[2.6] CRIT HoWA BF/ST Raider [13k ES, 60k BF/265k GMP ST DPS, Stun-immune] [4 sec Chayula kill]
Since i only have a 5 linked armor (850 es) would ST benefit me more? i am looking to get a 6linked (any idea whats the easiest way?) im so unsure about going ST vs BF - i like the idea of BF alot more.. but if ST is rly almost twice as fast mapping i guess with my casual play it would be better to play that =)?
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"I played the non-crit version (etup's build) till level 91 then I respecced into crit following the skyforth build. The non-crit version had more damage and cleared much faster. Losing faster attacks gem in my 6-link turned out to be a huge loss. I regret respeccing. This is etup's non-crit tree poeurl.com/bbA2 it gave me about 200 more int, more ES, and stronger flasks than the skyforth crit tree. Last edited by Darkith1546#6161 on Apr 26, 2017, 6:20:59 PM
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" Crit will only ever be worth it if you are actually geared for crit. Lack of crit multi on a crit build, such as on an ammy for instance makes crit less worth it. I personally never found faster attacks gem very useful tbh because it ends up increasing your mana consumption while providing diminished benefits on a char which already has fast innate attack speed. I don't expect crit to work for everyone, only for those who have managed to gear well for it, i.e. Attack speed + crit multi on jewels, crit multi on ammy with enough dex on a whole for the attack speed bonus from the claws. At the end of the day, if your gear is suited for non-crit, there's no point respeccing to crit even with skyforth, coz a skyforth doesn't automatically transform a build into a crit build. Skyforth doesn't have INT, which hurts HoWA builds in general. Out of curiosity, you had more ES and INT with a gear setup with valyrium? Or you chose to omit stun resistance completely? I ask this because a good rare ring with %ES will make a lot of difference compared to a valyrium Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader |
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Hey you missed my post :s
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![]() Started the league pretty late. Went with the ST-variant for smoother map clearing. My only char this league and very happy with it in all aspects. Sank at least 40+ex into it. I modified the skill tree a bit to fit my needs and highly recommend the Claws of Pride cluster for those not using shaper's touch. Also: Legacy Rumi's does A LOT to mitigate ele reflect. Last edited by pepperjoe#1526 on Apr 27, 2017, 9:44:12 AM
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Hello,so I recently started this build and I'm quite stuck as to what I should prioritize upgrading so any help would be much appreciated! :)
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Cookieze/characters The character is Rawrara Thanks! |
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" Its up to you really! ST has wide AoE coverage but BF deals more damage to single target and consumes less mana. I'd suggest sticking to the skill you prefer. " 91 points " Glad to hear! Good points abt claws of pride and legacy rumi's (this flask really is op). " If you feel that you need more ES, i'd craft %ES on your hate circle two-stone ring, upgrade your boots, gloves and helm, in that order. If its DPS you're after, Shaper's Touch may prove to be a dps boost. You may also want to upgrade your claws for higher %int claws. You'll get more DPS as well if you replace incr. crit dmg with elemental focus. Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader |
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Im playing the crit spectral throw variation.
