[2.6] CI Best Scourge ClawFlurry, Up to 134+ Mill DPS,Uber/Shaper/Guardians, Budget Version Inc.

kushorange wrote:

Your profile is private

Whoops, changed it[/quote]

Claws are super low rolled. You can divine or spend money for better ones. Look for higher flat physical with at least 12-13 increased attack speed.

Here is example, It is not perfect but has high flat physical and good attack speed.

Please bauble your flasks. Quality if super important there since it gives duration.

Voidheart rolls are very low as well. Divine it.

You got the wrong Doryani belt. You want the one with physical damage on it.

It looks like your accuracy is very low.

Your other slots could all use some improvement. Let me know if you have specific questions on each peice. For example your gloves have good ES, but have light damage instead of physical with low accuracy.


Ty I changed my stuff a bit. But I really don't get how all of u guys got that much damage while I'm still sitting on a max of 20k BUFFED
Last edited by Jigs4wHD#2372 on Feb 10, 2017, 2:19:30 PM
Jigs4wHD wrote:

Ty I changed my stuff a bit. But I really don't get how all of u guys got that much damage while I'm still sitting on a max of 20k BUFFED

It is very simple. Your items are quite a bit worse. Jewels, Claws, Rings, Ammys, Etc. You are only lvl 88, missing a bunch of important passive points. Low crit multi. There is a bunch of stuff.

As long as you can keep killing stuff, progressing and improving your character you will get there.

Edit: But the changes you made are def a step in the right direction.

Also their DPS is also "buffed." Meaning with flasks, charges, concentrated effect, etc
Last edited by kushorange#1495 on Feb 10, 2017, 4:30:39 PM
zabosnu wrote:

Didn't even use Vaal-Haste in the above kill!


This is my version of the BladeFlurry min/maxed to the max, that utilizes several mechanics and synergies to achieve maximum damage. It melts all bosses and maps. We utilize the Scourge Claws (140%+ Increased Global Damage!, double dips on poison/bleed). Below you will find two versions, CI and LL. Go with whichever you prefer, however I recommend CI (more es and more damage).

You can find all my builds at the following link:

Below you will find videos of full Shaper and Uber Atziri runs. Face-tanking, no problem!

CI Videos:
Chimera Guardian Deletion
CI Shaper Run (my main DPS gear shown)
World's Fastest Shaper Kill?
Tree Leveling Guide

LL Videos:
3rd FastER Deathless Shaper Run
Deathless Uber Atziri Deletion
Deathless Shaper Deletion
2nd Deathless Shaper Run

How to Create the Best Builds:
MinMaxing and Answering Questions

My Twitch Stream: Original Caturai

(New) Screenshot of Tool-Tip (CI Version): 135,000+ TOOL-TIP DAMAGE!!!
I've managed to push the damage even higher with slight tweaks, I'll be posting more updates when I have time. Keep in mind that this is not the REAL DPS. The real DPS is much higher. The tool-tip does not include the poison and bleed damage (that's also boosted by 140+% Increased damage, thanks to Scourge Claws). This is with 6 power charges, flasks, blood rage, Warchief Totem and conc-effect (no vinktar flask, no headhunter belt, no aurabot).

(Old)Screenshot of Offense Tab (CI Version): 114,000+ TOOL-TIP DAMAGE!!!

Class Tree:
The best class for this build is Shadow-Assasssin. For the ascendancy go with Deadly Infusion first, then Toxic Delivery.

CI Version:
Lvl 100 Assassin

Low-Life Version:
Lvl 95 Assassin

How it works:
The synergy in this specific build utilizes 100% critical (and a lot of crit-multi) along with 100% poison and bleed on each attack. To achieve such high critical chance and damage we must go with the Shadow Assassin class (power charges give us more crit-chance and more multiplier damage). Assassin also provides us with 100% MORE poison damage (with crits) along with 100% more bleed damage against enemies that are maimed.

The main weapon that we are using is "The Scourge" claw. This claw is extremely powerful (if not too OP), especially since we are dual wielding it. Dual wielding gives us 10% MORE attack speed, 15% additional block chance, and 20% MORE Attack Physical damage. On top of this, the claws give us 140% increased global damage (since we are dual wielding). This means that our physical, poison, and bleed damage is increased by 140%. On top of that, you can get "Minions deal % increased damage" on jewels/gear (and enchantments) and that will provide even more increased global damage. So, you are getting much more increased global damage than just 140% from the claws. The claws also give us a flat 2% life leech, combined with all the gear and tree our life leech is about 4%.

