[3.2] Very cheap ~ REVIVED 4 Million DPS+ RF Fire Nova Mine (Update soon)
P.S. By the way, i just thought about something...
If mine damage double dip poison (It actually is), then "30% more damage per repeat" must also double dip poison, and i actually ommited it in my calculation (path of building calculated only 1st activation, so obviously it also ignored). But if it's true, then damage from mine full activation must be: From my previous post: Initial 1st hit: 11998 Full poison damage from 1st hit: 106761 So, the poison have 890% damage from initial hit, then (12000+12000*8.9)+(12000*1.3+12000*1.3*8.9*1.3)+... 12000*((1+8.9)+1.3(1+11.57)+1.69(1+15)+2.2(1+19.55)+2.86(1+25.4)+3.71(1+33))= 12000(9.9+16.34+27+45.21+75.5+126.1)=12000*300=3600600 damage from 1 mine So, from 9 mines it will be 32405400, but considering that poison damage from duration 3.75 sec, it will be pure 8641440 dps if you placed only one minefield. Warning: those calculation really rough, using outdated data etc, but i kinda starting to get a gist of it (source and scaling etc) In that case, by the way, headgear enchant will be not just 80% more damage. Considering double dipping, it provides us about 204.8% MORE multiplier... Holy sh... Last edited by Med1umentor#6844 on Mar 5, 2017, 2:43:54 PM
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looks impressive but it's way too gear dependent. I can't just use my favorite helmet.. I'd have to go through lab 1 trillion times to get that unlikely enchant.
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" Who the hell farms lab hoping for a 1/400 chance to get the helm enchant. You buy it for 80% more damage, if not then stick with your 5 million dps which still surpasses many builds at this budget/low lvl, not to mention the build is even stronger with the new legacy consumings. Last edited by Worst_luck#4486 on Mar 5, 2017, 4:29:32 PM
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" I like you. |
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" Problem is if you can't afford the enchant when it's around 3ex then the rest of your gear wouldn't be as good and you wouldn't pass 3 million dps threshhold if your gems aren't level 20 and the rest of your gear being decent (chaos dmg on rings, good rare ammy etc.) BUT THEN AGAIN, 90% chaos conversion with new consumings is gonna be a very solid meme, probably making you as strong as with the enchant even on bosses. Last edited by Worst_luck#4486 on Mar 5, 2017, 4:28:48 PM
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by the way, i just thinking about crits... Why did you decide to go for crits? In path of building i just tried to change all crit nodes on chaos nodes, and added dot nodes as remaining. And i got pretty much the same resulting poison with less initial hit, but more than 200% increases on poison. In short - considering that crits don't double dip poison, and we have same poison with less initial hit on 1st wave, then other waves will make non-crit version considerably better through double dipping. Especially if you don't plan to use infernal mantle and lose sweet (100% crits on that). Or maybe i just failed somewhere, later will do some calculating. But, did you have any reason to go crit? P.S. Nah, just calculated, and crit version still had it better, but probably will not without infernal mantle, but i already half-asleep, so any more calculation will be tomorrow. Last edited by Med1umentor#6844 on Mar 5, 2017, 5:38:31 PM
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Is it just me or is the game play a bit weird. I mean it isn't like any other ranged or melee attack, you don't target a mob. I'm sure it will help when I get a little further into the build and the damage starts stacking up a little more...
Last edited by Mr_Tact#0296 on Mar 5, 2017, 10:11:13 PM
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" Playing a miner is a bit different yeah but very fun especially a high damage rewarding one. |
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" The build is there so you can pretty much shit on bosses, I didn't make it for clear-speed or whatnot, even though it's not too bad either. I satisfied my lost clear-speed cause with my ele wander build. |
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Is this still working on legacy? my friend built this, got all the gear (even bought the first helm with enchant on the league), got to 80 something and said he can't even one shot uber izaro phases. Besides that, he says he dies for shit because of stuns, as the build don't have any form of immunity besides occultist's can't be stunned on full ES. His tooltip is 3.9k with inc aoe on a 6L.
We played bladefall mines back in the day and he said it doesn't come close to it's damage. I was suspicious when he said all that, seeing your videos, but I asked him for every bit of gear that gives damage and he said he bought it already (flasks, jewels, rings with chaos damage, helm enchant, 6L, everything). I was leveling this build too but now i'm in doubt. Can someone confirm this still works? How does the build go with medium gear (not maxed out but with okay gear)? Also, I think Incandescent Heart could be a good replacement for Infernal Mantle, because it now has 353 ES, you can use discipline because you can now be in low mana, it gives 20% of elemental damage as extra chaos damage, and the 25% of elemental damage taken as chaos damage is just OP as a CI character, even more for shaper that does mostly elemental damage. You said you are doing the build as a league starter too. How is it going? Last edited by psykh3#7503 on Mar 6, 2017, 11:36:57 AM
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