[2.5] CI Witch Scorching Ray CWC Whispering Ice - Version 2.0 Released - Now with more damage!
Just FYI, your understanding of double dipping is wrong. This build doesn't double dip. You have some inefficient nodes going out of your way to pick up elemental damage, which I assume you think is double dipping. The only things that double dip are poison and ignite, as the damage increases count twice. Conversion does not double dip. Technically, this build can ignite so it does double dip. But the ignites are going to be so small it's not that much. That's the advantage firestorm has over icestorm, in that you can convert to chaos and double dip on poison.
Last edited by dragonsroc#6774 on Dec 9, 2016, 3:34:51 PM
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" Hey! thank you for your suggestions and I am glad you find the build interesting. On the es part, I highly disagree, most WI builds run around 50-70 % ES in the skill tree, so mine is actually way above the normal, and can easily reach 10 k at level 80ish. Swapping the fire pen gem with elemental focus will be a huge damage loss as far as my calculations have gone. (we lose 14 % fire penetration + we lose burn damage + we lose 50 % more modifier from shock + the 25 % from celestial punishment) We also ignore the fact that we have to use a lightning spell every 10 seconds to prove the said 25 % pen from mastermind of discord The thing about astramentis is that it isn't A MUST to get the build to work, as WI, pyre and the jewels are. I am currently running with a rare neck for 2c compared to a 40c (or whatevet it costs atm) astramentis. I might put it in a bis section, but it isn't mandatory at all :) |
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" I am not sure what the correct term for it is then, since the cold/fire damage notes does both add to the icestorm skill (snowforged and jewels etc.) Either way we can utilize double damaged notes jewels and gain the benefit for icestorm. Can you provide me with the correct term, since most guides I've read with AOF WI builds they call it double dipping. |
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It's just a benefit of conversion. I don't know if there is a term for it or not. But double dipping refers to poisons and ignites calculating a damage modifier twice, which is why they are seen as the strongest ways to deal damage. How it works is that the poison/ignite is based off the initial hit, and is then further modified by any increases or decreases in damage. That means +fire damage increases the initial hit causing a higher ignite, and then that ignite is then increased again by the same fire damage, hence 'double dipping'. It's pretty much the reason why Vortex is probably the highest dps skill I've ever seen on a build, since you can double dip the ignite from numerous more spell damage modifiers (controlled, LL, RF, EO). A top geared vortex build can one shot Minotaur and kill him in about 4 seconds.
In the cases of conversion, +cold damage and +fire damage are only calculated once. Last edited by dragonsroc#6774 on Dec 9, 2016, 4:40:53 PM
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" I fully understand how the ignite/poison etc. works, I just wasn't aware that the same term wasn't used for conversions. But thanks for clarifying ^^ And yes poison builds are really strong, and I would honestly say this build can challenge it, since I destroy bosses so far in a matter of seconds. But we will see when I hit uber atziri and shaper. |
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No prolif? (elementalist)
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" I take it, that you are refering to beacon of ruin? There is no reason to take it in my opinion, your icestorm is already pretty big and will apply the status effects onto everyone inside the area, spreading shocking/freeze etc. to mobs outside the icestorm area wouldn't do much. |
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You actually leveled as es/ci? I've done many CI builds, but always leveled as life, and then respec'd to CI later when running maps.
How much of a bitch is it to lvl as es/ci? Just bought a whispering ice and got it six socketed in like 10 jewelers, so starting this build because it looks awesome. |
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" I didn't take CI untill the 60's, I managed to run with only ES notes and gear with ES/Health through my entire levelling because of the safety of using WI from level 33. only a few mobs will ever get close to you through the early levelling. You can buy gear for 1 fuse/1 chaos that will provide you with enough defensives without speccing into any health at all. But I'm glad you're gonna try it! Keep me updated on how it goes :D |
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Added flasks changes against certain bosses + videos. |
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