[2.6] PoisonMancer LL Bladevortex Witch - Shaper + Uber viable - High Budget

Can use a Obliteration or if you want WB/Shield Charge any rare Caster Dagger.

You can also craft a Delirium Weapon, should be very solid for leveling but idk the evel requirement of that atm.
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Some tips for hydra ?)

Did deathless shaped uber and other guards but can't 1portal hydra lul ( can't sustain flask)
Hydra is Poison immune so switch Poison Gem for Culling strike for better damage - apart from that Hydra fight is a Shitfest - that blink arrow all 5 seconds is annoying as fuck. My Tip: just buy the Fragment ;) Just not worth the trouble.
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Think this will work in 3.0?
I don´t think it will be worth doing it in 3.0 - this build does pretty extreme double dipping - i will test it and post a video when 3.0 hits.
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on May 14, 2017, 4:39:10 PM
I have quit some strong gear now and would like to add item quantity/item rarity gems to the BV 6l.

What gems would you take out? What gives the least damage loss?

I would like to keep Inc AoE in for the clear speed.
I guess Controlled Destruction would be the best link to switch.
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Thank Bro. it vary easy Shaper. But i change ring to extra chaos damage
ps. i'm bad in english
My Video : https://youtu.be/bwCVUWGi-Xk
If someone have a Blade Vortex build viable for 3.0, can you please PM me a link. Thanks.

PS: I'm trying this one on Beta atm, level 69 and budget gears, gonna try to push for see.

Level 82 with a level 18 blade vortex completely destroyed Shaper. Most insane build I've played thanks for sharing. Its a shame this build won't be the same in 3.0 but that Shaper kill definitely felt like a proper send off. ;_;7

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