the game client has not needed any work for a long time.
why ?
because it is not the game client that has been the problem and remains the problem.
it is servers that are highly unstable that was, is, and remains to be the problem.
fix that.
stop patting yourself on the back GGG when you are knowingly letting us suffer with unstable servers.
Elemenz wrote:
Does this change anything about me being able to run battlefield on high settings with 100+ fps
and with low settings in poe I get 10 fps when opening a breach?
Nope. Of course not.
Throw away your kitchen gear, kids,
it's time to fry your breakfast eggs and bacon using your hardware !!
I'd keep those eggs if I were you, you'll need them later to compare them with oranges.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.
'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
Posted byXavathos#5130on Jan 11, 2017, 1:42:42 PM
Next step - Vulkan!
Posted byEdgarins29#7978on Jan 11, 2017, 1:58:51 PM
ejester wrote:
any update that improves the horrible performance of this game is welcome
now you just have to start fixing the horrible loot system, the way we pick up and manage it mainly.
Like why can't we have autopickup for things like essences, wisdom scrolls, currency, etc?
why can't we truly hide trash items?
the horrible slideshow performance of this game has always been a factor. I still can't play in a group without it being a lag fest, but I can at least play the game solo in dx11 atm without it being as bad as the old dx9 client.
the thing that really chaps my ass and always forces me to uninstall this game though is the fucking loot system!
it drives me nuts having to click thousands of times picking shit up, trying to tetris sort it in my inventory cause everything has to be a different friggin size and nothing autosorts. Makes for a tedious play experience to say the least.
You need ways to :
- effectively manage the loot in our inventories / stashes
- give us the ability to set sliders for things we would like to automatically pick up or disregard altogether (marvel heroes is an excellent example of this with their cybervac looting system, although that system doesn't go nearly far enough in some regards either)
- allow us to truly hide trash items on the ground, not just a toggle hide/show which does nothing since we still actually have to sort through all the trash to pick up the other crap we do want up
- lastly, we need better actual inventories on our characters. is there some reason why 2h items need to take up 8 inventory spaces? I understand "selling space" helps fund this little project, and I've paid my share as I own all the different types of stash space available, but constantly have to run back to my HO every few minutes, especially with breaches, is frigging annoying to say the least. Give us more actual inventory space, or make the items smaller, allowing us to pick up more before having to go back to our hide outs, i don't care which.
I do agree with implementing autopickup for smaller currencies (such as wisdom and portal scrolls). Diablo 3 has it which is a big quality of life in my opinion. But the other stuff you are complaining about I do not understand. There are stash pages for currency items which you can by in the MTX shop and loot filters (which are free), ever heard about them?
Posted bypontehhh#1733on Jan 11, 2017, 1:59:32 PM
so can i PLEASE turn off shadows now
Posted byKiBurst#5391on Jan 11, 2017, 2:00:50 PM
pontehhh wrote:
ejester wrote:
I do agree with implementing autopickup for smaller currencies (such as wisdom and portal scrolls). Diablo 3 has it which is a big quality of life in my opinion. But the other stuff you are complaining about I do not understand. There are stash pages for currency items which you can by in the MTX shop and loot filters (which are free), ever heard about them?
I agree with this.
In my opinion:
- I prefer not to auto pick up, though have it optional would be nice, but only for currencies
- 2H weapons having the same inventory space requirements as e.g. boots would be utterly lame
- I have shown items via item filter only the ones I want to pick up (the rest hidden; very few exceptions only)
There is no dark, it's just absence of light.
Posted byPosolsvetla#2437on Jan 11, 2017, 2:28:47 PM
Azraphael wrote:
My computer is old and junk and I cant play games with a flawless 60 FPS!!
Please HALP me!!
Seriously, Its not up to GGG to bring you into the present.
If you want to live in the past you will have to deal with subpar gameplay.
If GGG wants my money, its their business to make graphics options that allow me to play the game. Guess what, my money for supporter packs won't go into a new computer, it will be spent on games that run on my potato.
I'm sure GGG has done calculations on how many players will leave the game and stop spending money and weighted that against savings on servers. Not being able to lower graphics settings is a business decision, not an aesthetic one.
Last edited by xpldngmn#7037 on Jan 11, 2017, 3:34:54 PM
Posted byxpldngmn#7037on Jan 11, 2017, 3:20:16 PM
I am one of the "color deficient" folks playing this great game. Shadows only exacerbates my ability to see what is happening. Up to this point, I haven't tried DX 11 for more than a couple minutes, nor do I intend to. I would MUCH rather play and DX 7 or even 5, instead of being forced to use shadows.
Give us the option to TURN SHADOWS OFF!!!
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."
Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
xpldngmn wrote:
Azraphael wrote:
My computer is old and junk and I cant play games with a flawless 60 FPS!!
Please HALP me!!
Seriously, Its not up to GGG to bring you into the present.
If you want to live in the past you will have to deal with subpar gameplay.
If GGG wants my money, its their business to make graphics options that allow me to play the game. Guess what, my money for supporter packs won't go into a new computer, it will be spent on games that run on my potato.
I'm sure GGG has done calculations on how many players will leave the game and stop spending money and weighted that against savings on servers. Not being able to lower graphics settings is a business decision, not an aesthetic one.
Wants to drive car but will not spend money on wheels. Will then blame the manufacturer if car doesn't drive.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.
'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
Posted byXavathos#5130on Jan 11, 2017, 4:37:11 PM
Xavathos wrote:
Wants to drive car but will not spend money on wheels. Will then blame the manufacturer if car doesn't drive.
Yeah, good luck with that.
More like "We are a small company that makes cars,but they don't drive well in any set of wheels you have. Please donate to fix it."
Posted byPsOfOs#5592on Jan 11, 2017, 4:55:20 PM