 3B2G1R is in between the (1) and (2). And it is harder to roll than (2) on Bronn.

For players who are aiming for highest damage, they won't stop at (3) unless they run out of chromatics.

I have been getting private messages (in game and in forum) from new players telling me that they are confused with the various options available in the guide. As such, I have made significant effort to keep it simple for the Gems Setup section so that it is easier to comprehend.

I will give it some thought on whether I can include the setup you mentioned without making it look overwhelming to new players.

But still, thank you for highlighting. :)


Fexxus wrote:
I apologize if this has been asked a lot before, but why no vaal pact? It seems to be a no brainer for slayer with overleech.

Vaal Pact is not needed to clear end game content.

But you can certainly pick it up if you are more comfortable with it.


romacanada1 wrote:

The question is how do u fit everything in one gear peace? Flammability + Enfeeble + Herald of Ash + blasphemy + enlighten 5 gems/ (helm boots gloves max 4 sockets).

You can run Blasphemy + Flammability + Enfeeble with Enlighten 4. Herald of Ash can go to another slot.

And the above will only work if you have dual curse gear setup. Else you can swap Flammability with Enfeeble for leveling.


Beacon95 wrote:
Finally grabbed myself a Xoph's Blood, reworked my passive tree, and now I am not sure what to do with my current gem situation. Feel like I've screwed something up. Guide isn't very clear with how it should be set up once you've got Xoph's.

Here is my current setup:


Avatar of Fire skill tree follows the exact same gear setup as Xoph's Blood. :)

The only main difference in patch 3.1 will be the amulet. You can check out the aura setup if you own an extra fire version of Watcher's Eye under Recommended Gears section.


the_agenda wrote:
Amazing guide, have just managed to grab xoph's and hit level 85, this build is great.

I am however a little confused as to final 3.1 setup with gems, jewels (namely watchers eye) and armor (tombfist etc). What is the final setup that I should be aiming for, in terms of gems and armour?

Is tombfist better than titan gauntlets? Where should I put anger and enfeeble?

Effectively what I have done is copied your build from the part 'gears listed in shaper kill', but with the addition of 3.1, it conflicts and I'm confused where to put what?

A finalised 3.1 version would be really helpful, maybe remove the outdated gear/gems setup as I think a lot of people are confused with this, and post a full set of gear, gems and jewels (with where they are socketed), just so we know how to max this build out (ignoring EO setup, not going for this). Thankyou for your help!!

The Shaper kill gears (2.6) are now more of a budget setup that players can follow and be able to know that they can still kill Shaper if they have gears similar to that.

The new Watcher's Eye + Anger + corrupted Tombfist is a much more costly setup.

And as mentioned by @_Tiem, it is harder to cap your resistance and the best corrupted Tombfist will come with 2 x Abyssal sockets.

And I will look into making the guide easier to follow. :)


enisan12 wrote:

so if i have 3r 1b 2g linked what do you think the best setup will be for the 3 red gems

i was using fortify on leap slam and kinda got used to it so dont mined keeping it there

Cyclone + Faster Attack + Concentrated + Melee Physical + Elemental Damage with Attack + Added Fire Damage (or Fire Penetration)


enisan12 wrote:
do you have any advice to how to work the atlas in out favor so we can get the best of this build ?

Don't really understand your question.

For me, I just clear and get all map bonus so that more maps can drop when I map.


Norwind wrote:
Is it better to aim for %hp on abyss jewels or flat hp jewels for max. gains?

How do I link my gems? I wanted some critique on them

It really depends on the life % on your skill tree and gears.

To make it simple, just aim for flat life on abyssal jewels.

To link gears (gems) in your post:
- open a post reply
- click on your profile at the top left of the page
- click on the gears (gems) you want to link
- click [x] when done


bravo373 wrote:

Crit where? if u go Resolute Tech...u cant crit...maybe only on axe...not on cyclone :)...and only u go Elemental Overload

@Norwind isn't talking about critique as in critical, but rather this:




dodgeskitz wrote:

So i purchased a Watchers running this set up with avatar of fire when i have added the gem in to my tree my tool tip damage didn't change at all? will watchers eye still work since i have allready converted 100% of my physical to fire with weapon and avatar of fire?

As mentioned by @bravo373, are you using the right Watcher's Eye?

