Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee
" Problem with this logic is the idea that a 280pdps weapon is easy to come by, even in 3rd month EHC there were not any weapons worth spending on to upgrade past binos. You'll typically be using a binos forever. And to say that a base dps of 1150 is anything special is a joke, that's like... all of the spells in POE do that much base dps. Examples: Discharge: well over anything else you'll find on here per cast ED: 233-349 + 809 damage per second for 3.8 base seconds, total well over 2600 base damage per cast Vortex: 458-688 + 684 per second for 3 seconds, well over 2900 per cast Fire trap: 513-770 + 518 ground damage per second for 8 seconds, well over 2500 damage per cast Frostbolt: 1258 base dps Freeze pulse: 1325 base dps Flame surge: 1285 base dps There are also a bunch of spells which will OFTEN do more than 1050 base dps but are situational due to their hit boxes and multiple hits: Bladefall: 380-570, hits multiple times Ice trap: 519-778 base damage, hits multiple times Magma orb: 637-956 + chain, possibility of multiple hits Ball lightning, good luck calculating it but I've seen this thing do amazing damage And the rest come really freakin close in which scenario using a binos will leave you doing LESS base dps: Fire nova mine: ~900 damage per cast Lightning tendrils: 970 average damage per cast Incinerate: 850 base dps, before stage bonuses So that leaves out a bunch of shitty spells nobody uses that actually manage to do less damage than blade flurry, which is stuff like shock nova or ice spear. And honestly MOST of those spells get some kind of extra effect or damage steroid that isn't included in the base damage but can potentially end up doing more. So really, blade flurry is doing pretty shitty damage with a 280pdps weapon that it most likely will never have. And that's the "OP" melee gem. BTW, hc top 50 is looking pretty low on assassin builds. There are 2 that I saw and one is BV, might switch to BF later on but likely will die anyways cuz assassin in HC. We'll see how that improves. I'll say I agree with their BF nerf though but they should have nerfed the scourge claws. That shit is retarded OP on an assassin build. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Dec 2, 2016, 9:47:55 PM
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riight, about similar dps before resistances, and before counting hatred / HoF in the BF dps. And accounting for 100% of the dmg duration on firetrap is .... /lol Plus those other spells like flamesurge / tendrils, frostbolt are just largely inferior in term of range / execution, which makes the actual dps much lower. Saying that BF does pretty shitty damage with a 280 dps weapon is kinda ignorant man ... I hope that you do realize that. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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Well it sucks now, so thanks nerf train.
I've been playing around with configuration after configuration and it's now total trash. On par with Frost Blades. Actually FB takes it for clear speeds thanks in part to the small buff to weapon range. In fact, it has comparable single target provided BF users can sit and channel, something I don't see much of in end game boss fights as sitting in one spot is a bullseye for that one shot. I was hoping, praying, GGG was smart enough to leave the AoE alone and nerf the stack buffs so it makes channeling less effective but they actually truly made it just like every other annoying melee skill that lacks any kind of clear speed and pretty much shoves you right into the thick of things. Guess GGG just doesn't get melee at all. Again, thanks for all you Mathil sheep crying for nerfs... awesome job killing yet another melee skill before it even had a chance to see play. Deliver pain exquisite
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Reducing the range by a 6th is making it 'total trash' ?
Of course it does ... SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" You have no idea how much even just an additional 5% to AoE makes a difference so yeah, losing 14% is HUGE, again especially for the Shadow that can't access AoE nodes. Targeting range was dropped by a whopping 16.6% and its AoE down an additional 14%. If you don't think those changes are substantial, you don't even know this game. Kk. Bye, I can't honestly take your post seriously seems like you're just trolling to troll. Deliver pain exquisite Last edited by ultratiem#0592 on Dec 3, 2016, 3:28:50 AM
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Doesn't "damage radius of slashes" mean only the release ?
