[2.6] PoisonMancer LL Bladevortex Witch - Shaper + Uber viable - High Budget

I started with this build in legacy. Atm im CI as long as I save up currency for my shavs. I wonder what the priority of support gems is. ATM my 4-LINK is

BV>added chaos>poison>CD>inc AE/CE>VM/inc duration

Now you suggest to use inc duration instead of CD and not instead of VM. Do you think VM is better then CD ?

If I compare this with Path of Building, it says CD>VM evenicht with poison dmg (my first thought was VM is stronger because of double dip).

thank you for this guide and your help.
I did run inc. Duration instead of CD alot of the time.

But this really depends on how much Chaos Damage you do, so your level of your added Chaos Gem and Flasks like Promise/Sins are important to make VM as good.

I would recommend just trying which one feels best as 4th link with the current setup.
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ohh that's true I forgot to use atziri flask and Sins in my Path of building comparison.

another question, with the Changes to area and a bigger base area, you think we can run conc effect all the time or maybe switch conc effect with controlled destruction for mapping instead of inc AE, especially if we use dying sun ? so that we suffer less from demishing return from area ? I mean a six link like this.

BV > added chaos > poison > void manipulation > inc duration > conc effect/controlled destruction

At the moment I'm fine without Inc AE and that's without dying sun.

again thanks for your help and pretty nice guide.
I´d think that will be entirely up to your own preference, i rarly did feel like needing the more damage of Conc for normal mapping.
Even most bosses beside guardians, Shaper, Uber did not need conc damage, i even did Trio and Vaals in Uber with inc. AoE sometimes.
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Hi, I was wondering if this build would work with a Shadow (Don't know if Assa or Trick).. And if for mapping the life leech from warlord is enough or is it necessary to use Atziri all the time..
Last edited by lucastb#4835 on Mar 7, 2017, 11:33:30 AM
If you look for a Assassin build you should look for another build, this one is specific for Necro from the Skilltree and Gear - Assassins would take a bit different paths on the tree.

There should be some Assassin BV builds around, i think there is one from LiftingNerdBro you could look at.
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Still strong after 2.6? i want to kill shaper and guardians

Sure, nothing about this build was changed in 2.6 at all.
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is sin's rebirth mendatory ?

i have shavs, vinktar, death's door but can't afford sin's rebirth

can vinktar replace sin's rebirth flask?

sorry for my bad english

Sins is very good for damage but not mandatory, you should be able to do all content even without it just a bit less damage.

Vinktar is bad for this build, it only Leeches lightning, we deal no lightning. If we use the Phys to Lightning Flask we will hurt our Poison damage alot because Lightning can´t poison.

Don´t use Vinktar.

Just use a Sulphur Flask for the 40% inc damage. Its 40% double dipping damage so its ok for damage, it has long duration and good amount of charges so you can have Freeze or Curse immune there.

Could also use a Overflowing Chalice as unique version but a magic with a good effect rolled would be more usefull.
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