[3.0] Frosty's Assassin Spectral Throw [Video]
" I think with this build, the damage mitigation priority is: 1) capping resistances, 2) increasing life pool, then other forms such as chaos golem, arctic armour, Rumis Concoction, Basalt flask (you have choices here). This build was not really designed to stack armour or evasion. Those forms of damage mitigation are not really effective unless they are scaled in many ways. IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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" I picked up the mana leech node at the bottom of the tree (0.4%mana/0.4%life leech) towards Vitality Void. The first leveling tree takes you down to this node to help maintain mana. If this is not enough for you to sustain mana, you can get jewels that have +2 mana gained on hit IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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" Yes, thank you, i found why the leech was so small. My DPS was just too small, because i was still low lvl had leveling items, now with better gear there is no problem :) |
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" Exactly, glad you got it figured out IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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Im currently trying out "Perfect Form" Body Armor and picked up Iron Reflexes. Feels pretty tanky. Sitting at 18.5k Armor.. when stacking it with Grace, which is easily affordable now thanks to free arctic armor. I also use the Winds of change gloves over Maligaro's because i need the HP and i feel that the utility they bring out weigh the small damage buff I get from them. Was just curious if you made it around to trying out Pefect Form, and what you thought about transitioning all the evasion to armor as I have done? You still get spell Dodge and since you no longer have to take Acobatics to get it you dont lose the 50% armor and ES.
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" I haven't tried Perfect Form yet, though I'm very tempted. I see Belly and Perfect Form as the best options for this build. I also probably would prefer EVA, though that may just be personal preference. What maps are you clearing with your setup? Things going smoothly? IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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" I'm honestly rather casual and haven't managed to push this too far.. i'll have to find some higher maps cuz as of now i've only done t10. I know it can do more.. i just dont have higher maps. I've also done Uber Lab just fine. Another body armor I considered was Kintsugi. What are you're thoughts on it? seems like an ezmode way to stack some Evasion and still come away with some HP. Going Evasion with Perfect Form, I just wanted to try it out with Iron Reflexes. I'm still no where near your damage atm tho.. only sitting around 15k dps in town. Im really not sure how to get it anymore higher tbh.. |
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Here is my attempt at a CI tree around level 84 (untestested and unoptimized):
http://poeplanner.com/AAQAAOkWAAByD6sRLxa_JIsqOGqMdf2Eb4TFm7Wi2bDYtUjDOsgU1EL1b-tjidNwUioLXfJHBth2uT6sZizhVvXbbpfQjooOSBGWBx6VLvDVSVF943_GkyfviPk3189JsSsK0NBfao_67BgsvxXXhq5WY1xAVL0V7ZaL1bm-isrTtAzqug18oS9GcYMJbAsi9G0Z2VsbJUuu6QIRUDW5pyvy4WNDHU8tH0yzIG5QMNAf7-vbXhEPrJj314RIXGvDbYw2YENuPb6AAx4fQRmKlwbEoqEi9PiiQAHRr-uEogeZWfBMjjIyEJLZhrxvAAAAAAA= I recently started playing a life based version on hardcore (currently level 52). I plan on re-speccing to CI around level 75 or so if I make it that far. I intend to use a shield the whole way. I'm not sure if the above tree will have enough DPS but there are plenty of options to increase it at the expense of defenses. A major concern I have with my plan is how to generate enough leech for Vaal Pact (with Ghost Reaver) to fulfill its potential. I believe the above tree is too far from the leech nodes near to duelist for them to be worth it. Leech from gear is hard to spec when going for high ES and would ignore our chaos damage. I was thinking about running warlord's mark with blasphemy, possibly with a dual curse (the above tree is quite near the passive +curse) and a CWDT + CoH + Blade Vortex + Enfeeble link (can't run both on blasphemy because we need discipline). One problem with the warlord's mark + blasphemy plan is that a lot of the time we will be too far from enemies for it to be applied, which would mean we can't rely on the mana leech and would need to close in to our target when we needed leech (which negates much of the advantage of playing a build with good range on hardcore). Another option is stretching out to Zealot's Oath and re-doing the tree for more regen. Another unrelated option that I'm considering is punting phys damage and going for a pure double dipping chaos poison build. A rare dagger with high attack speed, crit, and a near max added chaos roll would probably be best for this. This would also have the benefit of steamrolling reflect maps and mobs. The above tree is already right next to all the best chaos damage clusters. My instinct is that this would be superior at a high level and budget to take full advantage of the overpowered double dipping and poison stacking mechanics. Any thoughts on any of the above would be greatly appreciated. " When dual wielding and using a skill that can use either weapon, they alternate. So if your weapons list for 95% crit and 70% crit, you would have have 95% crit on half the attacks and 70% on the other half. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Dual_wielding |
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" If you're doing uber lab easily, then you're having some pretty good success. I tried Kintsugi early in the build, and I wasn't a fan. The fast gameplay of this build lends to getting hit somewhat frequently, which negates the 20% damage reduction mod. This is what prompted me to test Belly. If you're having damage problems, link your gear in here and I can take a look if you like. IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119 Last edited by WayTooFrosty#1574 on Jan 22, 2017, 9:07:57 AM
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" I tried a CI version of this build, and I didn't have success. But that may be due to a few factors. I'm very new to CI, I usually play life builds. And I only tried a for a few days, so I likely didn't optimize gear. I used about 10k alts in crafting a dagger. I rolled a 300pDPS one that I used, and I would stop along the way with a T1 added chaos, because I had the same thought as you about double dipping. This is likely a very strong approach to the build. The alternating weapon make's sense. I suspected this as well, but wasn't sure. Thanks for the clarification. Keep me updated if you decide to take the double dipping approach with dagger. IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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