Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee
Lol, this thread is still going on?
After people were able to clear strand with a white dagger and one link Bf, after people were able to rollstomp the shaper with a fairly common unique dagger, after certain poster said no one would play Bf this league (and half the server is playing bf), there still is somehow an argument that Bf isn't fucking or as shit? And of course the main argument is the pointing of fingers and screaming 'look at flameblast/op spell' When flameblast being op or more op has nothing to do with blade flurry or melee (or "melee") |
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Btw, lacerate or Reave cannot compete for leveling as well compared to Bf (even the new nerfed version),at all.
Running a max block gladiator in breach and its not even close, really. The only skill (aside from eq that obviously doesn't work for swords or daggers or claws) that can come even remotely close is cyclone, and that comes on the heels of a huge range buff (and even then, a big part of cyclones appeal is that it works with any weapon) and the fact that mobility around the breach edges is quite needed to get to hands. |
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The nerf was quite good. As i had said it would be better to nerf the AoE rather than the damage. Well they did nerf the damage, but not much. My problem is that they did not buff other single target melee skills, so blade flurry could be in the middle between skills like lacerate/reave etc in AoE and single target. It is still the best option for single target damage. I guess GGG want people to play it, since it is new. We will see. - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
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"they actually did not nerf the damage (damage!=dps) at all, to be technical. They barely nerfed the dps by having a tiny attack speed multiplier nerf |
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" Etup is playing BF. Check out his chat. He's getting tons of people LOL at the clear speeds. No other streamer is using it. Kk. Dude, seriously... just lay off the paint chips, they are toxic af! Totally not good for your health :( Deliver pain exquisite
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I'm using BF to level right now with whatever happens to drop. 170dps BF with 5 links versus 1150dps Lightning strike 3 links.
There's no argument here for single target dmg, I prefer using a channeled ability either way. That speaks volumes about the skill in terms of user friendliness, rather than it being OP. Blade Flurry is the weakest melee skill I've ever seen ( post nerf ) making Wildstrike look really good at this point. BUT it's single target dps is more consistent and I haven't even obtained normal Lab ascendancy yet. Seems like it's weapons and class choices that are making BF to be OP, rather than actual skill gem attributes. |
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Just my 2 cents i have not bin playing long
but i did find that melee was lacking compared to the damage and clear speed of lets say ranger or blade vortex etc i have made an es assassin blade flurry i find it powerful compared to melee but compared to none melee its almost as good or about the same if you are not constantly moving with decent gear you will die in higher tier maps so like some rangers its like a glass cannon i think it would only be op with top of the line gear but that's the same with other none melee builds but for the average person with not the best or decent gear i think its just fine again i have not played long so i have no clue about how all this mumbo jumbo works but that's how i feel |
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" Except that it does because these skills don't exist in a vacuum by themselves, the skill now has shit clear, and "half the server" is the 2 people we found who are actually playing it? Lol It's people like you that are the reason we can't have nice things in this game my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Dec 4, 2016, 9:34:14 AM
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"I dont care about 'having nice things' in the game. this is something you and other agenda driven posters cannot understand. I care about skills standing out amongst other skills and whacking these skills in time when they appear so they dont skew the balance in fact, if the game were to go back to open beta player power Id be extremely happy and even throw a few grand GGGs way. the time where 'all skills sucked' and there was more actual balance and you couldnt rolfstomp top tier content with common uniques. lol at the two people comment. if you don't want to take a look outside the top 20 ladder, it's not my problem but purely yours. there's thousands of people playing poe. this goes with your whole agenda again. you simply cant understand that if there are *OTHER* op things in the game that can do shit better than bf, does not mean bf is not op. its such a simple concept but you're so blinded by agenda and partisanship you cannot be saved. so sad. Last edited by grepman#2451 on Dec 4, 2016, 3:46:49 PM
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"your argument is worthless; people are laughing at etup on stream is your argument ? stahp. no other streamer is using it ? pretty sure the biggest streamer atm, mathil is using it. so, you're wrong and it was the easiest thing in the world to prove you wrong bu bu because flameblast prolif is god tier this means bf is balanced ! Last edited by grepman#2451 on Dec 4, 2016, 3:50:00 PM
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