Also if you are planning to go CI ( actually, even if you are planning to invest some life, some very good life clusters are right there too ), some good ES clusters are right next to one of the two main AOE cluster, and there is a crit cluster rightn ext to it if you go crit ( likely ). I'm just impying that you are trolling by using "total trash", the change is big enough to be seen and that's a good thing, what would be the point otherwise ? But it's definitely no 'total trash'. God some people are so being used to power creep and just one shot everything in every circumstance it's .... that's like the worst that has ever been happening to this game imho. And lol then : "Kk, Bye" edit : Very early ladder stats don't mean exactly much, but ... Etup is 3rd ranked lvl 80 in BHC, with a blade flurry char it seems .... Not bad for a "total trash" skill, right ? SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Dec 3, 2016, 4:13:41 AM
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" Well Binos is at 240 and almost all of the unique claws and swords are at 260 to 270. And again that is the main reason a lot of hardcore players are not playing hardcore anymore... technically they are playing more hardcore, because they actually delete their chars. However in ESC you could get 300 dps daggers for 1-2ex. And for 7ex it went up to 320dps. Same goes for swords, only claws were a bit more expensive because hardly anyone uses them. " No every attack Slashes, the release isn't any different than the normal attacks, although for some odd reasons the release can attack a tiny bit further than the normal slashes. " Per cast is not dps... " All 3 have a terrible clear compaired to Blade Flurry or are simply shorter range and shorter ranged skills should have more dps. Also besides Freezing Pulse many spells can't compete with the high base crit of attack skills. The skill got the AoE reduced which is propably the best thing they could do. There are many good options for fast clearing already so melees now have a dedicated boss killing skill, which is unsurpassed. " I could see that argument if we would speak Raider or Gladiator... but Assassin? If he goes CI, which he should, Blast Radius is a natural pick and if he doesn't he can still get it. I'm playing together with a raider right now and he already is at 0,18s attack time. This means to fully charge the attack it takes him 1,08 seconds. And due to dealing damage every 0,18s he can just stand there and charge the attack if he takes a big hit he will just release the attack which brings him back to full life. And while it is obvious that the skill is weaker it feels a lot more engaging. |
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" Because mobs in POE all have capped resistances and no armor, and phys spells don't exist, and etc etc lol The dps "claim" isn't a claim, it's a fact. I gave you the numbers, stop making excuses. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Dec 3, 2016, 12:37:30 PM
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" I don't have a problem necessarily with their nerfs, but binos is ~230 pdps and is the only unique to have significant crit rolls on it. Trying to build crit with a 5-6 crit chance weapon is pretty balls, which is what all those weapons you're talking about do, and btw the highest pdps claw has a dps roll of 223 max and varunastra, highest dps sword, only goes up to 256pdps but again only has 5 crit. On an assassin build, which is the assumption, binos is the highest dps out of those weapons with 230 pdps and easy crit. Bottom line there isn't a unique dagger/claw/sword in all of POE that goes over 256pdps on a one hander, and not over ~232pdps with crit. These numbers look like before quality, I guess, so varunastra might go to 280 with 5 crit. Bottom line is none of those uniques are going to take you to the 280pdps plus crit area which is what your assumption is based on (Hell I never saw a 280pdps dagger with crit on it even once all of last hc league), and which will never happen in the real world. And then there's accuracy, which attack builds have to contend with and spells do not. Now if you're saying you see that stuff on the SC market, ok fine, but again I don't agree with balancing the game based on SC or its market. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Dec 3, 2016, 12:48:57 PM
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Well, you know there is a problem when you use a 6 linked Static Strike on a nice optimised way, with RT and dual Dory and try a generic Blade Flurry keeping the same colours and linking the supports and the feeling as a damage dealer and clear speed goes so much in the favour of Blade Flurry it's not even funny...
If you all say that Blade Flurry is in a good spot, some of the true melee range skills should be helped to reach it too... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...
Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... |
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