Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee
Reduce AoE by 25% and reduce the more damage per stack from 20% to 10%.
There. Nerfed. Now you have a skill for melee critical builds and not the end all be all for melee. Works also well for claw gain on hit due to the high number of attacks. "Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left. Into the Labyrinth!" |
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" You're referring to a DUAL WIELD ASSASSIN build that is good for 2 things: doing a lot of damage, and dying a lot. It's about the furthest thing from 100-viable, hc-viable, race-viable, or really ANYTHING viable that you can find in POE other than "cast on death". As for other skills I've listed them 100x in this thread and I'm not going to continue repeating myself ad nauseam. It's honestly harder to find a primary-skill spell that CAN'T do what you described. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Nov 25, 2016, 11:55:48 PM
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" -> "I know that I am wrong so I will just ignore your message, using pitiful excuses." It's also pretty rude to Emphasy. And one more time : the top HC is not the basis for all balance, and you are not experienced enough with HC to come and make everybody believe that you know well what works in HC and what doesn't. " What about instantly killing Atziri's different phases with an elemental build optimized for another setup ? And not with mirror worthy gear. And : " As obvious as it is. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Nov 26, 2016, 12:07:58 AM
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" That would be one of many examples which put bladeflurry to good use, but funnily enough with 20 hits per second, pathfinders have their flasks charged nicely as well. " Yadda yadda. If you don't want to go all out on damage, no problem, doesn't make flurry any less OP. " Translation: Listing three skills that fulfill all the previously mentioned criteria is to difficult for you. By the way, if it's difficult to find a skill that can not do these things: " I'd say the game pretty nicely balanced, and melee obviously seems to have some sick tier 1 clearspeed skills that can keep up with casters easily, if what you say is correct, that is. As I was saying, by calling Bladeflurry "barely useable", while pretty much everybody who even remotely knows how to set up a decent build will disagree with you, you've disqualified yourself. [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.
But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. |
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Just zerged Malachai with these
Blade Flurry gem level 13. inc AoE + faster attacks + fortify + life leech. died a thousand times because 2k life is a great idea ... need more DPS, maybe change from Trickster to Assassin, but the potential is there. this skill will be nerfed. Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat Shadow: That was fun Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Nov 26, 2016, 2:23:09 AM
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As much as I agree that it needs to be nerfed, you are not really showing anything substantial.
I would put AS instead of physical dmg on the chaos claw btw. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Nov 26, 2016, 2:33:57 AM
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my plans for that claw are to multi-mod it and put all of the above.
just need ... ahem... an Exalt for that :( my point here is I was able to beat the final story boss with a low level, terribly-linked skill, wrong Ascendancy, and moderately-good but not amazing/meta weapons. and I probably wouldn't die if I actually had life and defenses, because this "melee" skill allowed me to be at least half a screen from him most of the time, leeching constantly. so how to put it? this thing is not balanced well, and that "melee" tag is where it all begins. this is like the much-bigger brother Reave calls, to beat someone up. btw Reave at least has the "downside" of starting at actual melee range. why not actually make real melee skills like Heavy Strike usable, and buffing tree/mechanical defenses for people who like to stare monsters in the eyes - instead of inventing "workarounds"? oh who am I kidding? GGG made a meta uber-broken skill and they will just nerf it next patch, like they did a hundred times already. no one from the team is going to get up at the team meeting, and say "guys maybe we should rework melee as a concept?". and if he does, he'll probably get a "no. sit down." from Chris. Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat Shadow: That was fun Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Nov 26, 2016, 3:23:05 AM
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You mentioned you died alot... so idk if that's good proof of it.
As for the AoE its short enough IMO. Comparable to unupgraded Spectral Throw. A Lower Damage Bonus for the consecutive stages should be satisfactory IMO. Just another Forum Signature in a Sea of Signatures.
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" Well I'm more concerned about those people killing Atziri with a lvl60 char and a mediocre dagger. Yes Mathil is likely an above average player and he exhausted all portals, but exspecially how quickly the Vaals and Trio died gave reason for concern. However a big step to balancing the skill would be fixing the exploit with Brightbeak. After that I don't think that massiv changes are needed until other areas are taken care of. I'm also not sure what exactly to change, a small otherall damage nerf would do the trick, but you could even bring this power for a full charge back, because honestly a big issue is that even a single charge is stronger than most other melee skills, while having 65% more attack speed. A single Charge deals 146,1% weapon damage, if you actually consider the increased AS uncharged Blade Flurry provides 241% weapon damage and that is simply too much. Considering how much more skills like Incinerate, Flameblast or Scorching Ray benefit from increased stages (50 - 110%), this is very low and means the skill is propably fine if you always assume 6 charges, which would put you at some danger, but since the skill is already better than any other skill if you don't charge it at all it runs into issues because it also makes the skill incredible safe to use. And we could even add numbers to this. We can just assume a 300dps 1h weapon, which is good, but not too powerful. Unique Claws end at around 280dps and binos gives about 240 with a nice Crit Chance. So getting a 300dps claw or dagger is doable, they should be under 10ex, maybe around 5 it depends on how much Blade Flurry increased the demand. With a 300dps weapon uncharged Blade Flurry has a dps of 723. A fully charged Blade Flurry reaches a dps of 1216. So of course there are stronger skills. A fully charged Blade Vortex has a base dps of 8800, which is far above that (and far above anything else). But Bladefall already only reaches 1188, and that is considering to parts of the AoE overlapp, which is mostly the case, while some small enemies only get hit by 1, while really big ones can be hit by 3. Essentially every other skill is far far behind that already, they often have a hard time surpassing uncharged Blade Flurry. And even if we compare it with other powerhouses like Flameblast the difference is not too big. An always fully charged Flameblast has a base dps of 1643. Just look at my Shadow, he has terrible equip and the two crit based supports aren't providing too much dps, I should switch them out for something good, but I'm lazy. It is kinda ridicolous how easy the game is with this build. Of course again the Brightbeak bug makes it even easier. But this char should not feel powerful. And I played similarly equipped chars with other skills some spells, some attacks and they are terrible. The last time I leveled a character with such terrible equip and kinda felt immortal was with Flame Totem and Incinerate, both skills required similar levels of investment. There are likely things I could improve, if I use Added Chaos Support instead of the crit ones my dps goes up even with a lvl1 gem and of course I could use Knockback to be pretty much ignore melee attackers. I actually used a 4l ES chest before but since I noticed that I instantly leech the HP back I switched to a tabula and added the two crit supports. So at least it already is an awesome leveling skill and I can totally see people using it right from the start due to how safe and simple it is. |
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I completely disagree with nerfing Blade Flurry's damage. I beleive boss deletion SHOULD be a melee feature. Rediculous clearspeed, and AoE/Ranged/kitting aspects should not. IMO blade flurry could use a drastic AoE nerf. Its AoE with Increased AoE gem should be as it currently is without it, and without the gem it should as it is now with conc effect, and with conc effect it should pretty much be point blank single target. And then buff all single targe melee gems to deal even more damage when being set upped without splash and nameloking to a boss. - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow Last edited by Poutsos#0458 on Nov 26, 2016, 9:37:52 AM
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