You will want to get:

Gain #% physical damage as extra fire damage while affected by Anger


swiftwilly wrote:
36 challenges complete! thank you Kira

Congrats! And you are welcome. :)
Norwind wrote:
Is it better to aim for %hp on abyss jewels or flat hp jewels for max. gains?

How do I link my gems? I wanted some critique on them

Abyssal jewels do not come with % increased to life. But flat life is better anyway (end game when you have a good % from your tree boosting them). That's why the 500 flat life on Kaom's beats the 40% from Belly.
Deliver pain exquisite
enisan12 wrote:
so if i have 3r 1b 2g linked what do you think the best setup will be for the 3 red gems

i was using fortify on leap slam and kinda got used to it so dont mined keeping it there

You invest in chromes and get your chest recolored ASAP. But if you have 2G, then you run Faster Attacks in lieu of Fire Penetration.

But getting 3R 2B 1G is a massive boost in damage. You might as well have a 5L with 2G because FA only brings about 10% more damage where Fire Pen brings about 40%.
Deliver pain exquisite
BaKouneT wrote:
Ybuica228 wrote:
I have 3R 2B 1G, is it okay or should I change? I didn't notice 'outdated' for this setup in <Gems setup> line.
It is still totally fine

Thx for answer)
So if i have 3000+ armor can can i go Iron Ref.. or it is mistake?
Here are my Jewels, can I please get some critique on what can be better

Also is the best way to get 3r2b1g on chest is to spam vorici 2r1b assuming you have 6 sockets or do the jeweler trick? Come to think of it wouldnt it be better to just get 4 socket, use vori and spam 2r1b and hopefully the 4th socket will be either R or B. Then from there do the vori jeweler thing and go up to 6 socket?

Thanks much for the hard work you guys do
Last edited by Norwind on Jan 8, 2018, 9:37:06 PM
Nice build!
I've spent around 3000 chromies now, still cant get my colours right on bronn's :'(

Thankfully I've got two and the one I'm running is 2R2G2B in the meantime but can't get 3R1G2B
kira1414 wrote:
The case is this:

1) 3R2B1G gives the most damage. Hardest to roll on Bronn.

2) 2R2B2G gives good damage. Easiest to roll on Bronn.

3) 3B2G1R is in between the (1) and (2). And it is harder to roll than (2) on Bronn.

For players who are aiming for highest damage, they won't stop at (3) unless they run out of chromatics.

I have been getting private messages (in game and in forum) from new players telling me that they are confused with the various options available in the guide. As such, I have made significant effort to keep it simple for the Gems Setup section so that it is easier to comprehend.

I will give it some thought on whether I can include the setup you mentioned without making it look overwhelming to new players.

But still, thank you for highlighting. :)

I get that 3R2B1G is the best roll, but it depends on your jewels and stats. For me, added ignite always came out on top. This means, that for many people, it's not that different compared to added fire. So when they are chroming their chest for all that money, they should KEEP their chest 3B2R since it's 90% the same as 3R. It's also a rare colour.

Rerolling that chest to get a possible 1% dps increase is not worth it in my opinion. It's a thousand times better than 2R2B2G.

Anyway, I'm taking a break from the toon, stranded at 92. Messing with a flicker build inspired by Avatar of Fire :p And the build makes no sense lol! I'm probably gonna rip on bosses, but who knows. You should take a look, it's my first build ever and I didnt put much thought in it haha.
Djangooo wrote:
I get that 3R2B1G is the best roll, but it depends on your jewels and stats. For me, added ignite always came out on top. This means, that for many people, it's not that different compared to added fire. So when they are chroming their chest for all that money, they should KEEP their chest 3B2R since it's 90% the same as 3R. It's also a rare colour.

Rerolling that chest to get a possible 1% dps increase is not worth it in my opinion. It's a thousand times better than 2R2B2G.

Anyway, I'm taking a break from the toon, stranded at 92. Messing with a flicker build inspired by Avatar of Fire :p And the build makes no sense lol! I'm probably gonna rip on bosses, but who knows. You should take a look, it's my first build ever and I didnt put much thought in it haha.

1) You don't use Added Fire, you use Fire Penetration.

2) 3R 2B 1G is ALWAYS better. It's math and numbers are numbers. Regardless of your jewels.

3) You cannot ignite most of the big bosses in this game, so your ignite damage will never exist. The driving force of any elemental build late game is penetration, mostly because trash melts regardless and any end-game boss has lots of resistances.
Deliver pain exquisite

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