[3.1] SRS LL Auramancer in-depth guide
" Hello. It seems like you've forgotten to add the 3-5% reduced mana reduction that we can get by crafting our helmet with the Essences of Loathing. Builds:
[3.6] 83/83 Block Herald of Agony Gladiator - Über Elder Viable https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2218039/ [3.1] SRS LL Auramancer in-depth guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1816896/ |
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Hi, thanks for the guide, I've never played a summoner before but the gif/gorge video you made really make the build look awesome. I respec'd a character on standard to test it out and I'm hooked. I intend to start Legacy league with your build but have a few questions about leveling/gear.
I'm guessing gear wise you want to get a 3L +1 to fire gems wand asap (I'm uncertain of buying a Reverberation Rod on first day of league), followed by a 4L +1 to minion gems helm for leveling. It appears SRS scales from level, gems and passives, so the only other gear needed will be life/es and resist gear, is this correct? You mention you didn't get an early 5L Solaris Lorica, I would have thought it very cheap and effective to buy a Solaris and a "The Jewellers Touch" so you can switch to low life and run your extra aura's? Given that a 5L shavs will cost a lot more and take more time to acquire, is the 5L Solaris not worth the investment to make leveling from 70-85 and farming currency smoother and more effective? Is low ES at that level too big of an issue? |
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" Oh, really i forgot this. Thank you very much ^_^ i will try this SRS Hmm, Deafening Essence of Loathing i think must have for economy one jewel socket Last edited by Ellaemi#6305 on Mar 2, 2017, 8:50:55 AM
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" Hello. I'm glad that you decided to try out the build =) The day 1 reverberation rod can be quite tricky as they tend to be quite expensive at that time. I've have been working on updating the leveling part of the tree, and it should after I update it address your questions. 3L +1 fire wand is great in the beginning until you either get a 4L (preferably a +1 minion helmet) or a reverberation rod. If you can find some cast speed and/or mana regen in addition to Life/ES + resists on your gear that'd be nice. But life+resists will be your priority during leveling. I probably should've fixed a 5L Solaris while lvling on my characters, but I had forgotten about the Jewelers touch and my 6s/5l skills were none existent :( and I was able to buy a Shavronne's within 48h of the 2.5. launch, so it wasn't too long that I had to play without the additional auras. " I would recommend to start crafting a helmet with Screaming Essences of Loathing. Then when you get more currency, you can spend it on crafting a 2nd helmet with the Deafening Essences ;) Builds:
[3.6] 83/83 Block Herald of Agony Gladiator - Über Elder Viable https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2218039/ [3.1] SRS LL Auramancer in-depth guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1816896/ |
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The guide has been updated to 2.6. If you find any broken links, skill trees, or anything else that's weird, please let me know and I'll fix it asap.
[3.6] 83/83 Block Herald of Agony Gladiator - Über Elder Viable https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2218039/ [3.1] SRS LL Auramancer in-depth guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1816896/ |
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" your three is not updated... all life regen to cast srs come from Stone golem? we have enuff regen to sustain srs cast? or am i missing somthing Last edited by 1mark#6381 on Mar 2, 2017, 2:04:00 PM
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" The skill trees are up to date, even if the official skill tree hasn't been updated yet. For the BM versions there wasn't any changes done to the tree, while the move of Zealoth's Oath saved 2 points for the Experimental Mana Based setup (and that tree is updated even if it looks a bit funny atm on the official skill tree) In boss fights most of our regen comes from the Stone Golem + Helmet Enchant, we have 1% life regen allocated to be able to recast the Stone Golem in those fights. While mapping we have an almost 100% uptime of Vaal Clarity, removing any need for other regen. Builds: [3.6] 83/83 Block Herald of Agony Gladiator - Über Elder Viable https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2218039/ [3.1] SRS LL Auramancer in-depth guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1816896/ Last edited by Tahreyn#3190 on Mar 2, 2017, 2:18:01 PM
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The levling part looks great now from what I've gone through so far. Will check it all out when I'm back home :).
The section dividers is sweet too! A lot easier to find sections you know contains the information you might need. Last edited by Kamelkungen#7324 on Mar 2, 2017, 2:42:31 PM
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" Thanks! Please do tell if you find anything that's broken or that you think should be changed/improved. I should have quite a lot of free time tomorrow before the launch. Builds:
[3.6] 83/83 Block Herald of Agony Gladiator - Über Elder Viable https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2218039/ [3.1] SRS LL Auramancer in-depth guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1816896/ |
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hello ! ! , a returning player here :) i must say i read everything in here well the main page + like 10 pages of replies, i have many doubts but i only need help with 2 of them :P, first. is there any filter you would recommend for a returning player ? and second, i read u got a shavronnes in the first 48hours of breach, which i honestly need to know how did you do this ? XD wasnt shavs like over 10 exalts ? i honestly know nothing about pricing at this point.
oh and i forgot, im gonna play legacy using this build and for what i have seen, the way to go is bow +3, is that correct ? Last edited by sipsi32#6813 on Mar 2, 2017, 4:23:30 PM
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