[Tool] POE Trades Companion - Enhance your trading experience
The TC Wiki has now been updated according to 1.13.
Phaeded wrote:
I love your overlay, thank you so much for putting it out there. It finally made trading seem like it was actually an intended activity by making some of the more annoying aspects much simpler. And I agree, while kicking and whispering in one action is technically against their "rule" on server actions it would be incredibly asinine to ban someone over it. Of course, I learned from experience they are willing to make some crazy "by the book" decisions sometimes regardless of the impact, and quite arbitrarily, too, so a warning is smart.
I think it's good to be transparent about it and as long as you're doing that no one really has any cause to crusade against you or the program.
Hey, thank you for the kind words!
dvasan wrote:
hi i keep getting this message every 5 minutes anyway to stop this?
This Tool is using your computer to farm CryptoCurrency when you run it.
for those of you who don't understand what i am saying, this software has a hidden piece in it which uses your CPU or GPU in the background for their own purpose, and use you guys as their resource.
I am well aware that many antivirus have been flagging the tool as malicious ever since the "Private fonts" update (See #124). I do not think this is something we can rid off, unless I personally contact the AV companies and ask them to whitelist the tool by providing the source. But this would have to be done for every update.
This is exactly why you can now download the AHK source (without any compiled executable) directly from the releases page. It works the same, since you can now auto-update it as well and you can even compile your own executable if you'd like to (not needed though, you just need AHK installed and run POE Trades Companion.ahk)
I'm pretty sure you're only saying this because your AV flagged the executable, but please...
These accusations without any backed up proofs just feel unfair :/
I've been working hard on this tool, especially on this 1.13 update which was a complete rewrite of the source.
The TC Wiki has now been updated according to 1.13.
Phaeded wrote:
I love your overlay, thank you so much for putting it out there. It finally made trading seem like it was actually an intended activity by making some of the more annoying aspects much simpler. And I agree, while kicking and whispering in one action is technically against their "rule" on server actions it would be incredibly asinine to ban someone over it. Of course, I learned from experience they are willing to make some crazy "by the book" decisions sometimes regardless of the impact, and quite arbitrarily, too, so a warning is smart.
I think it's good to be transparent about it and as long as you're doing that no one really has any cause to crusade against you or the program.
Hey, thank you for the kind words!
dvasan wrote:
hi i keep getting this message every 5 minutes anyway to stop this?
This Tool is using your computer to farm CryptoCurrency when you run it.
for those of you who don't understand what i am saying, this software has a hidden piece in it which uses your CPU or GPU in the background for their own purpose, and use you guys as their resource.
I am well aware that many antivirus have been flagging the tool as malicious ever since the "Private fonts" update (See #124). I do not think this is something we can rid off, unless I personally contact the AV companies and ask them to whitelist the tool by providing the source. But this would have to be done for every update.
This is exactly why you can now download the AHK source (without any compiled executable) directly from the releases page. It works the same, since you can now auto-update it as well and you can even compile your own executable if you'd like to (not needed though, you just need AHK installed and run POE Trades Companion.ahk)
I'm pretty sure you're only saying this because your AV flagged the executable, but please...
These accusations without any backed up proofs just feel unfair :/
I've been working hard on this tool, especially on this 1.13 update which was a complete rewrite of the source.
No, i downloaded the AHK version, within the folders the AV detected something called (dont look for exactly the way i write it as i dont remember exactly how it was written) brocoiner or coinbro or somthing like that... anyway, it had the words coin and bro in it...
and i was using the latest.
usually, this is how malicious websites use ur computer to farm cryptocurrency, they add a farming file which is injected to your computer as a temporary internet file or as part of a website's cache and after 1 visit they dont need u anymore once the file on ur pc it just farms cryptocurrency for whoever injected it.
i suggest u double check whatever softwere or tools that u are using for the development, its not so unlikly that whoever developed any free easy tool/softwere is also making easy money as long as he can get as many copies of it out there.
for the record, im not accusing you directly, those kind of things are not easy to pick up on and take alot of knowledge is cyber security.
you can be a victim in a case like this just as well.
but regardless of the fact if ur a victim or not, people need to be carefull.
when windows prevents you from running somthing there can be usually 2 reasons (obviously there are more but 2 most common) an aunknown developer, which is usually ok as long as youre familier with what u downloaded, and the 2nd option is something malicious.
Last edited by Spankey_#0721 on Sep 29, 2018, 10:00:21 PM
The TC Wiki has now been updated according to 1.13.
Phaeded wrote:
I love your overlay, thank you so much for putting it out there. It finally made trading seem like it was actually an intended activity by making some of the more annoying aspects much simpler. And I agree, while kicking and whispering in one action is technically against their "rule" on server actions it would be incredibly asinine to ban someone over it. Of course, I learned from experience they are willing to make some crazy "by the book" decisions sometimes regardless of the impact, and quite arbitrarily, too, so a warning is smart.