Keep in mind that you can still make your own changes. You can further increase the damage by using something like Blood Rage as a buff. The build is flexible and you should make changes according to your preference/needs. You can even sacrifice damage and go with claw/shield. You can even use mirrored ring/amulet, however, for this build it would not be much of an improvement.

Skill Point - 8% Attack speed - Max Power Charge (+1)

Hatred (more cold damage, enemies shatter)

Vulnerability (Increases physical damage, and damage over time (bleed/poison))


Assassin's Mark (increases your critical over the cap and boosts damage, also provides power charges when mapping)

Ice Golem (critical chance, accuracy)
Herald of Ash (really great damage boost, especially for mapping)
Blood Rage (MORE damage, attack-speed, and life leech)

Wither Totem (7% MORE chaos/poison damage per stack, also slows enemies down)


Warchief totem (1.18 physical melee multiplier)

Besides the required uniques, the rest of the gear should be rare ES gear with the focus on capping out resistances and getting flat accuracy rating. Everyone will have different gear, with that said, you should balance the build out based on what you have. It is extremely important to get enough accuracy. I would say that you should aim to get at least 85% hit chance (90%+ preferred). The reason why accuracy is important is because it first rolls to determine if your attack will actually "hit." If the attack hits, then it will roll again to see if your "hit" will be a critical strike or not.

Required Gear:

My Current Gear (CI Version):
Since we do a lot of damage, you can drop one of the claws and use an ES shield. Keep in mind that if you do use claw/shield that you will have to modify the tree slightly since some of the nodes are "dual wield" based. At the end of the day, make changes to fit your needs/wants. The voidheart ring can either be a legacy or non-legacy, it doesn't really matter.

If you don't have Skyforth boots, you can use normal ES boots instead (for ES/res). You can also generate power charges using: orb of storms + pcoc + increased critical strike chance + faster casting. For the rare amulet and ring focus on accuracy/crit-multi/crit-chance/ES/physical damage.

You can also swap out the Abyssus helmet for an ES helmet per your preference (or circumstance). The build still does a lot of damage even without Abyssus.

Aura reservation problem? Don't have skyforth boots? No problem!

My Current Gear (Low-Life Version):
If you don't have a Shavronne's then you can go CI with an ES armor. We go low life to fit in more auras/buffs to increase our damage (in this case Shavronne's is required). The voidheart ring can either be a legacy or non-legacy, it doesn't really matter.

If you don't have Skyforth boots, you can use normal ES boots instead (for ES/res). You can also generate power charges using: orb of storms + pcoc + increased critical strike chance + faster casting.

These are the current jewels that I'm using. Jewels should be used to fulfill any requirements that are missing (i.e. resistances, ES...etc). For damage, "Minions Deal % Increased Damage" is the highest priority stat after attack speed.

Attack Speed (highest priority)
Minions Deal % Increased Damage (highest priority, global damage increase)
% Increased Physical Damage
% To Global Critical Strike Multiplier
% Increased Maximum Energy Shield
% Increased Accuracy Rating
% Increased Damage Over Time (boosts poison and bleed only)

Elemental Resistances (if needed)
Stats/Attributes (STR/DEX/INT if needed)

These are some of the flasks that I use. You can switch them out per your preference. Flasks should be used based on circumstances.

@Unchained or SamuraiCat anything changes when 2.6 patch ready ?
Poison Double dipping nerf / cancel ???
Enjoy Legacy!!!!
Last edited by ArfJason#0767 on Feb 11, 2017, 5:29:12 AM
Hey guys this might be a silly question but I was wondering if it was viable to run this build with 2 curses taking the whispers of doom node to run assassins mark from blast and vulnerability via witch brew flask. Would this be viable and if so what passively would you drop?
Can someone help me and tell me why my dmg is so ridiculously low? i have 4k DPS right now
Limisa wrote:
zabosnu wrote:

Didn't even use Vaal-Haste in the above kill!


This is my version of the BladeFlurry min/maxed to the max, that utilizes several mechanics and synergies to achieve maximum damage. It melts all bosses and maps. We utilize the Scourge Claws (140%+ Increased Global Damage!, double dips on poison/bleed). Below you will find two versions, CI and LL. Go with whichever you prefer, however I recommend CI (more es and more damage).

You can find all my builds at the following link:

Below you will find videos of full Shaper and Uber Atziri runs. Face-tanking, no problem!