Solid build man, overall happy with it. Things i would mention to people wondering about damage. The build gains a LOT of damage (10's of thousands) very late like lvl 90-100 so if you are wondering why your number are low this might be the reason. I slightly adjusted your build man i played with it forever in path of building and i grabbed the 2 flask nodes and the mana nodes on the way to unwavering, it think this is most optimal as you gain the OP flask nodes and the extra mana is great for pre spam you lose overall about 10 int but i think thats a worthy trade. Here is the link of the Path of Build tree i took if you are interested. The big damage from 90-100 is these 10 nodes. (nearly 30k with zero buffs)
![]() Adjustments gain: 40% Flask charges gained 20% Flask duration (35% with a belt mod) 63% mana 20 strength 20% mana regen 15 flat mana Adjustments lose 10 int :D Jewels with the change is fertile mind above acro and next to vaal pact. Path of Builds Pastebin import link:
Also dropped claws of falcon for claws of pride which calc to 15k more dps on path of builds for me and a total of 88% hit rate. Here is my gear:
Legacy rumis with the block corruption on your offhand is so good its nearly mandatory. 58%block 17%spell block and 3k armour. Thats huge and if you are going for lvl 100 or farming uber on the build you must use this setup. My hideout DPS unbuffed with no golem or wrath or anything is 64k with gmp. My effective DPS with GMP is 335k My effective DPS with slower proj (bossing) 576k Love the build thanks for sharing. Last edited by stormyknight#7628 on Apr 28, 2017, 6:56:58 AM
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" Hey there, First I do want to thank you for this, it is a good idea - I've played around with it in my own Path of Building and depending on how much you value the extra mana and flask nodes it's definitely a good idea. With a change I'm planning to make once I gain a level I will likely make some skill tree changes inspired by this. But I will point out that saying you only lose 10 int is not quite accurate - you lose 2 skill points as well. This is the skill tree (starting from the 119 point, max DPS tree) that subtracts the extra nodes you are opting to take at later levels (Throatseeker, Crackling Speed, and Claws of the Falcon, and the 10% Proj Dmg/4% Attack Speed near Ranger start) - it is at 109 points, whereas your tree is at 111. As you've noted, you gain a TON of damage from skill points from 90 onwards, so 2 skill points is not trivial. I've also argued in favor of taking flask nodes before as well, so it's definitely a valid choice, but just want to represent the change clearly so people can make informed decisions. |
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True i do lose 2 skill points, i think you have my old Path of builds pastebin, i had linked an old build at first. Its updated to the one i use and was referencing. My 90-100 nodes are throatseeker, forces of nature and crackling speed. i dont have the extra point for the 4% attack speed 10% proj damage (that is 5k dps on my build in that one node though) but i just cant work it in.
I really value those flask and mana nodes, as noted many times throughout the thread mana is rough and boss pre spam is sketchy, taking those nodes solves that and with those flask nodes i have almost perma flasks at all times even while bossing since a kill lasts about as long as the flask duration. Here is the lvl 100 (121pt) tree in the official builder: -2 from bandits (kill,krait,krait)
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIBAQAGAecDHgW1DPINjQ5ID8QRLxGBEZYV1xX2Ff0XJhmKGdcaVRqNHYMfQSLqI9MknST9KgsqOCsKLL8uUzBbNug31Dt8PL4-z0HQQzFEDUZpRwZJUUz_TipRR1ZjWhpbJluvXfJfal9wYSFiWmJ5Y6dsCG8nb1dwUnGwdct4GXqEf8Z_-4NthMWE74auidOMNo1-jYGNv4_6kAqSgJMnk5CXBpoXmmqbJpu1n8uhL6KjpcunMKyXrTOv67TFuMq95r6KvqfBoMHFwuzDM8M6xKLI8M2Y0K3Q0NNv037Y1drB2-fdRt-Y51TndOfq6NbqYusU7BjtP-968NXxivkz_MX_3g== And here is the amended lvl 90 tree which has the remaining dps nodes i noted in my first statement missing, but yeah i feel overall this is more dps, accuracy and utility then invalesco's initial build. I would also note for the debate with shapers gloves is that they are strictly worse then a rare pair with accuracy, 30+int, 10+ attack speed and 190 or more es its a 2k dps loss and 700es over my pair but i also have accuracy on a ring so i guess if you struggle for the accuracy on at least 1 other piece other then gloves then shapers fills the roll. (side note shaper shapers gloves, you can get +1 gems for your wrath/disc or a curse on hit, ele weak or temp chains for pretty cheap) personally i dont care for either of the COH enchants as i think using a CWDT setup with conductivity or enfeeble is fine as the only time you might need said curse is when you are facetanking with slower proj in which case you are in curse range and bv/pcoc range. I alternate between enfeeble and conductivity in my cwdt coh setup depending on the boss and map mods of the guadian/uber. If u manage to get word/edict/decree of spite on your gloves from lab this is very good for the build as it will slow and chill enemies and cause them to take more ST hits as they advance. Here is a side by side of my current in game lvl 90 hideout single target with golem and wrath and my lvl 100 path of builds effective peak dps.
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