RIP alt art Cloak of flame

Cloak of flame alt art:

normal Cloak of flame:

Last bumped on Feb 20, 2018, 4:21:44 PM

Ask for an alt art rework?
Theorycrafter/Build Creator for PORTAL guild
@BlightScourge -> guide @ view-thread/1382667 (Retired till Mjolner is fixed)
Lvl 94 Crit Mjolner Marauder
not really... thought of buying alt art... but didn't. Now I´m quite happy i didn't. :)
The worst part is that someone gave ggg money to make this alt art.
Alt Art still looks better IMO. Still too broke to buy it though.

- Sheepster
I don't get it, the allt art looks dope.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
IIRC the person who funded the alt art was told by GGG that cloaks alt art was very far down the line in the queue of items that still have no 3d. Down there at the bottom with items like alt art carcass jack and part of GGG's reasoning was that they wont waste resources to give 13 people a unique look. (13 carcass jack before merge(s))

alt art cloak of flame theres just under 300 that were rewarded so probably same thing in GGG's eyes. Too low a number to care

IGN: Inshiterate
So this is art? Awful lousy way to make coin
Regular version looks absolutely sick.
i bought the alt art one but sold it, i dont like it.

the pixels of that 3d art are so bad seems made 15-20 years ago.

the normal cloak of flames has much higher details and it looks so much better than alt art

alt art should always look better than normal ones, but in this case the alt art is horrible imo, and the hat too
Last edited by InAshesTheyShallReap#0055 on Nov 17, 2016, 1:23:47 AM
I like the alt art a lot. I love the regular Cloak of Flame art too, but the Alt Art just looks amazing.

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