zabosnu wrote:
CheetoBenito wrote:
This build is garbage. Much weaker and more expensive than HOWA. Why not post your unbuffed dps instead of your fake news dps pic?
Time to try out a HOWA crit BF with my assassin.
Get out troll.
YungAutist wrote:
Here are some improvements to consider:
-Get melee physical damage on full life instead of Increased Critical Damage support in your 6-link.
-When comparing the tool-tip damage, make sure to have all of your charges up (power/frenzy), conc-effect...etc. Also make sure that you have hit "recently" as this will activate the boost from the claws.
-Try to get physical damage to attacks on your amulet/ring.
-You can get the Abyssus helm which is a HUGE boost in damage.
-Your flasks are all life based. Flasks are really important, I highly recommend using the ones listed in the guide as they will boost your damage tremendously.
-Some of your other links aren't optimized, I would recommend copying them as they are listed in the CI section of the guide.
decode2 wrote:
Hi, same as others' question.
What can be improved?
I've been playing for 2 weeks till now, i don't have enought currency to pay Skyforth so i used 4 points in a node to reduce reserved mana.
My vaal regalia is 6L but as I couldn't get the 2R, 2G, 2B, im using conc and Increased area of effect together, i was trying to use the gems as the OP said but no luck with chromatics.
My avg. dmg. in blade flurry reached 14.5k with buffs and its getting really hard to level up, i cant even tank 1 uber Izaro's hit.
I would appreciate any help to improve item set, jewels and passive three.
Thanks in advance!
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/decode2/characters (SSApex)
Hello friend. I have looked at your character and I noticed that your Vaal Regalia is actually 5-linked. It's really critical to get a 6-linked armour. If you are having issues getting the right colors, I recommend using this calculator (https://siveran.github.io/calc.html). This will help you optimize how you approach coloring sockets on the different types of items.
I would also try to get better ES on gloves and boots, as well as %ES on the rare ring. Keep in mind that improving the ES on your gear will give you a good chunk of total ES because of the Infused Shield node. Levels and quality on gems are also important, I recommend that you level those up and max out their quality. These are the first two major things to fix (6-link, and ES gear) and it should provide you with a lot damage and ES.
If you catch my stream, I wouldn't mind helping you color your armour.
Zabosnu i dont get it how now i am unable to equip Abyssus helm
just now i was able to equip it now i short of str
before uber lab i unequip every equipment is it a bbug that i was able to it ?
Enjoy Legacy!!!!
Posted byArfJason#0767on Feb 12, 2017, 1:03:27 AM
zabosnu wrote:
CheetoBenito wrote:
This build is garbage. Much weaker and more expensive than HOWA. Why not post your unbuffed dps instead of your fake news dps pic?
Time to try out a HOWA crit BF with my assassin.
Get out troll.
YungAutist wrote:
Here are some improvements to consider:
-Get melee physical damage on full life instead of Increased Critical Damage support in your 6-link.
-When comparing the tool-tip damage, make sure to have all of your charges up (power/frenzy), conc-effect...etc. Also make sure that you have hit "recently" as this will activate the boost from the claws.
-Try to get physical damage to attacks on your amulet/ring.
-You can get the Abyssus helm which is a HUGE boost in damage.
-Your flasks are all life based. Flasks are really important, I highly recommend using the ones listed in the guide as they will boost your damage tremendously.
-Some of your other links aren't optimized, I would recommend copying them as they are listed in the CI section of the guide.
decode2 wrote:
Hi, same as others' question.
What can be improved?
I've been playing for 2 weeks till now, i don't have enought currency to pay Skyforth so i used 4 points in a node to reduce reserved mana.
My vaal regalia is 6L but as I couldn't get the 2R, 2G, 2B, im using conc and Increased area of effect together, i was trying to use the gems as the OP said but no luck with chromatics.
My avg. dmg. in blade flurry reached 14.5k with buffs and its getting really hard to level up, i cant even tank 1 uber Izaro's hit.
I would appreciate any help to improve item set, jewels and passive three.
Thanks in advance!
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/decode2/characters (SSApex)
Hello friend. I have looked at your character and I noticed that your Vaal Regalia is actually 5-linked. It's really critical to get a 6-linked armour. If you are having issues getting the right colors, I recommend using this calculator (https://siveran.github.io/calc.html). This will help you optimize how you approach coloring sockets on the different types of items.
I would also try to get better ES on gloves and boots, as well as %ES on the rare ring. Keep in mind that improving the ES on your gear will give you a good chunk of total ES because of the Infused Shield node. Levels and quality on gems are also important, I recommend that you level those up and max out their quality. These are the first two major things to fix (6-link, and ES gear) and it should provide you with a lot damage and ES.