CI Videos:
Chimera Guardian Deletion
CI Shaper Run (my main DPS gear shown)
World's Fastest Shaper Kill?
Tree Leveling Guide

LL Videos:
3rd FastER Deathless Shaper Run
Deathless Uber Atziri Deletion
Deathless Shaper Deletion
2nd Deathless Shaper Run

How to Create the Best Builds:
MinMaxing and Answering Questions

My Twitch Stream: Original Caturai

(New) Screenshot of Tool-Tip (CI Version): 135,000+ TOOL-TIP DAMAGE!!!
I've managed to push the damage even higher with slight tweaks, I'll be posting more updates when I have time. Keep in mind that this is not the REAL DPS. The real DPS is much higher. The tool-tip does not include the poison and bleed damage (that's also boosted by 140+% Increased damage, thanks to Scourge Claws). This is with 6 power charges, flasks, blood rage, Warchief Totem and conc-effect (no vinktar flask, no headhunter belt, no aurabot).

(Old)Screenshot of Offense Tab (CI Version): 114,000+ TOOL-TIP DAMAGE!!!

Class Tree:
The best class for this build is Shadow-Assasssin. For the ascendancy go with Deadly Infusion first, then Toxic Delivery.

CI Version:
Lvl 100 Assassin

Low-Life Version:
Lvl 95 Assassin

How it works:
The synergy in this specific build utilizes 100% critical (and a lot of crit-multi) along with 100% poison and bleed on each attack. To achieve such high critical chance and damage we must go with the Shadow Assassin class (power charges give us more crit-chance and more multiplier damage). Assassin also provides us with 100% MORE poison damage (with crits) along with 100% more bleed damage against enemies that are maimed.

The main weapon that we are using is "The Scourge" claw. This claw is extremely powerful (if not too OP), especially since we are dual wielding it. Dual wielding gives us 10% MORE attack speed, 15% additional block chance, and 20% MORE Attack Physical damage. On top of this, the claws give us 140% increased global damage (since we are dual wielding). This means that our physical, poison, and bleed damage is increased by 140%. On top of that, you can get "Minions deal % increased damage" on jewels/gear (and enchantments) and that will provide even more increased global damage. So, you are getting much more increased global damage than just 140% from the claws. The claws also give us a flat 2% life leech, combined with all the gear and tree our life leech is about 4%.

Keep in mind that you can still make your own changes. You can further increase the damage by using something like Blood Rage as a buff. The build is flexible and you should make changes according to your preference/needs. You can even sacrifice damage and go with claw/shield. You can even use mirrored ring/amulet, however, for this build it would not be much of an improvement.

Skill Point - 8% Attack speed - Max Power Charge (+1)

Hatred (more cold damage, enemies shatter)

Vulnerability (Increases physical damage, and damage over time (bleed/poison))


Assassin's Mark (increases your critical over the cap and boosts damage, also provides power charges when mapping)

Ice Golem (critical chance, accuracy)
Herald of Ash (really great damage boost, especially for mapping)
Blood Rage (MORE damage, attack-speed, and life leech)

Wither Totem (7% MORE chaos/poison damage per stack, also slows enemies down)


Warchief totem (1.18 physical melee multiplier)

Besides the required uniques, the rest of the gear should be rare ES gear with the focus on capping out resistances and getting flat accuracy rating. Everyone will have different gear, with that said, you should balance the build out based on what you have. It is extremely important to get enough accuracy. I would say that you should aim to get at least 85% hit chance (90%+ preferred). The reason why accuracy is important is because it first rolls to determine if your attack will actually "hit." If the attack hits, then it will roll again to see if your "hit" will be a critical strike or not.

Required Gear:

My Current Gear (CI Version):
Since we do a lot of damage, you can drop one of the claws and use an ES shield. Keep in mind that if you do use claw/shield that you will have to modify the tree slightly since some of the nodes are "dual wield" based. At the end of the day, make changes to fit your needs/wants. The voidheart ring can either be a legacy or non-legacy, it doesn't really matter.

If you don't have Skyforth boots, you can use normal ES boots instead (for ES/res). You can also generate power charges using: orb of storms + pcoc + increased critical strike chance + faster casting. For the rare amulet and ring focus on accuracy/crit-multi/crit-chance/ES/physical damage.

You can also swap out the Abyssus helmet for an ES helmet per your preference (or circumstance). The build still does a lot of damage even without Abyssus.

Aura reservation problem? Don't have skyforth boots? No problem!

My Current Gear (Low-Life Version):
If you don't have a Shavronne's then you can go CI with an ES armor. We go low life to fit in more auras/buffs to increase our damage (in this case Shavronne's is required). The voidheart ring can either be a legacy or non-legacy, it doesn't really matter.