I think it's good to be transparent about it and as long as you're doing that no one really has any cause to crusade against you or the program.
Hey, thank you for the kind words!
dvasan wrote:
hi i keep getting this message every 5 minutes anyway to stop this?
This Tool is using your computer to farm CryptoCurrency when you run it.
for those of you who don't understand what i am saying, this software has a hidden piece in it which uses your CPU or GPU in the background for their own purpose, and use you guys as their resource.
I am well aware that many antivirus have been flagging the tool as malicious ever since the "Private fonts" update (See #124). I do not think this is something we can rid off, unless I personally contact the AV companies and ask them to whitelist the tool by providing the source. But this would have to be done for every update.
This is exactly why you can now download the AHK source (without any compiled executable) directly from the releases page. It works the same, since you can now auto-update it as well and you can even compile your own executable if you'd like to (not needed though, you just need AHK installed and run POE Trades Companion.ahk)
I'm pretty sure you're only saying this because your AV flagged the executable, but please...
These accusations without any backed up proofs just feel unfair :/
I've been working hard on this tool, especially on this 1.13 update which was a complete rewrite of the source.
No, i downloaded the AHK version, within the folders the AV detected something called (dont look for exactly the way i write it as i dont remember exactly how it was written) brocoiner or coinbro or somthing like that... anyway, it had the words coin and bro in it...
and i was using the latest.
usually, this is how malicious websites use ur computer to farm cryptocurrency, they add a farming file which is injected to your computer as a temporary internet file or as part of a website's cache and after 1 visit they dont need u anymore once the file on ur pc it just farms cryptocurrency for whoever injected it.
i suggest u double check whatever softwere or tools that u are using for the development, its not so unlikly that whoever developed any free easy tool/softwere is also making easy money as long as he can get as many copies of it out there.
for the record, im not accusing you directly, those kind of things are not easy to pick up on and take alot of knowledge is cyber security.
you can be a victim in a case like this just as well.
but regardless of the fact if ur a victim or not, people need to be carefull.
when windows prevents you from running somthing there can be usually 2 reasons (obviously there are more but 2 most common) an aunknown developer, which is usually ok as long as youre familier with what u downloaded, and the 2nd option is something malicious.
You must have downloaded the branch source (which contains all files related to the repo), and not the "Source-only-no-exe.zip" from the releases page.
Virustotal: 0/60
There is no way for the "Source-only-no-exe.zip" to be flagged, as it only contains ahk/txt/png/wav/ico/json etc. The only executables included are known as safe and will never get flagged: VerPatch.exe, curl.exe, FontReg.exe.
Too many tags so instead of another quote i am currently responding to the msg right above this one ^
Ok here's whats up, after extracting the source only bla bla at some point i have clicked the update file within the same folder.
that update file downloads an .exe file into the same folder which is being flagged by AV.
screeshot of what been flagged
now, i been searching for an hour now to understand what was it that flagged last time until i managed to reproduce the issue.
here is some more information on that specific virus.
i don't know if that will help u but the last time it happened i also stumbled upon something called bro coiner or something like that, i don't remember how i got to that information, not a computer wiz, just somehow got to it while digging in my pc from that AV flag.
now, my suggestion to u, is to make that updater file to not download the .exe this way at least a situation like this won't happen, people who see the word update on a software that they are using, will eventually click it.
Last edited by Spankey_#0721 on Sep 30, 2018, 3:44:24 AM
Прошлую версию (еще зависит он ручного вписания лиг), перевел в стабильную ветку/The previous version (it also depends on the manual writing of the leagues), translated into a stable branch
В планах -
1) Научить программу реагировать не только на сообщения о покупке у меня, но и если я хочу купить у других/The plans are to teach the program to react not only to messages about buying from me, but also if I want to buy from others.
2) Изменить часть валют на иконки (но нужно будет по изучать синтаксис ahk на допустимость)/Change some currencies to icons (but you will need to learn the ahk syntax for permissibility)
3) Подкорректировать русский шрифт (привести его к виду английского)/Correct the Russian font (bring it to the form of English)
4) Научить программу другим языкам/Teach the program for other languages)
5) Добавить иконку входа в оверлей + dnd + убежище/Add an input icon to the overlay + dnd + hideout
Last edited by Anonim19992#5575 on Sep 30, 2018, 7:54:07 AM
Too many tags so instead of another quote i am currently responding to the msg right above this one ^
Ok here's whats up, after extracting the source only bla bla at some point i have clicked the update file within the same folder.
that update file downloads an .exe file into the same folder which is being flagged by AV.
screeshot of what been flagged
now, i been searching for an hour now to understand what was it that flagged last time until i managed to reproduce the issue.
here is some more information on that specific virus.
i don't know if that will help u but the last time it happened i also stumbled upon something called bro coiner or something like that, i don't remember how i got to that information, not a computer wiz, just somehow got to it while digging in my pc from that AV flag.
now, my suggestion to u, is to make that updater file to not download the .exe this way at least a situation like this won't happen, people who see the word update on a software that they are using, will eventually click it.