If you catch my stream, I wouldn't mind helping you color your armour.
I have now managed to get the 6L useful to get enough chromatics to make it 2/2/2
I looked for ES gloves & boots that cap some res like mine but its too expensive thought
Also managed to get uber-ascended and damage is getting better!
I'm planning to use Warchief totem because i got a nice enchantment on my helm now (40% warchief damage increased), how should i improve my gem set? (on boots)
Thanks for your amazing build and support!
Posted bydecode2#4445on Feb 12, 2017, 3:39:51 AM
Hey guys!
Just a short question.
Is this build beginner friendly and playable with not THAT much currency?
I would play it from the scratch with some currency from another build which I've played at the start of the season.
Posted bysorcita#5241on Feb 12, 2017, 3:54:14 AM
so far after reaching lv 72 i realise is much much easier
thanks to es leech
so far havent done uber successful yet
uber trap was really nasty today keep dying to traps !!
planning to go for next week get the full 8 point
but i only have 5.8es with discipline haha that kind of low but i understand why as i will get more when i lv up
and invest more on es skill point
btw i am using the dps version CI build
Enjoy Legacy!!!!
Posted byArfJason#0767on Feb 12, 2017, 6:33:26 AM
Do you think this build will be nerfed in 2.6?
Posted byArazosa#0290on Feb 12, 2017, 7:08:54 AM
Hey guys this might be a silly question but I was wondering if it was viable to run this build with 2 curses taking the whispers of doom node to run assassins mark from blast and vulnerability via witch brew flask. Would this be viable and if so what passives would you drop?
Sorry for the repost just wanted to see if it's a good idea before I start making changes
Posted byCrazyCarl1439#1077on Feb 12, 2017, 8:51:17 AM
sorcita wrote:
Hey guys!
Just a short question.
Is this build beginner friendly and playable with not THAT much currency?
I would play it from the scratch with some currency from another build which I've played at the start of the season.
This build is super strong, one of the best right now for shaper, but it's not cheap. You can make the build with a medium amount of currency, but don't expect to faceroll shaper that way. The build really takes off once you have all or nearly all the items. See the original post for Unchained's recommendations on budget options.
If you want something similar but cheaper, consider HoWA. It plays similarly, but requires less gear to setup. Don't expect it to have the damage of this one though.
2.6 BLS Berserker budget shaper farmer build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1882710
Posted byMoldyDwarf#0844on Feb 12, 2017, 11:52:37 AM
CrazyCarl1439 wrote:
Hey guys this might be a silly question but I was wondering if it was viable to run this build with 2 curses taking the whispers of doom node to run assassins mark from blast and vulnerability via witch brew flask. Would this be viable and if so what passives would you drop?
Sorry for the repost just wanted to see if it's a good idea before I start making changes
I wouldn't do it. It requires sacrificing too many nodes on the tree.
If you have a way of generating power charges, you don't need assassin's mark with this build. Skyforth is of course the easiest way to do so, but if you can't afford that, you can use CwDT+BV+PCoC+IncrCrit (drop IncrCrit on a 3link). You could also use orb of storms if you prefer.
The setup that works best for me is skyforth, orb of storms + curse on hit + vulnerability, sin's rebirth (not witchfire brew), wither + spell totem + faster casting. I find I only need vulnerability on bosses, and for most of them, it's not too hard to drop down an OoS + totem. T16 bosses are a pain. Getting 20q on a real vuln gem is a lot stronger than 0q from witchfire. Sin's Rebirth adds a lot of DPS.
2.6 BLS Berserker budget shaper farmer build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1882710
Posted byMoldyDwarf#0844on Feb 12, 2017, 12:02:31 PM
Gz es vp rework or nerf darn
I just reach lv 72 was hoping this weekend to continue lv saw the patches coming
Probably build will change a bit
Enjoy Legacy!!!!
Posted byArfJason#0767on Feb 12, 2017, 6:57:46 PM
zabosnu wrote:
CheetoBenito wrote:
This build is garbage. Much weaker and more expensive than HOWA. Why not post your unbuffed dps instead of your fake news dps pic?
Time to try out a HOWA crit BF with my assassin.
Get out troll.
I'm not troll. This build is garbage. With 1500 int, Howa gives you +150-1800 base damage (avg 925 dmg). Compare the 925 base HOWA dmg to your toy stick scourge of a couple hundred.
And seriously? Who wants to run around with a +40% physical damage taken helm with no ES? This must be a joke. HOWA has much more damage, much more ES.
Last edited by CheetoBenito#7167 on Feb 12, 2017, 11:14:00 PM
Posted byCheetoBenito#7167on Feb 12, 2017, 11:12:46 PM