[2.6] CI Best Scourge ClawFlurry, Up to 134+ Mill DPS,Uber/Shaper/Guardians, Budget Version Inc.

Limisa wrote:
Foreverbr0ke wrote:
Hello guys. I spent most of my spare currency on these items, was wondering if I'm set to go.

Any improvement aside from divine spamming amulet/ring/gloves for maximum es? (yeah I have to 6L my chest i'm still undecided, might have to buy a higher es one)

Claw !! Try get 40+ -120+
Yr using the dps version like me which I am Lv 72 with enlighten lv 4 disciple lv 21 I only at 5.7/5.8es only of course u can get more es
Resis is quite hard to min max using dps version

I see... So I guess I'll take a 500es helm until I'm lvl 90 and have all the es nodes on the left side. Do you have any idea how much you will get once you have es nodes? If it's below 8k it might be a bit problematic
Foreverbr0ke wrote:
Limisa wrote:
Foreverbr0ke wrote:
Hello guys. I spent most of my spare currency on these items, was wondering if I'm set to go.

Any improvement aside from divine spamming amulet/ring/gloves for maximum es? (yeah I have to 6L my chest i'm still undecided, might have to buy a higher es one)

Claw !! Try get 40+ -120+
Yr using the dps version like me which I am Lv 72 with enlighten lv 4 disciple lv 21 I only at 5.7/5.8es only of course u can get more es
Resis is quite hard to min max using dps version

I see... So I guess I'll take a 500es helm until I'm lvl 90 and have all the es nodes on the left side. Do you have any idea how much you will get once you have es nodes? If it's below 8k it might be a bit problematic

Actually is up to you to take which helmet u wan abyssus is strong but u take more damage es helmet is also not bad to min max and raise es
So lvling is really your preferences
Btw just try skip reflect map if you could
I try few map and were able facemask them
Need test more soon and Revamp alch went I lv 80
Try use lion roar flask it really help a lot
Enjoy Legacy!!!!
Last edited by ArfJason#0767 on Feb 13, 2017, 8:51:07 PM
Are the two minion nodes really useful instead of getting more dps/es?
Edit: nvm, just realized what the claws did :P all good!
Last edited by redviles#5196 on Feb 14, 2017, 1:11:02 AM
How do u usually deal with being frozen with your current flask setup?
He knows :)

Crafted new chest for him on advise of you guys.

Any other small tips that could improve this monster?

He just tears through any map or boss already but I wanna min-max him as best I can.

Money is not really an issue since its the end of the league and I have nothing else to spend it on.

Last edited by kushorange#1495 on Feb 14, 2017, 11:54:06 AM
kushorange wrote:
He knows :)

Crafted new chest for him on advise of you guys.

Any other small tips that could improve this monster?

He just tears through any map or boss already but I wanna min-max him as best I can.

Money is not really an issue since its the end of the league and I have nothing else to spend it on.

An obvious upgrade is an ES helmet with the blade flurry enchantment. You could even go with bone helmet which by default have an implicit to increase your minion damage (global damage).
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Hey guys,

would any of you pros be so kind and give me some advice for improvements (gear and tree)?

thank you very much in advance :)

and is it absolutely necessary to wear void heart?

Last edited by pitpat#6938 on Feb 14, 2017, 3:38:52 PM
zabosnu wrote:
kushorange wrote:
He knows :)

Crafted new chest for him on advise of you guys.

Any other small tips that could improve this monster?

He just tears through any map or boss already but I wanna min-max him as best I can.

Money is not really an issue since its the end of the league and I have nothing else to spend it on.

An obvious upgrade is an ES helmet with the blade flurry enchantment. You could even go with bone helmet which by default have an implicit to increase your minion damage (global damage).

Def gonna run some lab tonight. I hate lab running but yeah that would be nice boost. The helms with 450+ ES and accuracy with blade flurry enchant are priced too crazy. I'll probably load up on the double enchant prophecy and run it til I get either damage or radius.

Thanks for tips and the great guide friend.

Edit: Changed my mind. I am going to keep that enchant helm for maping since I like the extra mana. I will just get another helm for doing bosses with the enchant.
Last edited by kushorange#1495 on Feb 14, 2017, 8:45:22 PM
Just wanted to say a Thanks
Did my first uber izzaro on lv 75 solo
usually I always ask my guild or pay c to help get the point

Next goal is guardian and lv 90 sharper ##
Enjoy Legacy!!!!
Last edited by ArfJason#0767 on Feb 15, 2017, 8:41:33 AM
Limisa wrote:
Just wanted to say a Thanks
Did my first uber izzaro on lv 75 solo
usually I always ask my guild or pay c to help get the point

Next goal is guardian and lv 90 sharper ##

Sounds awesome! Great job. (:
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