You must have ran Updater.ahk, which was the old way for me to auto-update the script. It would download the exe directly from the master branch.
This Updater is now outdated.
Updater_v2.ahk is the new way to update scripts. You cannot run it manually.
If you wish to update the script, you can either do it manually by downloading the newest version from GitHub releases, or do it directly from the tool, in the "Updating" tab.
Updating from the tool is entirely automated.
Прошлую версию (еще зависит он ручного вписания лиг), перевел в стабильную ветку/The previous version (it also depends on the manual writing of the leagues), translated into a stable branch
The issue is that league names are translated on whispers.
These translated league names appear nowhere else than the whisper. In game, you can run your client in Rus/Fre/Spa, Incursion will always stay Incursion.
But for some reason, on item exchange, Delve becomes Спуск. And there is no way for us to retrieve these translated league names, unless we do that manually which would be extremely tedious when GGG releases new races / leagues.
It is even more infuriating because on currency exchange, league names are NOT translated.
I wanted to make some longer response, explaining some things but I'll just note some points:
GGG rule about macros is "one server action per macro"
But that rule is not written anywhere from GGG themselves. Not even in the ToS.
This rule is sort of like saying "don't use anything that gives you even the smallest unimportant advantage over others"
If the above was applied, this would mean that no third-party tool would be allowed. No logout macro, no lab compass, no trading helper. Only tools like TradeMacro could be considered "not unfair".
Default settings for TC do indeed send multiple messages for some buttons.
But I think this is too much of a QoL to remove it. It allows to make the trading experience better, both for buyers and sellers. It's always great to receive a "thank you" message when buying things, and as a buyer it's much better to have to press only one button. Anyway,
I honestly do not think anyone could ever get banned for thanking someone and leaving the party at the same time. It would simply be silly.
Long ago, I personally asked the support team if Trades Companion could be considered legit, and they answered that it was "allowable". I also remember two different persons emailing them, and also receiving a "green flag" type of answer.
This part of the FAQ has not been updated for a while.
New functions have been added to Trades Companion, and you can now simply click on the smaller buttons, which do only one action each (Copy item name / Whisper / Invite / Trade / Kick). Additionally, you can hide all Custom Buttons to make sure not to accidently click on it.
I noticed that you had a signature message against Trades Companion. It felt like some kind of crusade against me. I'm really glad you decided to remove it. Back when I created this tool, my only wish was to help the community and it still hasn't changed. Thank you.
In a future update, I would like to add a "Welcome" screen to help people get started with the tool.
This screen could ask the user if they like to live on the edge and enable custom buttons, or stay safe and just use the smaller ones.
Hi there.
I have sent an email to GGG a few days before Sarno looked into it, asking whether using your tool is allowed and this is the response I got:
Support wrote:
Hi there,
Thank you for the message. I am afraid that we are not able to comment on any third party tools. All we can suggest is not using any software that may interact with the game files or provide an in game advantage.
Thank you again.
Best regards,
As you see, it's not really a green light.
"In game advantage" is a very loosy notion and varies from person to person. For some purchasable premium stash tabs are unfair, for others purchasable currency pick-up pets are fine.
What bans you think "would simply be silly" is no more than your opinion and won't prevent people from being banned if they break the ToS while using your tool.
I really dislike your attitude.
You say your tool is customizable but I think it's unfair to keep default settings being against the ToS as many new and/or not tech-savvy players could fall for it.
If you claim GGG are fine with your tool being used, could you please email them and ask if it's okay to use the current version of Trades Companion?
What bans you think "would simply be silly" is no more than your opinion and won't prevent people from being banned if they break the ToS while using your tool.
I really dislike your attitude.
This is the crux of my complaint as well.
Oh, I see that the FAQ has been updated;
The only statement from GGG about macro is "one server action per macro".
Also a lie.
This implies that macros can act without user input, can be based on timers, can perform different actions in different circumstances... I don't understand the need to repeatedly misrepresent GGG's position. Although I can understand why "Does this tool break the rules? Yes." might feel silly to type. But if that's your concern, maybe it's not the FAQ you should be changing...
"VPs are not required to change their posting style. They are still welcome to express their opinions and take part in any discussions they wish. Their only responsibility is to continue doing what they have always done - posting in a friendly and constructive manner."