[3.0] Frosty's Assassin Spectral Throw [Video]
I just played a CI (and later Low Life) toon to 96 and was able to get a 12k ES pool with no shield, low-ish ES armor, and a dead ring slot. It had crazy life steal with vaal pact and I still died plenty. The thought of attempting end game content with a 6k or even 7k life pool on hardcore just seems crazy to me. With decent gear 15K+ ES should be easily achievable.
Here is my second crack at a CI tree. I added the Vitality Void life steal cluster near duelist because I'm not sure how else to make vaal pact work. http://poeplanner.com/AAQAAN0WAABsD6sRLxa_JIsqOGqMdf2Eb4TFm7Wi2bDYtUjDOsgU1EL1b-tjidNwUioLXfJHBth2uT6sZizhDkgRlgcelS7w1UlRfeN_xpMn74j5N9fPSbErCtDQX2qP-uwYLL8V14auVmO-isrTtAzqug18oS9sCyL0bRnZWxslS67pAhFQNbmnKx1PLR9Ms9Af7-uMNgMeH0EZipcGxKLfmGJaJJ3Tfu965woKm3jr_MUNjVuvTioj028nmmqPYFb1226X0I6Kpn_tQZAbcFaaE9vUhKIHmVnwTI4yMhCSAAAAAAA= I think low life would be optimal. The more damage multiplier from PA double dips and running discipline from life frees up more aura options. |
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You have Pierce Support listed in 5L and 6L; Spectral Throw has Automatic Piercing;
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Spectral_Throw " |
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" The pierce gem is used only for its 19% more Projectile Damage and 10% from 20% quality totalizing 29% projectile damage , wich will works on the physical damage , chaos damage , and then on the poison. The only gem better for damage is slower projectile but it will remove all your range(on some bosses i change my GMP with slower projectile for a huge damage boost). |
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" Correct IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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" Many life based builds are successful "end game" (depending how you define that). Life based builds are usually limited to the 6-7k range. However, the life pool is only part of the survivability component here. Part of your issue with the 12k ES and no shield, is the no shield.. By dropping a shield, of course you're adding more damage. But you're also losing ~30% block chance, which is huge when added to other forms of mitigation (life pool, curses (temp chains, enfeeble), EVA/armour, arctic armour, defensive flasks). To make builds work endgame HC or even leveling SC to 100, you need many layers of mitigation, not just a big life/ES pool. But at this point in PoE, ES appears to be substantially stronger (and more expensive) endgame than life-based builds. Assuming keeping other forms of mitigation as well. My guess is this build can be modified, and likely improved as ES. IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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Looking back, my last post wasn't very well written, and I don't think I got across the message I was going for.
I only mentioned not having a shield in the last build I played (along with a 440 ES chest and a dead ring slot) to emphasize how easy it would be to get much higher than 12k ES with this build, which can use a 400+ ES shield and a 700+ ES chest (which can be bought for 5-10 chaos each on BSC). I don't want to get bogged down talking about a CwC blight/vortex Occultist in a thread about ST Assassins, but survivabilty was not remotely an issue with that build. I could face tank Minotaur in a map with 3 stacked damage mods making no attempt to dodge, and cleared all content. I only mentioned my deaths in an attempt to highlight how important it is to over-build defenses in this game, especially when attempting Hardcore (which I am new to). I realize that is a very obvious point. I think we are in agreement that ES is currently the best way to do that. I also think there is a bit of a misconception about how expensive ES gear is. Sure, the top end stuff can get pretty ridiculous. But especially on a build that doesn't require any special uniques (outside of perhaps a one handed weapon), it isn't that difficult to build high ES with capped resists on a 1-2 ex budget. There is a lot of value in the 5-10 chaos range in gear. For example a 400+ ES helm with two good resist rolls costs 8+ ex, but a 350 ES helm with no resists costs 5 chaos. We have two ring slots and a belt to cap resists. |
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Thanks for the response, I was hoping it was something like that for the Pierce Support.
I'm currently playing this build and leveling, should I be focusing on armor for survival as I level? Seems like I should be; I had mixed armor since this is my first toon this league and was getting whapped a lot painfully. I switched to Tab (found one already) and 4 linked (mana issues) Spec Throw so I'm lacking chest armor. Thanks a lot for this build; I have had a bad habit of always sticking to cyclone marauder because I know it by heart and I am happy to finally play something different. |
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" I pretty much agree with everything here. I think adding multiple tiers of defensive mechanics is difficult for some people, especially those that are newer. The most obvious point to start is life/ES, but that's not sufficient when entering late game content as you mentioned. It can be a challenge to see how some mechanics can synergize to add survivability. In addition, this can be a place where builds become expensive because the utility of some flasks (that can be quite expensive) may be overlooked by newer players. I think the basic ES items (at least mid range gear) is in the ballpark of price of life based gear. However, some accessory items can be quite a bit more expensive. But the take away is you can make successful ES based characters without completely breaking the bank. IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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" If you want to put your own spin on the build and stack armour, that may be a viable option. I didn't go that route with EVA/armour because to be effective, you need quite alot of either (or both). I chose other forms of mitigation, that become particularly important in later game content. I believe I described how to help manage mana issues (the leveling guide takes you down to mana leech nodes early in the build, and you can get +mana on hit jewels, or elreon jewelry). Survivability during leveling is quite a bit easier to manage than late game. Focus on increasing damage (damage is a form of defense), resistances, and lastly life/ES. You can use a shield if need be, arctic armour, jade flasks etc which may also help. IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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Haven't tried anything on this guide yet, not too fluent in the game and it's tree.
I just want to know what your BIS gear would be for end game. How you're holding up currently (and at what content). I want to know what lowlife would look like in this build and how the tree would go. If you have a CI based build for this. I don't really see 25k as a lot of dmg, however I'm not too sure about the chaos portion. I really love ST. It was the last build I played since 1.3. I pretty much just came back after so long during this league so I want to try ST again. | EDIT: What about stacking bleed, would that be too hard? Is bino's a must? Using voidheart an option or should I aim for a chaos dmg ring..? Last edited by oSingularity#0758 on Jan 24, 2017, 11:18:07 AM
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