[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam

the_agenda wrote:
Amazing guide, have just managed to grab xoph's and hit level 85, this build is great. I am however a little confused as to final 3.1 setup with gems, jewels (namely watchers eye) and armor (tombfist etc). What is the final setup that I should be aiming for, in terms of gems and armour? Is tombfist better than titan gauntlets? Where should I put anger and enfeeble?
Effectively what I have done is copied your build from the part 'gears listed in shaper kill', but with the addition of 3.1, it conflicts and I'm confused where to put what?
A finalised 3.1 version would be really helpful, maybe remove the outdated gear/gems setup as I think a lot of people are confused with this, and post a full set of gear, gems and jewels (with where they are socketed), just so we know how to max this build out (ignoring EO setup, not going for this). Thankyou for your help!!

Tombfist is better than any glove provided you have the abyssal jewels to back it up (you need two abyssal sockets). It also makes gearing incredibly restrictive, namely capping resists (even with god gear I'm afraid it'll be almost impossible to get them overcapped for EW).

Deliver pain exquisite
enisan12 wrote:
i have fortify linked to leap slam so i am thinking what to use in the chest instead of it

was thinking fire pen or dmg on full life

we keep full life all the time with the leech so i think its better

was wondering what do you think?

If you're going to swap out a gem for dmg on full life, it's better to drop melee physical. Elemental builds are basically powered by elemental penetration, especially end game where most bosses are tons of resistance.

But you're probably better off taking VP if you do that.
Deliver pain exquisite
Last edited by ultratiem on Jan 7, 2018, 9:06:30 PM
enisan12 wrote:
i have fortify linked to leap slam so i am thinking what to use in the chest instead of it

was thinking fire pen or dmg on full life

we keep full life all the time with the leech so i think its better

was wondering what do you think?

If you're going to swap out a gem for dmg on full life, it's better to drop melee physical. Elemental builds are basically powered by elemental penetration, especially end game where most bosses are tons of resistance.

so if i have 3r 1b 2g linked what do you think the best setup will be for the 3 red gems

i was using fortify on leap slam and kinda got used to it so dont mined keeping it there

enisan12 wrote:
enisan12 wrote:
i have fortify linked to leap slam so i am thinking what to use in the chest instead of it

was thinking fire pen or dmg on full life

we keep full life all the time with the leech so i think its better

was wondering what do you think?

If you're going to swap out a gem for dmg on full life, it's better to drop melee physical. Elemental builds are basically powered by elemental penetration, especially end game where most bosses are tons of resistance.

so if i have 3r 1b 2g linked what do you think the best setup will be for the 3 red gems

i was using fortify on leap slam and kinda got used to it so dont mined keeping it there

Cyclone support gems sorted by most damage to shaper. Melee physical is an important gem b/c we convert 100% of phys to fire and melee phys support provides a large bonus to phys. Damage on full life and melee phys provide roughly the same damage, it depends on how much flat +phys damage you have to be amplified.

Are great items to pair together for extra tankiness when running uber lab. I've also dropped flammability and am running herald of ash and determination aura. Still delete Izaro easily while taking no damage.
Last edited by Chyurdan on Jan 8, 2018, 12:10:12 AM
do you have any advice to how to work the atlas in out favor so we can get the best of this build ?
Is it better to aim for %hp on abyss jewels or flat hp jewels for max. gains?

How do I link my gems? I wanted some critique on them
Last edited by Norwind on Jan 8, 2018, 3:06:03 AM
Norwind wrote:
Is it better to aim for %hp on abyss jewels or flat hp jewels for max. gains?

How do I link my gems? I wanted some critique on them

Crit where? if u go Resolute Tech...u cant crit...maybe only on axe...not on cyclone :)...and only u go Elemental Overload
Setup 2: Impresence + Watcher's Eye

If you are not able to afford Xoph's Blood, the following amulets are great alternative:

Detail Explanation
Impresence 0% mana reservation enabling you to use another aura (i.e. Anger) and pick Without Xoph's Blood skill tree listed in Leveling Skill Trees section.

Watcher's Eye provides very good damage boost to the build when you run Anger aura.

Special Thanks

To @sm0ke52 for linking Impresence.

Pre Patch 3.1

- You can kill Shaper even without Xoph's Blood!
- Watcher's Eye is optional.

So i purchased a Watchers running this set up with avatar of fire when i have added the gem in to my tree my tool tip damage didn't change at all? will watchers eye still work since i have allready converted 100% of my physical to fire with weapon and avatar of fire?
dodgeskitz wrote:
Setup 2: Impresence + Watcher's Eye

If you are not able to afford Xoph's Blood, the following amulets are great alternative:

Detail Explanation
Impresence 0% mana reservation enabling you to use another aura (i.e. Anger) and pick Without Xoph's Blood skill tree listed in Leveling Skill Trees section.

Watcher's Eye provides very good damage boost to the build when you run Anger aura.

Special Thanks

To @sm0ke52 for linking Impresence.

Pre Patch 3.1

- You can kill Shaper even without Xoph's Blood!
- Watcher's Eye is optional.

So i purchased a Watchers running this set up with avatar of fire when i have added the gem in to my tree my tool tip damage didn't change at all? will watchers eye still work since i have allready converted 100% of my physical to fire with weapon and avatar of fire?

What sort of wather eye u have?
36 challenges complete! thank you Kira

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