[2.6] PoisonMancer LL Bladevortex Witch - Shaper + Uber viable - High Budget

Noob here (i know it s not noob friendly but i took it as a challenge).

Got all the gear, fantastic build, really strong, very nice work.

Looking to upgrade a few pieces and i m not sure how much res should i be going for to be capped in merc. I am aware that commander of darkness gives me +20, so does that mean i should be going for 115 in town? Also does the all res from spirit offering apply to me too or is it just minion damage, not resist?

If you could just tell me what numbers i should be going for in hideout or town, that would really help me out.

Thanks in advance!
135 is normal cap (75 + 60) and Red Map Elemental Weakness is 169%.

The Resist you get from Commander of Darkness is displayed on your character sheet and the resist from Spirit offering will als be displayed there if you cast it.
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JayBoy000 wrote:
Also does the all res from spirit offering apply to me too or is it just minion damage, not resist?

Think you're getting things mixed up here. The weapon, "Scourge" makes it so all minion DAMAGE also applies to you, but your Necromancer Ascendancy called "Mistress of Sacrifice" makes it so your OFFERING skills apply to you (the entire offering, all of its abilities).

So the weapon makes the minion damage apply to you, and the ascendancy makes the offering apply to you.
Last edited by Greymane2k#6401 on Mar 29, 2017, 6:16:00 PM
Ye what Greymane2k said is correct, the Weapon has nothing to do with the Offering, that part is all from the Ascendancy.
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Can you post some pictures with your tooltip dps with only auras? and then maybe more pictures when fully ramped up?
Just killed Uber Atziri for the first time with this build. Fantastic build.

I am not playing much atm i try to think of it when i log on the next time


gz on your Uber Kill!
Happy to hear you like the build!
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hello, i never played necromancer before. so i was just wondering what is the advantage of choosin it over another ascendancies like say occultist or the shadow ones for this build. also, is a crit version viable? thx
kiwikiller wrote:
Can you post some pictures with your tooltip dps with only auras? and then maybe more pictures when fully ramped up?

Here are the Screens:

Zero Stack - Only Auras
20 Stack - Only Auras
20 Stack - Full Flask, Scourge and Offering Buffs

Please not that its not DPS that is shown but Damage per Hit - BV hits every 0,2 Seconds at 20 Stacks.

I explained multiple times why i have choosen Necro instead of Occultist.

Assassin gets less defense from the Ascendancy as you don´t get all the % ES on the small nodes.

You also have to keep up power charges - so you would need a OoS+PCoC or something like that - why play this if it does more than enough damage without caring about Crit.

Why would you need a "Crit Version" of a build that kills Shaper and Uber in seconds?

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why u change controlled des for inc duration

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