[2.6] CRIT HoWA BF/ST Raider [13k ES, 60k BF/265k GMP ST DPS, Stun-immune] [4 sec Chayula kill]
" Hey Sorak, i had an Astramentis in my stash , so i tried. ES and DPS went down. As u can see my gear some posts earlier (page 83): shall i change the skilltree then to make it work better? Probably you have an idea ho to get my resistances higher? It's so close to cap... Last edited by Necronos777#7867 on Apr 25, 2017, 5:31:08 PM
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Could you like give me a skilltree where lets say at lvl 70 you have taken all the mandatory nodes? like Ci/VP/Ghost Reaver/Unwawring Stance becuz in leveling guide you have taken unwawering stance only at like lvl but i want to spec into CI and have unwaering stance at lvl 70
Last edited by LatvianTeddybear#0889 on Apr 25, 2017, 10:06:19 PM
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Hey all! I'm saving up before I try this build.
What kind of budget do you guys think I'm looking at for gear that can clear all endgame content? |
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I was recommened by my friends to use a shock immume flask to counter vinktar's shock, but now that I had thought about it more... wouldn't the Avatar of the Veil w/ onslaught flask take care of that for me? Thanks in advance :)
my flasks as shown on my profile: onslaught flask w/ bleed immunity wise oak diamond flask w/ curse immunity vinktars sulpur w/ shock immunity |
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Hello , sorry if this came up before but i haven't found anything in previous pages .
Could the OP , or someone else that played it , post a full build of the ST crit variation plz ? Havent found any other build guide for ST crit HOWA and i really like the idea , also have the gear/currency to go for it now ( on Legacy ) , so it would be much appriciated if an already test/proven build was posted here. Thanks in advance ! |
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hi again,
i still keep filling atlas and leveling up to reach 91 with bf. i can easily farm t14-t15 deathless and without any problems but when i try "a maze of the minotaur map" i lost all my portals without even touching minotaur. he kills me instant second when the fight begin. i have 8,1k es with discipline. isn't that es enough for that level bosses? here is my stuff and i will be very thankfull if you guys show me what to update next.
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" BF - WED - Lightning Pen - Elemental Focus - Incr. AOE/Incr. Crit Strikes (AoE for clear speed, Crit strikes if you're after DPS) " Sorak is right in that it takes a very good amulet to out-perform astramentis if you have shaper's touch. There will definitely be variation between individuals depending on gear. If your amulet grants you more dps and ES than astra then stick to your rare amulet. You don't have to change your tree. " 92 points Keep in mind that your DPS will be absolutely miserable due to the lack of jewel sockets. " I'm not familar with the HoWA market at the moment but a safe bet would be ~10 ex i suppose? feel free to correct me if im wrong. " Yup it would, you don't need a shock immune flask :) " Heya, what do you mean by a full build? The trees and screenshot stats are on the first page if that's what you're wanting. Keep in mind my stats in 2.6 would likely be better than in 2.5 due to the buff to the claw nodes. " How does he kill you? If he dives at you, move to the opposite direction as his dive and wait for your ES to recharge before hitting him. If he dives at you and you go towards the direction he dove, the damage he does when he comes back out of the ground will kill you. If you need more damage versus him, you can swap incr. aoe to conc. effect. If you need more ES, you can upgrade your boots and craft %ES on your rings (assuming you don't intend to upgrade them any further). Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader |
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" Hmm... what were the rolls on your Astramentis? I tried putting your character into Path of Building, and swapping your amulet for a 16/98 Astramentis shows me you get about 500 more ES but lower DPS. Your amulet is very good for damage tho, so I wouldn't be in any hurry to change it. Also not sure what I'm missing but why do you need your resists higher overall? I'm seeing that you are overcapped on every resist, and unless you have an incredibly high budget I don't recommend trying to Ele Weakness cap it since it's incredibly hard to get that much resists without gimping other aspects of your build, and it's not terribly hard to keep your Wise Oak up 100% of the time during map clearing so that it doesn't matter. That said, you have a couple of jewels with only 3 useful properties on them, so I would try to find jewels that help your resists and still has three other useful props. You probably do want to get a little more lightning resists so your Wise Oak functions as intended as right now I'm seeing your highest uncapped resist is cold res. |
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hey man , great build btw !
i mean , there are things in first page , but nothing detailed for the skyforth-crit build variation ? there is the tree there ofc , and jewels in gear section (for example) - but u have brute force there , and on the tree i dont see any good spot for that jewel ? i guess - by full build - i mean things like that ... since the tree is out there ( and i ve followed eyes closed ) . where would the jewels go ? i mean ... i'm at like 11-12k lightnin dmg ( flat dmg ) , and i see on the screenshots that u have around 25k fully buffed. my max ST dps with charges flasks vaal haste etc is around 90k atm. As i see it ... i should be at a flat dmg around 20k? -> making crits hit for around 80k? else whats the reason for going crit etc since the *normal* + overload build goes for 75k+ flat dmg (fairly easy/cheaply too, compared to a 40x skyforth :P) Sorry for the buffling , i just havent played HOWA at ALL , and im in a place that i dont know what's missing u know. i guess i just wonna see ( or read ofc ) jewels placement and stuff like that . a Screenshot of ES/DP (maybe jewels/tree etc) for 2.6 crti+skyforth would be GREAT if someone could ! |
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Uhh i am playing Blade flurry not ST i think the skilltree you made is for ST?
Last edited by LatvianTeddybear#0889 on Apr 26, 2017, 1:19:43 PM
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