If you don't have Skyforth boots, you can use normal ES boots instead (for ES/res). You can also generate power charges using: orb of storms + pcoc + increased critical strike chance + faster casting.

These are the current jewels that I'm using. Jewels should be used to fulfill any requirements that are missing (i.e. resistances, ES...etc). For damage, "Minions Deal % Increased Damage" is the highest priority stat after attack speed.

Attack Speed (highest priority)
Minions Deal % Increased Damage (highest priority, global damage increase)
% Increased Physical Damage
% To Global Critical Strike Multiplier
% Increased Maximum Energy Shield
% Increased Accuracy Rating
% Increased Damage Over Time (boosts poison and bleed only)

Elemental Resistances (if needed)
Stats/Attributes (STR/DEX/INT if needed)

These are some of the flasks that I use. You can switch them out per your preference. Flasks should be used based on circumstances.

@Unchained or SamuraiCat anything changes when 2.6 patch ready ?
Poison Double dipping nerf / cancel ???

As far as I know there aren't any nerfs. To know for sure we will have to wait until the final patch notes are released.

YungAutist wrote:
Can someone help me and tell me why my dmg is so ridiculously low? i have 4k DPS right now

Your character screen is private.
Twitch Stream:
Last edited by unchainedlive#6561 on Feb 11, 2017, 5:26:39 PM
My Bad fixed now
Hi, same as others' question.
What can be improved?
I've been playing for 2 weeks till now, i don't have enought currency to pay Skyforth so i used 4 points in a node to reduce reserved mana.
My vaal regalia is 6L but as I couldn't get the 2R, 2G, 2B, im using conc and Increased area of effect together, i was trying to use the gems as the OP said but no luck with chromatics.

My avg. dmg. in blade flurry reached 14.5k with buffs and its getting really hard to level up, i cant even tank 1 uber Izaro's hit.

I would appreciate any help to improve item set, jewels and passive three.
Thanks in advance!

https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/decode2/characters (SSApex)
Last edited by decode2#4445 on Feb 11, 2017, 8:32:57 PM
This build is garbage. Much weaker and more expensive than HOWA. Why not post your unbuffed dps instead of your fake news dps pic?

Time to try out a HOWA crit BF with my assassin.
CheetoBenito wrote:
This build is garbage. Much weaker and more expensive than HOWA. Why not post your unbuffed dps instead of your fake news dps pic?

Time to try out a HOWA crit BF with my assassin.

Get out troll.

YungAutist wrote:
My Bad fixed now

Here are some improvements to consider:

-Get melee physical damage on full life instead of Increased Critical Damage support in your 6-link.
-When comparing the tool-tip damage, make sure to have all of your charges up (power/frenzy), conc-effect...etc. Also make sure that you have hit "recently" as this will activate the boost from the claws.
-Try to get physical damage to attacks on your amulet/ring.
-You can get the Abyssus helm which is a HUGE boost in damage.
-Your flasks are all life based. Flasks are really important, I highly recommend using the ones listed in the guide as they will boost your damage tremendously.
-Some of your other links aren't optimized, I would recommend copying them as they are listed in the CI section of the guide.

decode2 wrote:
Hi, same as others' question.
What can be improved?
I've been playing for 2 weeks till now, i don't have enought currency to pay Skyforth so i used 4 points in a node to reduce reserved mana.
My vaal regalia is 6L but as I couldn't get the 2R, 2G, 2B, im using conc and Increased area of effect together, i was trying to use the gems as the OP said but no luck with chromatics.

My avg. dmg. in blade flurry reached 14.5k with buffs and its getting really hard to level up, i cant even tank 1 uber Izaro's hit.

I would appreciate any help to improve item set, jewels and passive three.
Thanks in advance!

https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/decode2/characters (SSApex)

Hello friend. I have looked at your character and I noticed that your Vaal Regalia is actually 5-linked. It's really critical to get a 6-linked armour. If you are having issues getting the right colors, I recommend using this calculator (https://siveran.github.io/calc.html). This will help you optimize how you approach coloring sockets on the different types of items.

I would also try to get better ES on gloves and boots, as well as %ES on the rare ring. Keep in mind that improving the ES on your gear will give you a good chunk of total ES because of the Infused Shield node. Levels and quality on gems are also important, I recommend that you level those up and max out their quality. These are the first two major things to fix (6-link, and ES gear) and it should provide you with a lot damage and ES.

If you catch my stream, I wouldn't mind helping you color your armour.
Twitch Stream:
Last edited by unchainedlive#6561 on Feb 12, 2017, 1:26:35 AM

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